From d0b973cf6aed4a7cb705f706624d25b31d19ed52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: svncommit <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 07:54:14 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Bind cookie gotten over HTTPS to HTTPS only (#1485336).

 program/lib/MDB2/Driver/mysql.php | 1224 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 files changed, 999 insertions(+), 225 deletions(-)

diff --git a/program/lib/MDB2/Driver/mysql.php b/program/lib/MDB2/Driver/mysql.php
index 387512c..96210e4 100644
--- a/program/lib/MDB2/Driver/mysql.php
+++ b/program/lib/MDB2/Driver/mysql.php
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
 // | PHP versions 4 and 5                                                 |
 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Manuel Lemos, Tomas V.V.Cox,                 |
+// | Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Manuel Lemos, Tomas V.V.Cox,                 |
 // | Stig. S. Bakken, Lukas Smith                                         |
 // | All rights reserved.                                                 |
 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 // | Author: Lukas Smith <>                           |
 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// $Id$
+// $Id: mysql.php,v 1.208 2008/03/13 03:31:55 afz Exp $
@@ -56,14 +56,29 @@
 class MDB2_Driver_mysql extends MDB2_Driver_Common
     // {{{ properties
-    var $escape_quotes = "\\";
+    var $string_quoting = array('start' => "'", 'end' => "'", 'escape' => '\\', 'escape_pattern' => '\\');
+    var $identifier_quoting = array('start' => '`', 'end' => '`', 'escape' => '`');
+    var $sql_comments = array(
+        array('start' => '-- ', 'end' => "\n", 'escape' => false),
+        array('start' => '#', 'end' => "\n", 'escape' => false),
+        array('start' => '/*', 'end' => '*/', 'escape' => false),
+    );
+    var $server_capabilities_checked = false;
+    var $start_transaction = false;
+    var $varchar_max_length = 255;
     // }}}
     // {{{ constructor
-    * Constructor
-    */
+     * Constructor
+     */
     function __construct()
@@ -75,6 +90,7 @@
         $this->supported['indexes'] = true;
         $this->supported['affected_rows'] = true;
         $this->supported['transactions'] = false;
+        $this->supported['savepoints'] = false;
         $this->supported['summary_functions'] = true;
         $this->supported['order_by_text'] = true;
         $this->supported['current_id'] = 'emulated';
@@ -82,10 +98,75 @@
         $this->supported['LOBs'] = true;
         $this->supported['replace'] = true;
         $this->supported['sub_selects'] = 'emulated';
+        $this->supported['triggers'] = false;
         $this->supported['auto_increment'] = true;
         $this->supported['primary_key'] = true;
+        $this->supported['result_introspection'] = true;
+        $this->supported['prepared_statements'] = 'emulated';
+        $this->supported['identifier_quoting'] = true;
+        $this->supported['pattern_escaping'] = true;
+        $this->supported['new_link'] = true;
-        $this->options['default_table_type'] = null;
+        $this->options['DBA_username'] = false;
+        $this->options['DBA_password'] = false;
+        $this->options['default_table_type'] = '';
+        $this->options['max_identifiers_length'] = 64;
+        $this->_reCheckSupportedOptions();
+    }
+    // }}}
+    // {{{ _reCheckSupportedOptions()
+    /**
+     * If the user changes certain options, other capabilities may depend
+     * on the new settings, so we need to check them (again).
+     *
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _reCheckSupportedOptions()
+    {
+        $this->supported['transactions'] = $this->options['use_transactions'];
+        $this->supported['savepoints']   = $this->options['use_transactions'];
+        if ($this->options['default_table_type']) {
+            switch (strtoupper($this->options['default_table_type'])) {
+            case 'BLACKHOLE':
+            case 'MEMORY':
+            case 'ARCHIVE':
+            case 'CSV':
+            case 'HEAP':
+            case 'ISAM':
+            case 'MERGE':
+            case 'MRG_ISAM':
+            case 'ISAM':
+            case 'MRG_MYISAM':
+            case 'MYISAM':
+                $this->supported['savepoints']   = false;
+                $this->supported['transactions'] = false;
+                $this->warnings[] = $this->options['default_table_type'] .
+                    ' is not a supported default table type';
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // }}}
+    // {{{ function setOption($option, $value)
+    /**
+     * set the option for the db class
+     *
+     * @param   string  option name
+     * @param   mixed   value for the option
+     *
+     * @return  mixed   MDB2_OK or MDB2 Error Object
+     *
+     * @access  public
+     */
+    function setOption($option, $value)
+    {
+        $res = parent::setOption($option, $value);
+        $this->_reCheckSupportedOptions();
     // }}}
@@ -111,29 +192,72 @@
             static $ecode_map;
             if (empty($ecode_map)) {
                 $ecode_map = array(
+                    1000 => MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, //hashchk
+                    1001 => MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, //isamchk
                     1004 => MDB2_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE,
                     1005 => MDB2_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE,
                     1006 => MDB2_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE,
                     1007 => MDB2_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS,
                     1008 => MDB2_ERROR_CANNOT_DROP,
+                    1009 => MDB2_ERROR_CANNOT_DROP,
+                    1010 => MDB2_ERROR_CANNOT_DROP,
+                    1011 => MDB2_ERROR_CANNOT_DELETE,
                     1022 => MDB2_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS,
+                    1029 => MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND,
+                    1032 => MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND,
                     1044 => MDB2_ERROR_ACCESS_VIOLATION,
+                    1045 => MDB2_ERROR_ACCESS_VIOLATION,
                     1046 => MDB2_ERROR_NODBSELECTED,
                     1048 => MDB2_ERROR_CONSTRAINT,
                     1049 => MDB2_ERROR_NOSUCHDB,
                     1050 => MDB2_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS,
                     1051 => MDB2_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE,
                     1054 => MDB2_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD,
+                    1060 => MDB2_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS,
                     1061 => MDB2_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS,
                     1062 => MDB2_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS,
                     1064 => MDB2_ERROR_SYNTAX,
+                    1067 => MDB2_ERROR_INVALID,
+                    1072 => MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND,
+                    1086 => MDB2_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS,
                     1091 => MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND,
                     1100 => MDB2_ERROR_NOT_LOCKED,
+                    1109 => MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND,
+                    1125 => MDB2_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS,
                     1136 => MDB2_ERROR_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW,
+                    1138 => MDB2_ERROR_INVALID,
                     1142 => MDB2_ERROR_ACCESS_VIOLATION,
+                    1143 => MDB2_ERROR_ACCESS_VIOLATION,
                     1146 => MDB2_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE,
+                    1149 => MDB2_ERROR_SYNTAX,
+                    1169 => MDB2_ERROR_CONSTRAINT,
+                    1176 => MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND,
+                    1177 => MDB2_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE,
+                    1213 => MDB2_ERROR_DEADLOCK,
                     1216 => MDB2_ERROR_CONSTRAINT,
                     1217 => MDB2_ERROR_CONSTRAINT,
+                    1227 => MDB2_ERROR_ACCESS_VIOLATION,
+                    1235 => MDB2_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE,
+                    1299 => MDB2_ERROR_INVALID_DATE,
+                    1300 => MDB2_ERROR_INVALID,
+                    1304 => MDB2_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS,
+                    1305 => MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND,
+                    1306 => MDB2_ERROR_CANNOT_DROP,
+                    1307 => MDB2_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE,
+                    1334 => MDB2_ERROR_CANNOT_ALTER,
+                    1339 => MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND,
+                    1356 => MDB2_ERROR_INVALID,
+                    1359 => MDB2_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS,
+                    1360 => MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND,
+                    1363 => MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND,
+                    1365 => MDB2_ERROR_DIVZERO,
+                    1451 => MDB2_ERROR_CONSTRAINT,
+                    1452 => MDB2_ERROR_CONSTRAINT,
+                    1542 => MDB2_ERROR_CANNOT_DROP,
+                    1546 => MDB2_ERROR_CONSTRAINT,
+                    1582 => MDB2_ERROR_CONSTRAINT,
+                    2003 => MDB2_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED,
+                    2019 => MDB2_ERROR_INVALID,
             if ($this->options['portability'] & MDB2_PORTABILITY_ERRORS) {
@@ -160,62 +284,61 @@
      * Quotes a string so it can be safely used in a query. It will quote
      * the text so it can safely be used within a query.
