From df8e8ec9eee72743d0f14a8409aacf66c4a80d89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yllar <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 12:09:34 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] updated da, de_DE, pt_BR, bs_BA, fr, pl, et_EE translations

 program/include/ |  703 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 files changed, 512 insertions(+), 191 deletions(-)

diff --git a/program/include/ b/program/include/
index 0d1b27e..a7e50e4 100644
--- a/program/include/
+++ b/program/include/
@@ -39,35 +39,12 @@
   // check client
   $BROWSER = rcube_browser();
-  // load config file
-  include_once('config/');
-  $CONFIG = is_array($rcmail_config) ? $rcmail_config : array();
-  $CONFIG['skin_path'] = $CONFIG['skin_path'] ? preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $CONFIG['skin_path']) : 'skins/default';
+  // load configuration
+  $CONFIG = rcmail_load_config();
-  // load db conf
-  include_once('config/');
-  $CONFIG = array_merge($CONFIG, $rcmail_config);
-  if (empty($CONFIG['log_dir']))
-    $CONFIG['log_dir'] = $INSTALL_PATH.'logs';
-  else
-    $CONFIG['log_dir'] = ereg_replace('\/$', '', $CONFIG['log_dir']);
-  // set PHP error logging according to config
-  if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 1)
-    {
-    ini_set('log_errors', 1);
-    ini_set('error_log', $CONFIG['log_dir'].'/errors');
-    }
-  if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 4)
-    ini_set('display_errors', 1);
-  else
-    ini_set('display_errors', 0);
   // set session garbage collecting time according to session_lifetime
   if (!empty($CONFIG['session_lifetime']))
-    ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', ($CONFIG['session_lifetime']+2)*60);
+    ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', ($CONFIG['session_lifetime']) * 120);
   // prepare DB connection
   require_once('include/rcube_'.(empty($CONFIG['db_backend']) ? 'db' : $CONFIG['db_backend']).'.inc');
@@ -75,30 +52,24 @@
   $DB = new rcube_db($CONFIG['db_dsnw'], $CONFIG['db_dsnr'], $CONFIG['db_persistent']);
   $DB->sqlite_initials = $INSTALL_PATH.'SQL/sqlite.initial.sql';
   // we can use the database for storing session data
-  // session queries do not work with MDB2
-  if ($CONFIG['db_backend']!='mdb2' && !$DB->is_error())
+  if (!$DB->is_error())
   // init session
   $sess_id = session_id();
   // create session and set session vars
-  if (!$_SESSION['client_id'])
+  if (!isset($_SESSION['auth_time']))
-    $_SESSION['client_id'] = $sess_id;
     $_SESSION['user_lang'] = rcube_language_prop($CONFIG['locale_string']);
     $_SESSION['auth_time'] = mktime();
-    $_SESSION['auth'] = rcmail_auth_hash($sess_id, $_SESSION['auth_time']);
-    unset($GLOBALS['_auth']);
+    setcookie('sessauth', rcmail_auth_hash($sess_id, $_SESSION['auth_time']));
   // set session vars global
-  $sess_auth = $_SESSION['auth'];
   $sess_user_lang = rcube_language_prop($_SESSION['user_lang']);
@@ -114,7 +85,6 @@
   // set current task to session
   $_SESSION['task'] = $task;
   // create IMAP object
   if ($task=='mail')
@@ -129,7 +99,63 @@
+// load roundcube configuration into global var
+function rcmail_load_config()
+  {
+	global $INSTALL_PATH;
+  // load config file
+	include_once('config/');
+	$conf = is_array($rcmail_config) ? $rcmail_config : array();
+  // load host-specific configuration
+  rcmail_load_host_config($conf);
+  $conf['skin_path'] = $conf['skin_path'] ? unslashify($conf['skin_path']) : 'skins/default';
+  // load db conf
+  include_once('config/');
+  $conf = array_merge($conf, $rcmail_config);
+  if (empty($conf['log_dir']))
