From 2965a981b7ec22866fbdf2d567d87e2d068d3617 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Bruederli <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 16:04:08 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Allow to search and import missing PGP pubkeys from keyservers using Publickey.js

 program/steps/mail/          |    4 
 program/localization/en_US/ |    4 
 program/localization/en_US/   |    6 
 program/js/publickey.js                 |  456 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 program/js/app.js                       |  195 ++++++++++++++++
 skins/larry/mail.css                    |   53 ++++
 6 files changed, 714 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/program/js/app.js b/program/js/app.js
index 598e74e..fcba219 100644
--- a/program/js/app.js
+++ b/program/js/app.js
@@ -3488,7 +3488,7 @@
     $.each(['to', 'cc', 'bcc'], function(i,field) {
       var pos, rcpt, val = $.trim($('[name="_' + field + '"]').val());
       while (val.length && rcube_check_email(val, true)) {
-        rcpt = RegExp.$2
+        rcpt = RegExp.$2;
         val = val.substr(val.indexOf(rcpt) + rcpt.length + 1).replace(/^\s*,\s*/, '');
@@ -3497,12 +3497,48 @@
     // check if we have keys for all recipients
     var isvalid = recipients.length > 0;
     ref.mailvelope_keyring.validKeyForAddress(recipients).then(function(status) {
+      var missing_keys = [];
       $.each(status, function(k,v) {
         if (v === false) {
           isvalid = false;
-          alert(ref.get_label('nopubkeyfor').replace('$email', k));
+          missing_keys.push(k);
+      // list recipients with missing keys
+      if (!isvalid && missing_keys.length) {
+        // load publickey.js
+        if (!$('script#publickeyjs').length) {
+          $('<script>')
+            .attr('id', 'publickeyjs')
+            .attr('src', ref.assets_path('program/js/publickey.js'))
+            .appendTo(document.body);
+        }
+        // display dialog with missing keys
+        ref.show_popup_dialog(
+          ref.get_label('nopubkeyfor').replace('$email', missing_keys.join(', ')) +
+          '<p>' + ref.get_label('searchpubkeyservers') + '</p>',
+          ref.get_label('encryptedsendialog'),
+          [{
+            text: ref.get_label('search'),
+            'class': 'mainaction',
+            click: function() {
+              var $dialog = $(this);
+              ref.mailvelope_search_pubkeys(missing_keys, function() {
+                $dialog.dialog('close')
+              });
+            }
+          },
+          {
+            text: ref.get_label('cancel'),
+            click: function(){
+              $(this).dialog('close');
+            }
+          }]
+        );
+        return false;
+      }
       if (!isvalid) {
         if (!recipients.length) {
@@ -3589,6 +3625,161 @@
+  // subroutine to query keyservers for public keys
+  this.mailvelope_search_pubkeys = function(emails, resolve)
+  {
+    // query with publickey.js
+    var deferreds = [],
+      pk = new PublicKey(),
+      lock = ref.display_message(ref.get_label('loading'), 'loading');
+    $.each(emails, function(i, email) {
+      var d = $.Deferred();
+, function(results, errorCode) {
+        if (errorCode !== null) {
+          // rejecting would make all fail
+          // d.reject(email);
+          d.resolve([email]);
+        }
+        else {
+          d.resolve([email].concat(results));
+        }
+      });
+      deferreds.push(d);
+    });
+    $.when.apply($, deferreds).then(function() {
+      var missing_keys = [],
+        key_selection = [];
+      // alanyze results of all queries
+      $.each(arguments, function(i, result) {
+        var email = result.shift();
+        if (!result.length) {
+          missing_keys.push(email);
+        }
+        else {
+          key_selection = key_selection.concat(result);
+        }
+      });
+      ref.hide_message(lock);
+      resolve(true);
+      // show key import dialog
+      if (key_selection.length) {
+        ref.mailvelope_key_import_dialog(key_selection);
+      }
+      // some keys could not be found
+      if (missing_keys.length) {
+        ref.display_message(ref.get_label('nopubkeyfor').replace('$email', missing_keys.join(', ')), 'warning');
+      }
+    }, function() {
+      console.error('Pubkey lookup failed with', arguments);
+      ref.hide_message(lock);
+      ref.display_message('pubkeysearcherror', 'error');