-     * @param string $text the input string to quote
-     * @return string quoted string
-     * @access public
+     * @param   string  the input string to quote
+     * @param   bool    escape wildcards
+     *
+     * @return  string  quoted string
+     *
+     * @access  public
-    function escape($text)
+    function escape($text, $escape_wildcards = false)
-        return @mysql_real_escape_string($text);
-    }
-    // }}}
-    // {{{ quoteIdentifier()
-    /**
-     * Quote a string so it can be safely used as a table or column name
-     *
-     * Quoting style depends on which database driver is being used.
-     *
-     * MySQL can't handle the backtick character (<kbd>`</kbd>) in
-     * table or column names.
-     *
-     * @param string $str  identifier name to be quoted
-     *
-     * @return string  quoted identifier string
-     *
-     * @access public
-     * @internal
-     */
-    function quoteIdentifier($str)
-    {
-        return '`' . $str . '`';
+        if ($escape_wildcards) {
+            $text = $this->escapePattern($text);
+        }
+        $connection = $this->getConnection();
+        if (PEAR::isError($connection)) {
+            return $connection;
+        }
+        $text = @mysql_real_escape_string($text, $connection);
+        return $text;
     // }}}
     // {{{ beginTransaction()
-     * Start a transaction.
+     * Start a transaction or set a savepoint.
-     * @return mixed MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
-     * @access public
+     * @param   string  name of a savepoint to set
+     * @return  mixed   MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
+     *
+     * @access  public
-    function beginTransaction()
+    function beginTransaction($savepoint = null)
-        $this->debug('starting transaction', 'beginTransaction');
-        if (!$this->supports('transactions')) {
-            return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null, null,
-                'beginTransaction: transactions are not in use');
-        }
-        if ($this->in_transaction) {
+        $this->debug('Starting transaction/savepoint', __FUNCTION__, array('is_manip' => true, 'savepoint' => $savepoint));
+        $this->_getServerCapabilities();
+        if (!is_null($savepoint)) {
+            if (!$this->supports('savepoints')) {
+                return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null, null,
+                    'savepoints are not supported', __FUNCTION__);
+            }
+            if (!$this->in_transaction) {
+                return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
+                    'savepoint cannot be released when changes are auto committed', __FUNCTION__);
+            }
+            $query = 'SAVEPOINT '.$savepoint;
+            return $this->_doQuery($query, true);
+        } elseif ($this->in_transaction) {
             return MDB2_OK;  //nothing to do
         if (!$this->destructor_registered && $this->opened_persistent) {
             $this->destructor_registered = true;
-        $result = $this->_doQuery('SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0', true);
+        $query = $this->start_transaction ? 'START TRANSACTION' : 'SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1';
+        $result =& $this->_doQuery($query, true);
         if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
             return $result;
@@ -228,29 +351,50 @@
      * Commit the database changes done during a transaction that is in
-     * progress.
+     * progress or release a savepoint. This function may only be called when
+     * auto-committing is disabled, otherwise it will fail. Therefore, a new
+     * transaction is implicitly started after committing the pending changes.
-     * @return mixed MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
-     * @access public
+     * @param   string  name of a savepoint to release
+     * @return  mixed   MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
+     *
+     * @access  public
-    function commit()
+    function commit($savepoint = null)
-        $this->debug('commit transaction', 'commit');
+        $this->debug('Committing transaction/savepoint', __FUNCTION__, array('is_manip' => true, 'savepoint' => $savepoint));
+        if (!$this->in_transaction) {
+            return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
+                'commit/release savepoint cannot be done changes are auto committed', __FUNCTION__);
+        }
+        if (!is_null($savepoint)) {
+            if (!$this->supports('savepoints')) {
+                return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null, null,
+                    'savepoints are not supported', __FUNCTION__);
+            }
+            $server_info = $this->getServerVersion();
+            if (version_compare($server_info['major'].'.'.$server_info['minor'].'.'.$server_info['patch'], '5.0.3', '<')) {
+                return MDB2_OK;
+            }
+            $query = 'RELEASE SAVEPOINT '.$savepoint;
+            return $this->_doQuery($query, true);
+        }
         if (!$this->supports('transactions')) {
             return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null, null,
-                'commit: transactions are not in use');
+                'transactions are not supported', __FUNCTION__);
-        if (!$this->in_transaction) {
-            return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR, null, null,
-                'commit: transaction changes are being auto committed');
-        }
-        $result = $this->_doQuery('COMMIT', true);
+        $result =& $this->_doQuery('COMMIT', true);
         if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
             return $result;
-        $result = $this->_doQuery('SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1', true);
-        if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
-            return $result;
+        if (!$this->start_transaction) {
+            $query = 'SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0';
+            $result =& $this->_doQuery($query, true);
+            if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
+                return $result;
+            }
         $this->in_transaction = false;
         return MDB2_OK;
@@ -260,58 +404,100 @@
     // {{{ rollback()
-     * Cancel any database changes done during a transaction that is in
-     * progress.
+     * Cancel any database changes done during a transaction or since a specific
+     * savepoint that is in progress. This function may only be called when
+     * auto-committing is disabled, otherwise it will fail. Therefore, a new
+     * transaction is implicitly started after canceling the pending changes.