+    $conf['log_dir'] = $INSTALL_PATH.'logs';
+  else
+    $conf['log_dir'] = unslashify($conf['log_dir']);
+  // set PHP error logging according to config
+  if ($conf['debug_level'] & 1)
+    {
+    ini_set('log_errors', 1);
+    ini_set('error_log', $conf['log_dir'].'/errors');
+    }
+  if ($conf['debug_level'] & 4)
+    ini_set('display_errors', 1);
+  else
+    ini_set('display_errors', 0);
+  return $conf;
+  }
+// load a host-specific config file if configured
+function rcmail_load_host_config(&$config)
+  {
+  $fname = NULL;
+  if (is_array($config['include_host_config']))
+    $fname = $config['include_host_config'][$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']];
+  else if (!empty($config['include_host_config']))
+    $fname = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\.\-_]/i', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . '.inc.php';
+   if ($fname && is_file('config/'.$fname))
+     {
+     include('config/'.$fname);
+     $config = array_merge($config, $rcmail_config);
+     }
+  }
 // create authorization hash
 function rcmail_auth_hash($sess_id, $ts)
@@ -148,6 +174,31 @@
     return md5($auth_string);
+// compare the auth hash sent by the client with the local session credentials
+function rcmail_authenticate_session()
+  {
+  $now = mktime();
+  $valid = ($_COOKIE['sessauth'] == rcmail_auth_hash(session_id(), $_SESSION['auth_time']) ||
+						$_COOKIE['sessauth'] == rcmail_auth_hash(session_id(), $_SESSION['last_auth']));
+  // renew auth cookie every 5 minutes (only for GET requests)
+  if (!$valid || ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']!='POST' && $now-$_SESSION['auth_time'] > 300))
+    {
+    $_SESSION['last_auth'] = $_SESSION['auth_time'];
+    $_SESSION['auth_time'] = $now;
+    setcookie('sessauth', rcmail_auth_hash(session_id(), $now));
+    }
+  if (!$valid)
+    write_log('timeouts',
+      "REQUEST: " . var_export($_REQUEST, true) .
+      "\nEXPECTED: " . rcmail_auth_hash(session_id(), $_SESSION['auth_time']) .
+      "\nOR LAST: " . rcmail_auth_hash(session_id(), $_SESSION['last_auth']) .
+      "\nSESSION: " . var_export($_SESSION, true));
+  return $valid;
+  }
 // create IMAP object and connect to server
@@ -173,9 +224,6 @@
   if ($CONFIG['enable_caching']===TRUE)
-  if (is_array($CONFIG['default_imap_folders']))
-    $IMAP->set_default_mailboxes($CONFIG['default_imap_folders']);
   // set pagesize from config
   if (isset($CONFIG['pagesize']))
@@ -189,12 +237,14 @@
   global $CONFIG, $IMAP;
   // set root dir from config
-  if (strlen($CONFIG['imap_root']))
+  if (!empty($CONFIG['imap_root']))
-  if (strlen($_SESSION['mbox']))
+  if (is_array($CONFIG['default_imap_folders']))
+    $IMAP->set_default_mailboxes($CONFIG['default_imap_folders']);
+  if (!empty($_SESSION['mbox']))
   if (isset($_SESSION['page']))
@@ -219,10 +269,19 @@
 // destroy session data and remove cookie
 function rcmail_kill_session()
-/* $sess_name = session_name();
-  if (isset($_COOKIE[$sess_name]))
-   setcookie($sess_name, '', time()-42000, '/');
+  // save user preferences
+  $a_user_prefs = $_SESSION['user_prefs'];
+  if (!is_array($a_user_prefs))
+    $a_user_prefs = array();
+  if ((isset($_SESSION['sort_col']) && $_SESSION['sort_col']!=$a_user_prefs['message_sort_col']) ||
+      (isset($_SESSION['sort_order']) && $_SESSION['sort_order']!=$a_user_prefs['message_sort_order']))
+    {
+    $a_user_prefs['message_sort_col'] = $_SESSION['sort_col'];
+    $a_user_prefs['message_sort_order'] = $_SESSION['sort_order'];
+    rcmail_save_user_prefs($a_user_prefs);
+    }
   $_SESSION = array();
@@ -262,11 +321,11 @@
 // check the given string and returns language properties