+      resolve(false);
+    });
+  };
+  // list the given public keys in a dialog with options to import
+  // them into the local Maivelope keyring
+  this.mailvelope_key_import_dialog = function(candidates)
+  {
+    var ul = $('<div>').addClass('listing mailvelopekeyimport');
+    $.each(candidates, function(i, keyrec) {
+      var li = $('<div>').addClass('key');
+      if (keyrec.revoked)  li.addClass('revoked');
+      if (keyrec.disabled) li.addClass('disabled');
+      if (keyrec.expired)  li.addClass('expired');
+      li.append($('<label>').addClass('keyid').text(ref.get_label('keyid')));
+      li.append($('<a>').text(keyrec.keyid.substr(-8).toUpperCase())
+        .attr('href',
+        .attr('target', '_blank')
+        .attr('tabindex', '-1'));
+      li.append($('<label>').addClass('keylen').text(ref.get_label('keylength')));
+      li.append($('<span>').text(keyrec.keylen));
+      if (keyrec.expirationdate) {
+        li.append($('<label>').addClass('keyexpired').text(ref.get_label('keyexpired')));
+        li.append($('<span>').text(new Date(keyrec.expirationdate * 1000).toDateString()));
+      }
+      if (keyrec.revoked) {
+        li.append($('<span>').addClass('keyrevoked').text(ref.get_label('keyrevoked')));
+      }
+      var ul_ = $('<ul>').addClass('uids');
+      $.each(keyrec.uids, function(j, uid) {
+        var li_ = $('<li>').addClass('uid');
+        if (uid.revoked)  li_.addClass('revoked');
+        if (uid.disabled) li_.addClass('disabled');
+        if (uid.expired)  li_.addClass('expired');
+        ul_.append(li_.text(uid.uid));
+      });
+      li.append(ul_);
+      li.append($('<input>')
+        .attr('type', 'button')
+        .attr('rel', keyrec.keyid)
+        .attr('value', ref.get_label('import'))
+        .addClass('button importkey')
+        .prop('disabled', keyrec.revoked || keyrec.disabled || keyrec.expired));
+      ul.append(li);
+    });
+    // display dialog with missing keys
+    ref.show_popup_dialog(
+      $('<div>')
+        .append($('<p>').html(ref.get_label('encryptpubkeysfound')))
+        .append(ul),
+      ref.get_label('importpubkeys'),
+      [{
+        text: ref.get_label('close'),
+        click: function(){
+          $(this).dialog('close');
+        }
+      }]
+    );
+    // delegate handler for import button clicks
+    ul.on('click', 'input.button.importkey', function() {
+      var btn = $(this),
+        keyid = btn.attr('rel'),
+        pk = new PublicKey(),
+        lock = ref.display_message(ref.get_label('loading'), 'loading');
+        // fetch from keyserver and import to Mailvelope keyring
+        pk.get(keyid, function(armored, errorCode) {
+          ref.hide_message(lock);
+          if (errorCode) {
+            ref.display_message('Failed to get key from keyserver', 'error');
+            return;
+          }
+          // import to keyring
+          ref.mailvelope_keyring.importPublicKey(armored).then(function(status) {
+            if (status === 'REJECTED') {
+              // alert(ref.get_label('Key import was rejected'));
+            }
+            else {
+              btn.closest('.key').fadeOut();
+              ref.display_message(ref.get_label('Public key $key successfully imported into your key ring')
+                .replace('$key', keyid.substr(-8).toUpperCase()), 'confirmation');
+            }
+          }).catch(function(err) {
+            console.log(err);
+          });
+        });
+    });
+  };
   /*********       mailbox folders methods         *********/
diff --git a/program/js/publickey.js b/program/js/publickey.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41beccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/program/js/publickey.js
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+"use strict";
+    /*
+        Default keyservers (HTTPS and CORS enabled)
+    */
+        "",
+        "",
+    ];
+    /*
+        Initialization to create an PublicKey object.
+        Arguments:
+        * keyservers - Array of keyserver domains, default is:
+            ["", ""]
+        Examples:
+        //Initialize with the default keyservers
+        var hkp = new PublicKey();
+        //Initialize only with a specific keyserver
+        var hkp = new PublicKey([""]);
+    */
+    var PublicKey = function(keyservers){
+        this.keyservers = keyservers || DEFAULT_KEYSERVERS;
+    };
+    /*
+        Get a public key from any keyserver based on keyId.