-     * @return mixed MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
-     * @access public
+     * @param   string  name of a savepoint to rollback to
+     * @return  mixed   MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
+     *
+     * @access  public
-    function rollback()
+    function rollback($savepoint = null)
-        $this->debug('rolling back transaction', 'rollback');
-        if (!$this->supports('transactions')) {
-            return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null, null,
-                'rollback: transactions are not in use');
-        }
+        $this->debug('Rolling back transaction/savepoint', __FUNCTION__, array('is_manip' => true, 'savepoint' => $savepoint));
         if (!$this->in_transaction) {
-            return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR, null, null,
-                'rollback: transactions can not be rolled back when changes are auto committed');
+            return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
+                'rollback cannot be done changes are auto committed', __FUNCTION__);
-        $result = $this->_doQuery('ROLLBACK', true);
+        if (!is_null($savepoint)) {
+            if (!$this->supports('savepoints')) {
+                return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null, null,
+                    'savepoints are not supported', __FUNCTION__);
+            }
+            $query = 'ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT '.$savepoint;
+            return $this->_doQuery($query, true);
+        }
+        $query = 'ROLLBACK';
+        $result =& $this->_doQuery($query, true);
         if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
             return $result;
-        $result = $this->_doQuery('SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1', true);
-        if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
-            return $result;
+        if (!$this->start_transaction) {
+            $query = 'SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0';
+            $result =& $this->_doQuery($query, true);
+            if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
+                return $result;
+            }
         $this->in_transaction = false;
         return MDB2_OK;
     // }}}
-    // {{{ connect()
+    // {{{ function setTransactionIsolation()
-     * Connect to the database
+     * Set the transacton isolation level.
-     * @return true on success, MDB2 Error Object on failure
+     * @param   string  standard isolation level
+     *                  READ UNCOMMITTED (allows dirty reads)
+     *                  READ COMMITTED (prevents dirty reads)
+     *                  REPEATABLE READ (prevents nonrepeatable reads)
+     *                  SERIALIZABLE (prevents phantom reads)
+     * @return  mixed   MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
+     *
+     * @access  public
+     * @since   2.1.1
-    function connect()
+    function setTransactionIsolation($isolation)
-        if (is_resource($this->connection)) {
-            if (count(array_diff($this->connected_dsn, $this->dsn)) == 0
-                && $this->opened_persistent == $this->options['persistent']
-            ) {
-                return MDB2_OK;
-            }
-            $this->disconnect(false);
+        $this->debug('Setting transaction isolation level', __FUNCTION__, array('is_manip' => true));
+        if (!$this->supports('transactions')) {
+            return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null, null,
+                'transactions are not supported', __FUNCTION__);
+        }
+        switch ($isolation) {
+        case 'READ UNCOMMITTED':
+        case 'READ COMMITTED':
+        case 'REPEATABLE READ':
+        case 'SERIALIZABLE':
+            break;
+        default:
+            return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null, null,
+                'isolation level is not supported: '.$isolation, __FUNCTION__);
+        $query = "SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL $isolation";
+        return $this->_doQuery($query, true);
+    }
+    // }}}
+    // {{{ _doConnect()
+    /**
+     * do the grunt work of the connect
+     *
+     * @return connection on success or MDB2 Error Object on failure
+     * @access protected
+     */
+    function _doConnect($username, $password, $persistent = false)
+    {
         if (!PEAR::loadExtension($this->phptype)) {
             return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, null, null,
-                'connect: extension '.$this->phptype.' is not compiled into PHP');
+                'extension '.$this->phptype.' is not compiled into PHP', __FUNCTION__);
         $params = array();
@@ -324,9 +510,9 @@
                 $params[0].= ':' . $this->dsn['port'];
-        $params[] = $this->dsn['username'] ? $this->dsn['username'] : null;
-        $params[] = $this->dsn['password'] ? $this->dsn['password'] : null;
-        if (!$this->options['persistent']) {
+        $params[] = $username ? $username : null;
+        $params[] = $password ? $password : null;
+        if (!$persistent) {
             if (isset($this->dsn['new_link'])
                 && ($this->dsn['new_link'] == 'true' || $this->dsn['new_link'] === true)
             ) {
@@ -339,19 +525,58 @@
             $params[] = isset($this->dsn['client_flags'])
                 ? $this->dsn['client_flags'] : null;
+        $connect_function = $persistent ? 'mysql_pconnect' : 'mysql_connect';
-        $connect_function = $this->options['persistent'] ? 'mysql_pconnect' : 'mysql_connect';
-        @ini_set('track_errors', true);
-        $php_errormsg = '';
         $connection = @call_user_func_array($connect_function, $params);
-        @ini_restore('track_errors');
         if (!$connection) {
             if (($err = @mysql_error()) != '') {
-                return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED, null, null, $err);
+                return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED, null, null,
+                    $err, __FUNCTION__);
             } else {
-                return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED, null, null, $php_errormsg);
+                return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED, null, null,
+                    'unable to establish a connection', __FUNCTION__);
+        }
+        if (!empty($this->dsn['charset'])) {
+            $result = $this->setCharset($this->dsn['charset'], $connection);
+            if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
+                $this->disconnect(false);
+                return $result;
+            }
+        }
+        return $connection;
+    }
+    // }}}
+    // {{{ connect()
+    /**
+     * Connect to the database
+     *
+     * @return MDB2_OK on success, MDB2 Error Object on failure
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function connect()
+    {
+        if (is_resource($this->connection)) {
+            //if (count(array_diff($this->connected_dsn, $this->dsn)) == 0
+            if (MDB2::areEquals($this->connected_dsn, $this->dsn)
+                && $this->opened_persistent == $this->options['persistent']
+            ) {
+                return MDB2_OK;
+            }
+            $this->disconnect(false);
+        }
+        $connection = $this->_doConnect(
+            $this->dsn['username'],
+            $this->dsn['password'],
+            $this->options['persistent']
+        );
+        if (PEAR::isError($connection)) {
+            return $connection;
         $this->connection = $connection;
@@ -360,36 +585,77 @@
         $this->opened_persistent = $this->options['persistent'];
         $this->dbsyntax = $this->dsn['dbsyntax'] ? $this->dsn['dbsyntax'] : $this->phptype;
-        $this->supported['transactions'] = false;
-        if ($this->options['default_table_type']) {
-            switch (strtoupper($this->options['default_table_type'])) {
-            case 'BERKELEYDB':
-                $this->options['default_table_type'] = 'BDB';
-            case 'BDB':
-            case 'INNODB':
-            case 'GEMINI':
-                $this->supported['transactions'] = true;
-                break;
-            case 'HEAP':
-            case 'ISAM':
-            case 'MERGE':
-            case 'MRG_MYISAM':
-            case 'MYISAM':
-                break;
-            default:
-                $this->warnings[] = $default_table_type.