 function rcube_language_prop($lang, $prop='lang')
-  global $INSTLL_PATH;
+  global $INSTALL_PATH;
   static $rcube_languages, $rcube_language_aliases, $rcube_charsets;
   if (empty($rcube_languages))
-    @include($INSTLL_PATH.'program/localization/');
+    @include($INSTALL_PATH.'program/localization/');
   // check if we have an alias for that language
   if (!isset($rcube_languages[$lang]) && isset($rcube_language_aliases[$lang]))
@@ -306,14 +365,25 @@
   // add common javascripts
   $javascript = "var $JS_OBJECT_NAME = new rcube_webmail();\n";
-  $javascript .= "$JS_OBJECT_NAME.set_env('comm_path', '$COMM_PATH');\n";
+  $javascript .= sprintf("%s.set_env('comm_path', '%s');\n", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, str_replace('&amp;', '&', $COMM_PATH));
+  if (isset($CONFIG['javascript_config'] )){
+    foreach ($CONFIG['javascript_config'] as $js_config_var){
+      $javascript .= "$JS_OBJECT_NAME.set_env('$js_config_var', '" . $CONFIG[$js_config_var] . "');\n";
+    }
+  }
+  // don't wait for page onload. Call init at the bottom of the page (delayed)
+  $javascript_foot = "if (window.call_init)\n call_init('$JS_OBJECT_NAME');";
   if (!empty($GLOBALS['_framed']))
     $javascript .= "$JS_OBJECT_NAME.set_env('framed', true);\n";
-  $OUTPUT->add_script($javascript);
-  $OUTPUT->include_script('program/js/common.js');
-  $OUTPUT->include_script('program/js/app.js');
+  $OUTPUT->add_script($javascript, 'head');
+  $OUTPUT->add_script($javascript_foot, 'foot');
+  $OUTPUT->include_script('common.js');
+  $OUTPUT->include_script('app.js');
+  $OUTPUT->scripts_path = 'program/js/';
   // set locale setting
@@ -323,47 +393,51 @@
   // add some basic label to client
-  rcube_add_label('loading');
+  rcube_add_label('loading','checkingmail');
 // set localization charset based on the given language
 function rcmail_set_locale($lang)
+  global $OUTPUT, $MBSTRING;
   static $s_mbstring_loaded = NULL;
   // settings for mbstring module (by Tadashi Jokagi)
-  if ($s_mbstring_loaded===NULL)
-    {
-    if ($s_mbstring_loaded = extension_loaded("mbstring"))
-      {
-      $MBSTRING = TRUE;
-      if (function_exists("mb_mbstring_encodings"))
-        $MBSTRING_ENCODING = mb_mbstring_encodings();
-      else
-        $MBSTRING_ENCODING = array("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-7", "UTF7-IMAP", "UTF-8",
-                                   "ISO-2022-JP", "EUC-JP", "EUCJP-WIN",
-                                   "SJIS", "SJIS-WIN");
-       $MBSTRING_ENCODING = array_map("strtoupper", $MBSTRING_ENCODING);
-       if (in_array("SJIS", $MBSTRING_ENCODING))
-       }
-     else
-      {
-      $MBSTRING_ENCODING = array();
-      }
-    }
-  if ($MBSTRING && function_exists("mb_language"))
-    {
-    if (!@mb_language(strtok($lang, "_")))
-      $MBSTRING = FALSE;   //  unsupport language
-    }
+  if (is_null($s_mbstring_loaded))
+    $MBSTRING = $s_mbstring_loaded = extension_loaded("mbstring");
+  else
+    $MBSTRING = $s_mbstring_loaded = FALSE;
   $OUTPUT->set_charset(rcube_language_prop($lang, 'charset'));
+  }
+// auto-select IMAP host based on the posted login information
+function rcmail_autoselect_host()
+  {
+  global $CONFIG;
+  $host = isset($_POST['_host']) ? get_input_value('_host', RCUBE_INPUT_POST) : $CONFIG['default_host'];
+  if (is_array($host))
+    {
+    list($user, $domain) = explode('@', get_input_value('_user', RCUBE_INPUT_POST));
+    if (!empty($domain))
+      {
+      foreach ($host as $imap_host => $mail_domains)
+        if (is_array($mail_domains) && in_array($domain, $mail_domains))
+          {
+          $host = $imap_host;
+          break;