+        Arguments:
+        * keyId - String key id of the public key (this is usually a fingerprint)
+        * callback - Function that is called when finished. Two arguments are
+                passed to the callback: publicKey and errorCode. publicKey is
+                an ASCII armored OpenPGP public key. errorCode is the error code
+                (either HTTP status code or keybase error code) returned by the
+                last keyserver that was tried. If a publicKey was found,
+                errorCode is null. If no publicKey was found, publicKey is null
+                and errorCode is not null.
+        Examples:
+        //Get a valid public key
+        var hkp = new PublicKey();
+        hkp.get("F75BE4E6EF6E9DD203679E94E7F6FAD172EFEE3D", function(publicKey, errorCode){
+            errorCode !== null ? console.log(errorCode) : console.log(publicKey);
+        });
+        //Try to get an invalid public key
+        var hkp = new PublicKey();
+        hkp.get("bogus_id", function(publicKey, errorCode){
+            errorCode !== null ? console.log(errorCode) : console.log(publicKey);
+        });
+    */
+    PublicKey.prototype.get = function(keyId, callback, keyserverIndex, err){
+        //default starting point is at the first keyserver
+        if(keyserverIndex === undefined){
+            keyserverIndex = 0;
+        }
+        //no more keyservers to check, so no key found
+        if(keyserverIndex >= this.keyservers.length){
+            return callback(null, err || 404);
+        }
+        //set the keyserver to try next
+        var ks = this.keyservers[keyserverIndex];
+        var _this = this;
+        //special case for keybase
+        if(ks.indexOf("") === 0){
+            //don't need 0x prefix for keybase searches
+            if(keyId.indexOf("0x") === 0){
+                keyId = keyId.substr(2);
+            }
+            //request the public key from keybase
+            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+  "get", "" +
+                "?fields=public_keys&key_fingerprint=" + keyId);
+            xhr.onload = function(){
+                if(xhr.status === 200){
+                    var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
+                    //keybase error returns HTTP 200 status, which is silly
+                    if(result['status']['code'] !== 0){
+                        return _this.get(keyId, callback, keyserverIndex + 1, result['status']['code']);
+                    }
+                    //no public key found
+                    if(result['them'].length === 0){
+                        return _this.get(keyId, callback, keyserverIndex + 1, 404);
+                    }
+                    //found the public key
+                    var publicKey = result['them'][0]['public_keys']['primary']['bundle'];
+                    return callback(publicKey, null);
+                }
+                else{
+                    return _this.get(keyId, callback, keyserverIndex + 1, xhr.status);
+                }
+            };
+            xhr.send();
+        }
+        //normal HKP keyserver
+        else{
+            //add the 0x prefix if absent
+            if(keyId.indexOf("0x") !== 0){
+                keyId = "0x" + keyId;
+            }
+            //request the public key from the hkp server
+            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+  "get", ks + "pks/lookup?op=get&options=mr&search=" + keyId);
+            xhr.onload = function(){
+                if(xhr.status === 200){
+                    return callback(xhr.responseText, null);
+                }
+                else{
+                    return _this.get(keyId, callback, keyserverIndex + 1, xhr.status);
+                }
+            };
+            xhr.send();
+        }
+    };
+    /*
+        Search for a public key in the keyservers.
+        Arguments:
+        * query - String to search for (usually an email, name, or username).
+        * callback - Function that is called when finished. Two arguments are
+                passed to the callback: results and errorCode. results is an
+                Array of users that were returned by the search. errorCode is
+                the error code (either HTTP status code or keybase error code)
+                returned by the last keyserver that was tried. If any results
+                were found, errorCode is null. If no results are found, results
+                is null and errorCode is not null.