-                    ' is not a supported default table type';
+        if ($this->database_name) {
+            if ($this->database_name != $this->connected_database_name) {
+                if (!@mysql_select_db($this->database_name, $connection)) {
+                    $err = $this->raiseError(null, null, null,
+                        'Could not select the database: '.$this->database_name, __FUNCTION__);
+                    return $err;
+                }
+                $this->connected_database_name = $this->database_name;
-        if ($this->options['use_transactions'] && !$this->supports('transactions')) {
-            $this->warnings[] = $this->options['default_table_type'].
-                ' is not a transaction-safe default table type; switched to INNODB';
-            $this->options['default_table_type'] = 'INNODB';
-            $this->supported['transactions'] = true;
-        }
+        $this->_getServerCapabilities();
         return MDB2_OK;
+    }
+    // }}}
+    // {{{ setCharset()
+    /**
+     * Set the charset on the current connection
+     *
+     * @param string    charset (or array(charset, collation))
+     * @param resource  connection handle
+     *
+     * @return true on success, MDB2 Error Object on failure
+     */
+    function setCharset($charset, $connection = null)
+    {
+        if (is_null($connection)) {
+            $connection = $this->getConnection();
+            if (PEAR::isError($connection)) {
+                return $connection;
+            }
+        }
+        $collation = null;
+        if (is_array($charset) && 2 == count($charset)) {
+            $collation = array_pop($charset);
+            $charset   = array_pop($charset);
+        }
+        $query = "SET NAMES '".mysql_real_escape_string($charset, $connection)."'";
+        if (!is_null($collation)) {
+            $query .= " COLLATE '".mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $collation)."'";
+        }
+        return $this->_doQuery($query, true, $connection);
+    }
+    // }}}
+    // {{{ databaseExists()
+    /**
+     * check if given database name is exists?
+     *
+     * @param string $name    name of the database that should be checked
+     *
+     * @return mixed true/false on success, a MDB2 error on failure
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function databaseExists($name)
+    {
+        $connection = $this->_doConnect($this->dsn['username'],
+                                        $this->dsn['password'],
+                                        $this->options['persistent']);
+        if (PEAR::isError($connection)) {
+            return $connection;
+        }
+        $result = @mysql_select_db($name, $connection);
+        @mysql_close($connection);
+        return $result;
     // }}}
@@ -398,6 +664,8 @@
      * Log out and disconnect from the database.
+     * @param  boolean $force if the disconnect should be forced even if the
+     *                        connection is opened persistently
      * @return mixed true on success, false if not connected and error
      *                object on error
      * @access public
@@ -405,12 +673,60 @@
     function disconnect($force = true)
         if (is_resource($this->connection)) {
+            if ($this->in_transaction) {
+                $dsn = $this->dsn;
+                $database_name = $this->database_name;
+                $persistent = $this->options['persistent'];
+                $this->dsn = $this->connected_dsn;
+                $this->database_name = $this->connected_database_name;
+                $this->options['persistent'] = $this->opened_persistent;
+                $this->rollback();
+                $this->dsn = $dsn;
+                $this->database_name = $database_name;
+                $this->options['persistent'] = $persistent;
+            }
             if (!$this->opened_persistent || $force) {
-            $this->connection = 0;
-        return MDB2_OK;
+        return parent::disconnect($force);
+    }
+    // }}}
+    // {{{ standaloneQuery()
+   /**
+     * execute a query as DBA
+     *
+     * @param string $query the SQL query
+     * @param mixed   $types  array that contains the types of the columns in
+     *                        the result set
+     * @param boolean $is_manip  if the query is a manipulation query
+     * @return mixed MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function &standaloneQuery($query, $types = null, $is_manip = false)
+    {
+        $user = $this->options['DBA_username']? $this->options['DBA_username'] : $this->dsn['username'];
+        $pass = $this->options['DBA_password']? $this->options['DBA_password'] : $this->dsn['password'];
+        $connection = $this->_doConnect($user, $pass, $this->options['persistent']);
+        if (PEAR::isError($connection)) {
+            return $connection;
+        }
+        $offset = $this->offset;
+        $limit = $this->limit;
+        $this->offset = $this->limit = 0;
+        $query = $this->_modifyQuery($query, $is_manip, $limit, $offset);
+        $result =& $this->_doQuery($query, $is_manip, $connection, $this->database_name);
+        if (!PEAR::isError($result)) {
+            $result = $this->_affectedRows($connection, $result);
+        }
+        @mysql_close($connection);
+        return $result;
     // }}}
@@ -419,29 +735,32 @@
      * Execute a query
      * @param string $query  query
-     * @param boolean $isManip  if the query is a manipulation query
+     * @param boolean $is_manip  if the query is a manipulation query
      * @param resource $connection
      * @param string $database_name
      * @return result or error object
      * @access protected
-    function _doQuery($query, $isManip = false, $connection = null, $database_name = null)
+    function &_doQuery($query, $is_manip = false, $connection = null, $database_name = null)
         $this->last_query = $query;
-        $this->debug($query, 'query');
-        if ($this->options['disable_query']) {
-            if ($isManip) {
-                return 0;
+        $result = $this->debug($query, 'query', array('is_manip' => $is_manip, 'when' => 'pre'));
+        if ($result) {
+            if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
+                return $result;
-            return null;
+            $query = $result;
+        }
+        if ($this->options['disable_query']) {
+            $result = $is_manip ? 0 : null;
+            return $result;
         if (is_null($connection)) {
-            $err = $this->connect();
-            if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
-                return $err;
+            $connection = $this->getConnection();
+            if (PEAR::isError($connection)) {
+                return $connection;
-            $connection = $this->connection;
         if (is_null($database_name)) {
             $database_name = $this->database_name;
@@ -450,7 +769,9 @@
         if ($database_name) {
             if ($database_name != $this->connected_database_name) {
                 if (!@mysql_select_db($database_name, $connection)) {
-                    return $this->raiseError();
+                    $err = $this->raiseError(null, null, null,
+                        'Could not select the database: '.$database_name, __FUNCTION__);
+                    return $err;
                 $this->connected_database_name = $database_name;
@@ -460,13 +781,35 @@
             ? 'mysql_query' : 'mysql_unbuffered_query';
         $result = @$function($query, $connection);
         if (!$result) {
-            return $this->raiseError();
+            $err =& $this->raiseError(null, null, null,
+                'Could not execute statement', __FUNCTION__);
+            return $err;
-        if ($isManip) {
-            return @mysql_affected_rows($connection);
-        }
+        $this->debug($query, 'query', array('is_manip' => $is_manip, 'when' => 'post', 'result' => $result));
         return $result;
+    }
+    // }}}
+    // {{{ _affectedRows()
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of rows affected
+     *
+     * @param resource $result
+     * @param resource $connection
+     * @return mixed MDB2 Error Object or the number of rows affected
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _affectedRows($connection, $result = null)
+    {
+        if (is_null($connection)) {
+            $connection = $this->getConnection();
+            if (PEAR::isError($connection)) {
+                return $connection;
+            }
+        }
+        return @mysql_affected_rows($connection);
     // }}}
@@ -476,10 +819,13 @@
      * Changes a query string for various DBMS specific reasons
      * @param string $query  query to modify
-     * @return the new (modified) query
+     * @param boolean $is_manip  if it is a DML query
+     * @param integer $limit  limit the number of rows
+     * @param integer $offset  start reading from given offset
+     * @return string modified query
      * @access protected
-    function _modifyQuery($query, $isManip, $limit, $offset)
+    function _modifyQuery($query, $is_manip, $limit, $offset)
         if ($this->options['portability'] & MDB2_PORTABILITY_DELETE_COUNT) {
             // "DELETE FROM table" gives 0 affected rows in MySQL.