+        Examples:
+        //Search for diafygi's key id
+        var hkp = new PublicKey();
+"diafygi", function(results, errorCode){
+            errorCode !== null ? console.log(errorCode) : console.log(results);
+        });
+        //Search for a nonexistent key id
+        var hkp = new PublicKey();
+"doesntexist123", function(results, errorCode){
+            errorCode !== null ? console.log(errorCode) : console.log(results);
+        });
+    */
+ = function(query, callback, keyserverIndex, results, err){
+        //default starting point is at the first keyserver
+        if(keyserverIndex === undefined){
+            keyserverIndex = 0;
+        }
+        //initialize the results array
+        if(results === undefined){
+            results = [];
+        }
+        //no more keyservers to check
+        if(keyserverIndex >= this.keyservers.length){
+            //return error if no results
+            if(results.length === 0){
+                return callback(null, err || 404);
+            }
+            //return results
+            else{
+                //merge duplicates
+                var merged = {};
+                for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++){
+                    var k = results[i];
+                    //see if there's duplicate key ids to merge
+                    if(merged[k['keyid']] !== undefined){
+                        for(var u = 0; u < k['uids'].length; u++){
+                            var has_this_uid = false;
+                            for(var m = 0; m < merged[k['keyid']]['uids'].length; m++){
+                                if(merged[k['keyid']]['uids'][m]['uid'] === k['uids'][u]){
+                                    has_this_uid = true;
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if(!has_this_uid){
+                                merged[k['keyid']]['uids'].push(k['uids'][u])
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    //no duplicate found, so add it to the dict
+                    else{
+                        merged[k['keyid']] = k;
+                    }
+                }
+                //return a list of the merged results in the same order
+                var merged_list = [];
+                for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++){
+                    var k = results[i];
+                    if(merged[k['keyid']] !== undefined){
+                        merged_list.push(merged[k['keyid']]);
+                        delete(merged[k['keyid']]);
+                    }
+                }
+                return callback(merged_list, null);
+            }
+        }
+        //set the keyserver to try next
+        var ks = this.keyservers[keyserverIndex];
+        var _this = this;
+        //special case for keybase
+        if(ks.indexOf("") === 0){
+            //request a list of users from keybase
+            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+  "get", "" + encodeURIComponent(query));
+            xhr.onload = function(){
+                if(xhr.status === 200){
+                    var kb_json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
+                    //keybase error returns HTTP 200 status, which is silly
+                    if(kb_json['status']['code'] !== 0){
+                        return, callback, keyserverIndex + 1, results, kb_json['status']['code']);
+                    }
+                    //no public key found
+                    if(kb_json['completions'].length === 0){
+                        return, callback, keyserverIndex + 1, results, 404);
+                    }
+                    //compose keybase user results
+                    var kb_results = [];
+                    for(var i = 0; i < kb_json['completions'].length; i++){
+                        var user = kb_json['completions'][i]['components'];
+                        //skip if no public key fingerprint
+                        if(user['key_fingerprint'] === undefined){
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                        //build keybase user result
+                        var kb_result = {
+                            "keyid": user['key_fingerprint']['val'].toUpperCase(),
+                            "href": "" + user['username']['val'] + "/key.asc",
+                            "info": "" + user['username']['val'],
+                            "algo": user['key_fingerprint']['algo'],
+                            "keylen": user['key_fingerprint']['nbits'],
+                            "creationdate": null,
+                            "expirationdate": null,
+                            "revoked": false,
+                            "disabled": false,
+                            "expired": false,
+                            "uids": [{
+                                "uid": user['username']['val'] +
+                                    " on Keybase <" +
+                                    user['username']['val'] + ">",
+                                "creationdate": null,
+                                "expirationdate": null,
+                                "revoked": false,
+                                "disabled": false,
+                                "expired": false,
+                            }]
+                        };
+                        //add full name
+                        if(user['full_name'] !== undefined){
+                            kb_result['uids'].push({
+                                "uid": "Full Name: " + user['full_name']['val'],
+                                "creationdate": null,
+                                "expirationdate": null,
+                                "revoked": false,
+                                "disabled": false,
+                                "expired": false,
+                            });
+                        }
+                        //add twitter
+                        if(user['twitter'] !== undefined){
+                            kb_result['uids'].push({
+                                "uid": user['twitter']['val'] +
+                                    " on Twitter <" +
+                                    user['twitter']['val'] + ">",
+                                "creationdate": null,
+                                "expirationdate": null,
+                                "revoked": false,
+                                "disabled": false,
+                                "expired": false,
+                            });
+                        }
+                        //add github
+                        if(user['github'] !== undefined){
+                            kb_result['uids'].push({
+                                "uid": user['github']['val'] +
+                                    " on Github <" +
+                                    user['github']['val'] + ">",
+                                "creationdate": null,
+                                "expirationdate": null,
+                                "revoked": false,
+                                "disabled": false,
+                                "expired": false,
+                            });
+                        }
+                        //add reddit
+                        if(user['reddit'] !== undefined){
+                            kb_result['uids'].push({
+                                "uid": user['reddit']['val'] +
+                                    " on Github <" +
+                                    user['reddit']['val'] + ">",
+                                "creationdate": null,
+                                "expirationdate": null,
+                                "revoked": false,
+                                "disabled": false,
+                                "expired": false,
+                            });
+                        }
+                        //add hackernews
+                        if(user['hackernews'] !== undefined){
+                            kb_result['uids'].push({
+                                "uid": user['hackernews']['val'] +
+                                    " on Hacker News <" +
+                                    user['hackernews']['val'] + ">",
+                                "creationdate": null,
+                                "expirationdate": null,
+                                "revoked": false,
+                                "disabled": false,
+                                "expired": false,
+                            });
+                        }
+                        //add coinbase
+                        if(user['coinbase'] !== undefined){
+                            kb_result['uids'].push({
+                                "uid": user['coinbase']['val'] +
+                                    " on Coinbase <" +
+                                    user['coinbase']['val'] + ">",
+                                "creationdate": null,
+                                "expirationdate": null,
+                                "revoked": false,
+                                "disabled": false,
+                                "expired": false,
+                            });
+                        }
+                        //add websites
+                        if(user['websites'] !== undefined){
+                            for(var w = 0; w < user['websites'].length; w++){
+                                kb_result['uids'].push({
+                                    "uid": "Owns " + user['websites'][w]['val'],
+                                    "creationdate": null,
+                                    "expirationdate": null,
+                                    "revoked": false,
+                                    "disabled": false,
+                                    "expired": false,
+                                });
+                            }
+                        }
+                        kb_results.push(kb_result);
+                    }
+                    results = results.concat(kb_results);
+                    return, callback, keyserverIndex + 1, results, null);
+                }
+                else{
+                    return, callback, keyserverIndex + 1, results, xhr.status);
+                }
+            };
+            xhr.send();
+        }
+        //normal HKP keyserver
+        else{
+            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+  "get", ks + "pks/lookup?op=index&options=mr&fingerprint=on&search=" + encodeURIComponent(query));
+            xhr.onload = function(){
+                if(xhr.status === 200){
+                    var ks_results = [];
+                    var raw = xhr.responseText.split("\n");
+                    var curKey = undefined;
+                    for(var i = 0; i < raw.length; i++){
+                        var line = raw[i].trim();
+                        //pub:<keyid>:<algo>:<keylen>:<creationdate>:<expirationdate>:<flags>
+                        if(line.indexOf("pub:") == 0){
+                            if(curKey !== undefined){
+                                ks_results.push(curKey);
+                            }
+                            var vals = line.split(":");
+                            curKey = {
+                                "keyid": vals[1],
+                                "href": ks + "pks/lookup?op=get&options=mr&search=0x" + vals[1],