@@ -490,19 +836,286 @@
         if ($limit > 0
-            && !preg_match('/LIMIT\s*\d(\s*(,|OFFSET)\s*\d+)?/i', $query)
+            && !preg_match('/LIMIT\s*\d(?:\s*(?:,|OFFSET)\s*\d+)?(?:[^\)]*)?$/i', $query)
         ) {
             $query = rtrim($query);
             if (substr($query, -1) == ';') {
                 $query = substr($query, 0, -1);
-            if ($isManip) {
-                return $query . " LIMIT $limit";
+            // LIMIT doesn't always come last in the query
+            // @see
+            $after = '';
+            if (preg_match('/(\s+INTO\s+(?:OUT|DUMP)FILE\s.*)$/ims', $query, $matches)) {
+                $after = $matches[0];
+                $query = preg_replace('/(\s+INTO\s+(?:OUT|DUMP)FILE\s.*)$/ims', '', $query);
+            } elseif (preg_match('/(\s+FOR\s+UPDATE\s*)$/i', $query, $matches)) {
+               $after = $matches[0];
+               $query = preg_replace('/(\s+FOR\s+UPDATE\s*)$/im', '', $query);
+            } elseif (preg_match('/(\s+LOCK\s+IN\s+SHARE\s+MODE\s*)$/im', $query, $matches)) {
+               $after = $matches[0];
+               $query = preg_replace('/(\s+LOCK\s+IN\s+SHARE\s+MODE\s*)$/im', '', $query);
+            }
+            if ($is_manip) {
+                return $query . " LIMIT $limit" . $after;
             } else {
-                return $query . " LIMIT $offset, $limit";
+                return $query . " LIMIT $offset, $limit" . $after;
         return $query;
+    }
+    // }}}
+    // {{{ getServerVersion()
+    /**
+     * return version information about the server
+     *
+     * @param bool   $native  determines if the raw version string should be returned
+     * @return mixed array/string with version information or MDB2 error object
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function getServerVersion($native = false)
+    {
+        $connection = $this->getConnection();
+        if (PEAR::isError($connection)) {
+            return $connection;
+        }
+        if ($this->connected_server_info) {
+            $server_info = $this->connected_server_info;
+        } else {
+            $server_info = @mysql_get_server_info($connection);
+        }
+        if (!$server_info) {
+            return $this->raiseError(null, null, null,
+                'Could not get server information', __FUNCTION__);
+        }
+        // cache server_info
+        $this->connected_server_info = $server_info;
+        if (!$native) {
+            $tmp = explode('.', $server_info, 3);
+            if (isset($tmp[2]) && strpos($tmp[2], '-')) {
+                $tmp2 = explode('-', @$tmp[2], 2);
+            } else {
+                $tmp2[0] = isset($tmp[2]) ? $tmp[2] : null;
+                $tmp2[1] = null;
+            }
+            $server_info = array(
+                'major' => isset($tmp[0]) ? $tmp[0] : null,
+                'minor' => isset($tmp[1]) ? $tmp[1] : null,
+                'patch' => $tmp2[0],
+                'extra' => $tmp2[1],
+                'native' => $server_info,
+            );
+        }
+        return $server_info;
+    }
+    // }}}
+    // {{{ _getServerCapabilities()
+    /**
+     * Fetch some information about the server capabilities
+     * (transactions, subselects, prepared statements, etc).
+     *
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _getServerCapabilities()
+    {
+        if (!$this->server_capabilities_checked) {
+            $this->server_capabilities_checked = true;
+            //set defaults
+            $this->supported['sub_selects'] = 'emulated';
+            $this->supported['prepared_statements'] = 'emulated';
+            $this->supported['triggers'] = false;
+            $this->start_transaction = false;
+            $this->varchar_max_length = 255;
+            $server_info = $this->getServerVersion();
+            if (is_array($server_info)) {
+                $server_version = $server_info['major'].'.'.$server_info['minor'].'.'.$server_info['patch'];
+                if (!version_compare($server_version, '4.1.0', '<')) {
+                    $this->supported['sub_selects'] = true;
+                    $this->supported['prepared_statements'] = true;
+                }
+                // SAVEPOINTs were introduced in MySQL 4.0.14 and 4.1.1 (InnoDB)
+                if (version_compare($server_version, '4.1.0', '>=')) {
+                    if (version_compare($server_version, '4.1.1', '<')) {
+                        $this->supported['savepoints'] = false;
+                    }
+                } elseif (version_compare($server_version, '4.0.14', '<')) {
+                    $this->supported['savepoints'] = false;
+                }
+                if (!version_compare($server_version, '4.0.11', '<')) {
+                    $this->start_transaction = true;
+                }
+                if (!version_compare($server_version, '5.0.3', '<')) {
+                    $this->varchar_max_length = 65532;
+                }
+                if (!version_compare($server_version, '5.0.2', '<')) {
+                    $this->supported['triggers'] = true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // }}}
+    // {{{ function _skipUserDefinedVariable($query, $position)
+    /**
+     * Utility method, used by prepare() to avoid misinterpreting MySQL user 
+     * defined variables (SELECT @x:=5) for placeholders.
+     * Check if the placeholder is a false positive, i.e. if it is an user defined
+     * variable instead. If so, skip it and advance the position, otherwise
+     * return the current position, which is valid
+     *
+     * @param string $query
+     * @param integer $position current string cursor position
+     * @return integer $new_position
+     * @access protected
+     */
+    function _skipUserDefinedVariable($query, $position)
+    {
+        $found = strpos(strrev(substr($query, 0, $position)), '@');
+        if ($found === false) {
+            return $position;
+        }
+        $pos = strlen($query) - strlen(substr($query, $position)) - $found - 1;
+        $substring = substr($query, $pos, $position - $pos + 2);
+        if (preg_match('/^@\w+\s*:=$/', $substring)) {
+            return $position + 1; //found an user defined variable: skip it
+        }
+        return $position;
+    }
+    // }}}
+    // {{{ prepare()
+    /**
+     * Prepares a query for multiple execution with execute().