+                                "info": ks + "pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x" + vals[1],
+                                "algo": vals[2] === "" ? null : parseInt(vals[2]),
+                                "keylen": vals[3] === "" ? null : parseInt(vals[3]),
+                                "creationdate": vals[4] === "" ? null : parseInt(vals[4]),
+                                "expirationdate": vals[5] === "" ? null : parseInt(vals[5]),
+                                "revoked": vals[6].indexOf("r") !== -1,
+                                "disabled": vals[6].indexOf("d") !== -1,
+                                "expired": vals[6].indexOf("e") !== -1,
+                                "uids": [],
+                            }
+                        }
+                        //uid:<escaped uid string>:<creationdate>:<expirationdate>:<flags>
+                        if(line.indexOf("uid:") == 0){
+                            var vals = line.split(":");
+                            curKey['uids'].push({
+                                "uid": decodeURIComponent(vals[1]),
+                                "creationdate": vals[2] === "" ? null : parseInt(vals[2]),
+                                "expirationdate": vals[3] === "" ? null : parseInt(vals[3]),
+                                "revoked": vals[4].indexOf("r") !== -1,
+                                "disabled": vals[4].indexOf("d") !== -1,
+                                "expired": vals[4].indexOf("e") !== -1,
+                            });
+                        }
+                    }
+                    ks_results.push(curKey);
+                    results = results.concat(ks_results);
+                    return, callback, keyserverIndex + 1, results, null);
+                }
+                else{
+                    return, callback, keyserverIndex + 1, results, xhr.status);
+                }
+            };
+            xhr.send();
+        }
+    };
+    context.PublicKey = PublicKey;
+})(typeof exports === "undefined" ? this : exports);
diff --git a/program/localization/en_US/ b/program/localization/en_US/
index dd9b7b8..079a184 100644
--- a/program/localization/en_US/
+++ b/program/localization/en_US/
@@ -249,6 +249,12 @@
 $labels['addmedia']       = 'Add movie';
 $labels['encrypt']        = 'Encrypt';
 $labels['encryptmessage'] = 'Encrypt message';
+$labels['importpubkeys']  = 'Import public keys';
+$labels['encryptedsendialog'] = 'Sending encrypted message';
+$labels['keyid']          = 'Key ID';
+$labels['keylength']      = 'Bits';
+$labels['keyexpired']     = 'Expired';
+$labels['keyrevoked']     = 'Revoked';
 $labels['editidents']    = 'Edit identities';
 $labels['spellcheck']    = 'Spell';
diff --git a/program/localization/en_US/ b/program/localization/en_US/
index acb4282..2bcd3a6 100644
--- a/program/localization/en_US/
+++ b/program/localization/en_US/
@@ -59,7 +59,9 @@
 $messages['externalmessagedecryption'] = 'This is an encrypted message and can be decrypted with your browser extension.';
 $messages['nopubkeyfor'] = 'No valid public key found for $email';
 $messages['nopubkeyforsender'] = 'No valid public key found for your sender identity. Do you want to encrypt the message for the recipients only?';
-$messages['encryptnoattachments'] = 'Alraady uploaded attachments cannot be encrypted. Please re-add them in the encryption editor.';
+$messages['encryptnoattachments'] = 'Already uploaded attachments cannot be encrypted. Please re-add them in the encryption editor.';
+$messages['searchpubkeyservers'] = 'Do you want to search public key servers for the missing keys?';
+$messages['encryptpubkeysfound'] = 'The following public keys have been found:';
 $messages['nocontactsfound'] = 'No contacts found.';
 $messages['contactnotfound'] = 'The requested contact was not found.';
 $messages['contactsearchonly'] = 'Enter some search terms to find contacts';
diff --git a/program/steps/mail/ b/program/steps/mail/
index 6989c3a..9e1b988 100644
--- a/program/steps/mail/
+++ b/program/steps/mail/
@@ -84,7 +84,9 @@
     'fileuploaderror', 'sendmessage', 'newresponse', 'responsename', 'responsetext', 'save',
     'savingresponse', 'restoresavedcomposedata', 'restoremessage', 'delete', 'restore', 'ignore',
     'selectimportfile', 'messageissent', 'loadingdata', 'nopubkeyfor', 'nopubkeyforsender',
-    'encryptnoattachments');
+    'encryptnoattachments','encryptedsendialog','searchpubkeyservers', 'importpubkeys',
+    'encryptpubkeysfound',  'search', 'close', 'import', 'keyid', 'keylength', 'keyexpired',
+    'keyrevoked');
diff --git a/skins/larry/mail.css b/skins/larry/mail.css
index 47d2f48..454428a 100644
--- a/skins/larry/mail.css
+++ b/skins/larry/mail.css
@@ -1398,3 +1398,56 @@
 #uploadform form div {
 	margin: 4px 0;
+.mailvelopekeyimport div.key {
+	position: relative;
+	margin-bottom: 2px;
+	padding: 1em;
+	background-color: #ebebeb;
+.mailvelopekeyimport div.key.revoked,
+.mailvelopekeyimport div.key.disabled {
+	color: #a0a0a0;
+.mailvelopekeyimport div.key label {
+	display: inline-block;
+	margin-right: 0.5em;
+.mailvelopekeyimport div.key label:after {
+	content: ":";
+.mailvelopekeyimport div.key label + a,
+.mailvelopekeyimport div.key label + span {
+	display: inline-block;
+	margin-right: 2em;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+.mailvelopekeyimport div.key label + a {
+	font-weight: bold;
+.mailvelopekeyimport ul.uids {
+	margin: 1em 0 0 0;
+	padding: 0;
+.mailvelopekeyimport li.uid {
+	border: 0;
+	padding: 0.3em;
+.mailvelopekeyimport div.key input.button.importkey {
+	position: absolute;
+	top: 0.8em;
+	right: 0.8em;
+	padding: 4px 6px;
+.mailvelopekeyimport div.key input.button[disabled] {
+	display: none;

Gitblit v1.9.1