+     * With some database backends, this is emulated.
+     * prepare() requires a generic query as string like
+     * 'INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(?,?)' or
+     * 'INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(:foo,:bar)'.
+     * The ? and :name and are placeholders which can be set using
+     * bindParam() and the query can be sent off using the execute() method.
+     * The allowed format for :name can be set with the 'bindname_format' option.
+     *
+     * @param string $query the query to prepare
+     * @param mixed   $types  array that contains the types of the placeholders
+     * @param mixed   $result_types  array that contains the types of the columns in
+     *                        the result set or MDB2_PREPARE_RESULT, if set to
+     *                        MDB2_PREPARE_MANIP the query is handled as a manipulation query
+     * @param mixed   $lobs   key (field) value (parameter) pair for all lob placeholders
+     * @return mixed resource handle for the prepared query on success, a MDB2
+     *        error on failure
+     * @access public
+     * @see bindParam, execute
+     */
+    function &prepare($query, $types = null, $result_types = null, $lobs = array())
+    {
+        if ($this->options['emulate_prepared']
+            || $this->supported['prepared_statements'] !== true
+        ) {
+            $obj =& parent::prepare($query, $types, $result_types, $lobs);
+            return $obj;
+        }
+        $is_manip = ($result_types === MDB2_PREPARE_MANIP);
+        $offset = $this->offset;
+        $limit = $this->limit;
+        $this->offset = $this->limit = 0;
+        $query = $this->_modifyQuery($query, $is_manip, $limit, $offset);
+        $result = $this->debug($query, __FUNCTION__, array('is_manip' => $is_manip, 'when' => 'pre'));
+        if ($result) {
+            if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
+                return $result;
+            }
+            $query = $result;
+        }
+        $placeholder_type_guess = $placeholder_type = null;
+        $question = '?';
+        $colon = ':';
+        $positions = array();
+        $position = 0;
+        while ($position < strlen($query)) {
+            $q_position = strpos($query, $question, $position);
+            $c_position = strpos($query, $colon, $position);
+            if ($q_position && $c_position) {
+                $p_position = min($q_position, $c_position);
+            } elseif ($q_position) {
+                $p_position = $q_position;
+            } elseif ($c_position) {
+                $p_position = $c_position;
+            } else {
+                break;
+            }
+            if (is_null($placeholder_type)) {
+                $placeholder_type_guess = $query[$p_position];
+            }
+            $new_pos = $this->_skipDelimitedStrings($query, $position, $p_position);
+            if (PEAR::isError($new_pos)) {
+                return $new_pos;
+            }
+            if ($new_pos != $position) {
+                $position = $new_pos;
+                continue; //evaluate again starting from the new position
+            }
+            //make sure this is not part of an user defined variable
+            $new_pos = $this->_skipUserDefinedVariable($query, $position);
+            if ($new_pos != $position) {
+                $position = $new_pos;
+                continue; //evaluate again starting from the new position
+            }
+            if ($query[$position] == $placeholder_type_guess) {
+                if (is_null($placeholder_type)) {
+                    $placeholder_type = $query[$p_position];
+                    $question = $colon = $placeholder_type;
+                }
+                if ($placeholder_type == ':') {
+                    $regexp = '/^.{'.($position+1).'}('.$this->options['bindname_format'].').*$/s';
+                    $parameter = preg_replace($regexp, '\\1', $query);
+                    if ($parameter === '') {
+                        $err =& $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_SYNTAX, null, null,
+                            'named parameter name must match "bindname_format" option', __FUNCTION__);
+                        return $err;
+                    }
+                    $positions[$p_position] = $parameter;
+                    $query = substr_replace($query, '?', $position, strlen($parameter)+1);
+                } else {
+                    $positions[$p_position] = count($positions);
+                }
+                $position = $p_position + 1;
+            } else {
+                $position = $p_position;
+            }
+        }
+        $connection = $this->getConnection();
+        if (PEAR::isError($connection)) {
+            return $connection;
+        }
+        static $prep_statement_counter = 1;
+        $statement_name = sprintf($this->options['statement_format'], $this->phptype, $prep_statement_counter++ . sha1(microtime() + mt_rand()));
+        $statement_name = substr(strtolower($statement_name), 0, $this->options['max_identifiers_length']);
+        $query = "PREPARE $statement_name FROM ".$this->quote($query, 'text');
+        $statement =& $this->_doQuery($query, true, $connection);
+        if (PEAR::isError($statement)) {
+            return $statement;
+        }
+        $class_name = 'MDB2_Statement_'.$this->phptype;
+        $obj = new $class_name($this, $statement_name, $positions, $query, $types, $result_types, $is_manip, $limit, $offset);
+        $this->debug($query, __FUNCTION__, array('is_manip' => $is_manip, 'when' => 'post', 'result' => $obj));
+        return $obj;
     // }}}
@@ -583,39 +1196,52 @@
                 $query .= ',';
                 $values.= ',';
-            $query.= $name;
+            $query.= $this->quoteIdentifier($name, true);
             if (isset($fields[$name]['null']) && $fields[$name]['null']) {
                 $value = 'NULL';
             } else {
-                $value = $this->quote($fields[$name]['value'], $fields[$name]['type']);
+                $type = isset($fields[$name]['type']) ? $fields[$name]['type'] : null;
+                $value = $this->quote($fields[$name]['value'], $type);
+                if (PEAR::isError($value)) {
+                    return $value;
+                }
             $values.= $value;
             if (isset($fields[$name]['key']) && $fields[$name]['key']) {
                 if ($value === 'NULL') {
                     return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_CANNOT_REPLACE, null, null,
-                        'replace: key value '.$name.' may not be NULL');
+                        'key value '.$name.' may not be NULL', __FUNCTION__);
         if ($keys == 0) {
             return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_CANNOT_REPLACE, null, null,
-                'replace: not specified which fields are keys');
+                'not specified which fields are keys', __FUNCTION__);
+        $connection = $this->getConnection();
+        if (PEAR::isError($connection)) {
+            return $connection;
+        }
+        $table = $this->quoteIdentifier($table, true);
         $query = "REPLACE INTO $table ($query) VALUES ($values)";
-        $this->last_query = $query;
-        $this->debug($query, 'query');
-        return $this->_doQuery($query, true);
+        $result =& $this->_doQuery($query, true, $connection);
+        if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
+            return $result;
+        }
+        return $this->_affectedRows($connection, $result);
     // }}}
     // {{{ nextID()
-     * returns the next free id of a sequence
+     * Returns the next free id of a sequence
      * @param string $seq_name name of the sequence
-     * @param boolean $ondemand when true the seqence is
+     * @param boolean $ondemand when true the sequence is
      *                          automatic created, if it
      *                          not exists
@@ -624,32 +1250,31 @@
     function nextID($seq_name, $ondemand = true)
-        $sequence_name = $this->getSequenceName($seq_name);
-        $query = "INSERT INTO $sequence_name (".$this->options['seqcol_name'].") VALUES (NULL)";
+        $sequence_name = $this->quoteIdentifier($this->getSequenceName($seq_name), true);
+        $seqcol_name = $this->quoteIdentifier($this->options['seqcol_name'], true);
+        $query = "INSERT INTO $sequence_name ($seqcol_name) VALUES (NULL)";
+        $this->pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN);
-        $result = $this->_doQuery($query, true);
+        $result =& $this->_doQuery($query, true);
+        $this->popErrorHandling();
         if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
             if ($ondemand && $result->getCode() == MDB2_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE) {
-                $this->loadModule('Manager');
-                // Since we are creating the sequence on demand
-                // we know the first id = 1 so initialize the
-                // sequence at 2
-                $result = $this->manager->createSequence($seq_name, 2);
+                $this->loadModule('Manager', null, true);
+                $result = $this->manager->createSequence($seq_name);
                 if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
-                    return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR, null, null,
-                        'nextID: on demand sequence '.$seq_name.' could not be created');
+                    return $this->raiseError($result, null, null,
+                        'on demand sequence '.$seq_name.' could not be created', __FUNCTION__);
                 } else {
-                    // First ID of a newly created sequence is 1
-                    return 1;
+                    return $this->nextID($seq_name, false);
             return $result;
-        $value = $this->queryOne('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()', 'integer');
+        $value = $this->lastInsertID();
         if (is_numeric($value)) {
-            $query = "DELETE FROM $sequence_name WHERE ".$this->options['seqcol_name']." < $value";
-            $result = $this->_doQuery($query, true);
+            $query = "DELETE FROM $sequence_name WHERE $seqcol_name < $value";
+            $result =& $this->_doQuery($query, true);
             if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
                 $this->warnings[] = 'nextID: could not delete previous sequence table values from '.$seq_name;
@@ -661,15 +1286,17 @@
     // {{{ lastInsertID()
-     * returns the autoincrement ID if supported or $id
+     * Returns the autoincrement ID if supported or $id or fetches the current
+     * ID in a sequence called: $table.(empty($field) ? '' : '_'.$field)
-     * @param mixed $id value as returned by getBeforeId()
      * @param string $table name of the table into which a new row was inserted
+     * @param string $field name of the field into which a new row was inserted
      * @return mixed MDB2 Error Object or id
      * @access public
     function lastInsertID($table = null, $field = null)
+        // not using mysql_insert_id() due to
         return $this->queryOne('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()', 'integer');
@@ -677,7 +1304,7 @@
     // {{{ currID()
-     * returns the current id of a sequence
+     * Returns the current id of a sequence
      * @param string $seq_name name of the sequence
      * @return mixed MDB2 Error Object or id
@@ -685,12 +1312,20 @@
     function currID($seq_name)
-        $sequence_name = $this->getSequenceName($seq_name);
-        $query = "SELECT MAX(".$this->options['seqcol_name'].") FROM $sequence_name";
+        $sequence_name = $this->quoteIdentifier($this->getSequenceName($seq_name), true);
+        $seqcol_name = $this->quoteIdentifier($this->options['seqcol_name'], true);
+        $query = "SELECT MAX($seqcol_name) FROM $sequence_name";
         return $this->queryOne($query, 'integer');
+ * MDB2 MySQL result driver
+ *
+ * @package MDB2
+ * @category Database
+ * @author  Lukas Smith <>
+ */
 class MDB2_Result_mysql extends MDB2_Result_Common
     // }}}
@@ -727,22 +1362,31 @@
         if (!$row) {
-            if (is_null($this->result)) {
+            if ($this->result === false) {
                 $err =& $this->db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NEED_MORE_DATA, null, null,
-                    'fetchRow: resultset has already been freed');
+                    'resultset has already been freed', __FUNCTION__);
                 return $err;
             $null = null;
             return $null;
-        if ($this->db->options['portability'] & MDB2_PORTABILITY_EMPTY_TO_NULL) {
-            $this->db->_fixResultArrayValues($row, MDB2_PORTABILITY_EMPTY_TO_NULL);
+        $mode = $this->db->options['portability'] & MDB2_PORTABILITY_EMPTY_TO_NULL;
+        $rtrim = false;
+        if ($this->db->options['portability'] & MDB2_PORTABILITY_RTRIM) {
+            if (empty($this->types)) {
+                $mode += MDB2_PORTABILITY_RTRIM;
+            } else {
+                $rtrim = true;
+            }
+        }
+        if ($mode) {
+            $this->db->_fixResultArrayValues($row, $mode);
+        }
+        if (!empty($this->types)) {
+            $row = $this->db->datatype->convertResultRow($this->types, $row, $rtrim);
         if (!empty($this->values)) {
-        }
-        if (!empty($this->types)) {
-            $row = $this->db->datatype->convertResultRow($this->types, $row);
         if ($fetchmode === MDB2_FETCHMODE_OBJECT) {
             $object_class = $this->db->options['fetch_class'];
@@ -762,16 +1406,10 @@
      * Retrieve the names of columns returned by the DBMS in a query result.
-     * @return mixed                an associative array variable
-     *                              that will hold the names of columns. The
-     *                              indexes of the array are the column names
-     *                              mapped to lower case and the values are the
-     *                              respective numbers of the columns starting
-     *                              from 0. Some DBMS may not return any
-     *                              columns when the result set does not
-     *                              contain any rows.
-     *
-     *                              a MDB2 error on failure
+     * @return  mixed   Array variable that holds the names of columns as keys
+     *                  or an MDB2 error on failure.
+     *                  Some DBMS may not return any columns when the result set
+     *                  does not contain any rows.
      * @access private
     function _getColumnNames()
@@ -805,11 +1443,14 @@
         $cols = @mysql_num_fields($this->result);
         if (is_null($cols)) {
-            if (is_null($this->result)) {
+            if ($this->result === false) {
                 return $this->db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NEED_MORE_DATA, null, null,
-                    'numCols: resultset has already been freed');
+                    'resultset has already been freed', __FUNCTION__);
+            } elseif (is_null($this->result)) {
+                return count($this->types);
-            return $this->db->raiseError();
+            return $this->db->raiseError(null, null, null,
+                'Could not get column count', __FUNCTION__);
         return $cols;
@@ -825,39 +1466,48 @@
     function free()
-        $free = @mysql_free_result($this->result);
-        if (!$free) {
-            if (is_null($this->result)) {
-                return MDB2_OK;
+        if (is_resource($this->result) && $this->db->connection) {
+            $free = @mysql_free_result($this->result);
+            if ($free === false) {
+                return $this->db->raiseError(null, null, null,
+                    'Could not free result', __FUNCTION__);
-            return $this->db->raiseError();
-        $this->result = null;
+        $this->result = false;
         return MDB2_OK;
+ * MDB2 MySQL buffered result driver
+ *
+ * @package MDB2
+ * @category Database
+ * @author  Lukas Smith <>
+ */
 class MDB2_BufferedResult_mysql extends MDB2_Result_mysql
     // }}}
     // {{{ seek()
-    * seek to a specific row in a result set
-    *
-    * @param int    $rownum    number of the row where the data can be found
-    * @return mixed MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
-    * @access public
-    */
+     * Seek to a specific row in a result set
+     *
+     * @param int    $rownum    number of the row where the data can be found
+     * @return mixed MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
+     * @access public
+     */
     function seek($rownum = 0)
         if ($this->rownum != ($rownum - 1) && !@mysql_data_seek($this->result, $rownum)) {
-            if (is_null($this->result)) {
+            if ($this->result === false) {
                 return $this->db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NEED_MORE_DATA, null, null,
-                    'seek: resultset has already been freed');
+                    'resultset has already been freed', __FUNCTION__);
+            } elseif (is_null($this->result)) {
+                return MDB2_OK;
             return $this->db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
-                'seek: tried to seek to an invalid row number ('.$rownum.')');
+                'tried to seek to an invalid row number ('.$rownum.')', __FUNCTION__);
         $this->rownum = $rownum - 1;
         return MDB2_OK;
@@ -867,11 +1517,11 @@
     // {{{ valid()
-    * check if the end of the result set has been reached
-    *
-    * @return mixed true or false on sucess, a MDB2 error on failure
-    * @access public
-    */
+     * Check if the end of the result set has been reached
+     *
+     * @return mixed true or false on sucess, a MDB2 error on failure
+     * @access public
+     */
     function valid()
         $numrows = $this->numRows();
@@ -885,27 +1535,151 @@
     // {{{ numRows()
-    * returns the number of rows in a result object
-    *
-    * @return mixed MDB2 Error Object or the number of rows
-    * @access public
-    */
+     * Returns the number of rows in a result object
+     *
+     * @return mixed MDB2 Error Object or the number of rows
+     * @access public
+     */
     function numRows()
         $rows = @mysql_num_rows($this->result);
-        if (is_null($rows)) {
-            if (is_null($this->result)) {
+        if (false === $rows) {
+            if (false === $this->result) {
                 return $this->db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NEED_MORE_DATA, null, null,
-                    'numRows: resultset has already been freed');
+                    'resultset has already been freed', __FUNCTION__);
+            } elseif (is_null($this->result)) {
+                return 0;
-            return $this->raiseError();
+            return $this->db->raiseError(null, null, null,
+                'Could not get row count', __FUNCTION__);
         return $rows;
+ * MDB2 MySQL statement driver
+ *
+ * @package MDB2
+ * @category Database
+ * @author  Lukas Smith <>
+ */
 class MDB2_Statement_mysql extends MDB2_Statement_Common
+    // {{{ _execute()
+    /**
+     * Execute a prepared query statement helper method.
+     *
+     * @param mixed $result_class string which specifies which result class to use
+     * @param mixed $result_wrap_class string which specifies which class to wrap results in
+     * @return mixed a result handle or MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function &_execute($result_class = true, $result_wrap_class = false)
+    {
+        if (is_null($this->statement)) {
+            $result =& parent::_execute($result_class, $result_wrap_class);
+            return $result;
+        }
+        $this->db->last_query = $this->query;
+        $this->db->debug($this->query, 'execute', array('is_manip' => $this->is_manip, 'when' => 'pre', 'parameters' => $this->values));
+        if ($this->db->getOption('disable_query')) {
+            $result = $this->is_manip ? 0 : null;
+            return $result;
+        }
+        $connection = $this->db->getConnection();
+        if (PEAR::isError($connection)) {
+            return $connection;
+        }
+        $query = 'EXECUTE '.$this->statement;
+        if (!empty($this->positions)) {
+            $parameters = array();
+            foreach ($this->positions as $parameter) {
+                if (!array_key_exists($parameter, $this->values)) {
+                    return $this->db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, null, null,
+                        'Unable to bind to missing placeholder: '.$parameter, __FUNCTION__);
+                }
+                $value = $this->values[$parameter];
+                $type = array_key_exists($parameter, $this->types) ? $this->types[$parameter] : null;
+                if (is_resource($value) || $type == 'clob' || $type == 'blob' && $this->db->options['lob_allow_url_include']) {
+                    if (!is_resource($value) && preg_match('/^(\w+:\/\/)(.*)$/', $value, $match)) {
+                        if ($match[1] == 'file://') {
+                            $value = $match[2];
+                        }
+                        $value = @fopen($value, 'r');
+                        $close = true;
+                    }
+                    if (is_resource($value)) {
+                        $data = '';
+                        while (!@feof($value)) {
+                            $data.= @fread($value, $this->db->options['lob_buffer_length']);
+                        }
+                        if ($close) {
+                            @fclose($value);
+                        }
+                        $value = $data;
+                    }
+                }
+                $quoted = $this->db->quote($value, $type);
+                if (PEAR::isError($quoted)) {
+                    return $quoted;
+                }
+                $param_query = 'SET @'.$parameter.' = '.$quoted;
+                $result = $this->db->_doQuery($param_query, true, $connection);
+                if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
+                    return $result;
+                }
+            }
+            $query.= ' USING @'.implode(', @', array_values($this->positions));
+        }
+        $result = $this->db->_doQuery($query, $this->is_manip, $connection);
+        if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
+            return $result;
+        }
+        if ($this->is_manip) {
+            $affected_rows = $this->db->_affectedRows($connection, $result);
+            return $affected_rows;
+        }
+        $result =& $this->db->_wrapResult($result, $this->result_types,
+            $result_class, $result_wrap_class, $this->limit, $this->offset);
+        $this->db->debug($this->query, 'execute', array('is_manip' => $this->is_manip, 'when' => 'post', 'result' => $result));
+        return $result;
+    }
+    // }}}
+    // {{{ free()
+    /**
+     * Release resources allocated for the specified prepared query.
+     *
+     * @return mixed MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function free()
+    {
+        if (is_null($this->positions)) {
+            return $this->db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR, null, null,
+                'Prepared statement has already been freed', __FUNCTION__);
+        }
+        $result = MDB2_OK;
+        if (!is_null($this->statement)) {
+            $connection = $this->db->getConnection();
+            if (PEAR::isError($connection)) {
+                return $connection;
+            }
+            $query = 'DEALLOCATE PREPARE '.$this->statement;
+            $result = $this->db->_doQuery($query, true, $connection);
+        }
+        parent::free();
+        return $result;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

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