+          }
+      }
+    // take the first entry if $host is still an array
+    if (is_array($host))
+      $host = array_shift($host);
+    }
+  return $host;
@@ -386,6 +460,20 @@
     $imap_port = $CONFIG['default_port'];
+  /* Modify username with domain if required  
+     Inspired by Marco <>
+  */
+  // Check if we need to add domain
+  if (!empty($CONFIG['username_domain']) && !strstr($user, '@'))
+    {
+    if (is_array($CONFIG['username_domain']) && isset($CONFIG['username_domain'][$host]))
+      $user .= '@'.$CONFIG['username_domain'][$host];
+    else if (is_string($CONFIG['username_domain']))
+      $user .= '@'.$CONFIG['username_domain'];
+    }
   // query if user already registered
   $sql_result = $DB->query("SELECT user_id, username, language, preferences
@@ -429,7 +517,7 @@
     // update user's record
     $DB->query("UPDATE ".get_table_name('users')."
-                SET    last_login=now()
+                SET    last_login=".$DB->now()."
                 WHERE  user_id=?",
@@ -449,8 +537,10 @@
     $_SESSION['user_lang'] = $sess_user_lang;
     $_SESSION['password']  = encrypt_passwd($pass);
-    // force reloading complete list of subscribed mailboxes    
+    // force reloading complete list of subscribed mailboxes
+    rcmail_set_imap_prop();
+    $IMAP->create_default_folders();
     return TRUE;
@@ -472,7 +562,7 @@
   $DB->query("INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('users')."
               (created, last_login, username, mail_host, alias, language)
-              VALUES (now(), now(), ?, ?, ?, ?)",
+              VALUES (".$DB->now().", ".$DB->now().", ?, ?, ?, ?)",
@@ -480,12 +570,7 @@
   if ($user_id = $DB->insert_id(get_sequence_name('users')))
-    if (is_array($CONFIG['mail_domain']) && isset($CONFIG['mail_domain'][$host]))
-      $mail_domain = $CONFIG['mail_domain'][$host];
-    else if (!empty($CONFIG['mail_domain']))
-      $mail_domain = $CONFIG['mail_domain'];
-    else
-      $mail_domain = $host;
+    $mail_domain = rcmail_mail_domain($host);
     if ($user_email=='')
       $user_email = strstr($user, '@') ? $user : sprintf('%s@%s', $user, $mail_domain);
@@ -493,21 +578,28 @@
     $user_name = $user!=$user_email ? $user : '';
     // try to resolve the e-mail address from the virtuser table
-	if (!empty($CONFIG['virtuser_query']))
-	  {
-      $sql_result = $DB->query(preg_replace('/%u/', $user, $CONFIG['virtuser_query']));
-      if ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_array($sql_result))
-        $user_email = $sql_arr[0];
+	if (!empty($CONFIG['virtuser_query']) &&
+        ($sql_result = $DB->query(preg_replace('/%u/', $user, $CONFIG['virtuser_query']))) &&
+        ($DB->num_rows()>0))
+      while ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_array($sql_result))
+        {
+        $DB->query("INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('identities')."
+                   (user_id, del, standard, name, email)
+                   VALUES (?, 0, 1, ?, ?)",
+                   $user_id,
+                   $user_name,
+                   preg_replace('/^@/', $user . '@', $sql_arr[0]));
+        }
+    else
+      {
+      // also create new identity records
+      $DB->query("INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('identities')."
+                  (user_id, del, standard, name, email)
+                  VALUES (?, 0, 1, ?, ?)",
+                  $user_id,
+                  $user_name,
+                  $user_email);
-    // also create new identity records
-    $DB->query("INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('identities')."
-                (user_id, del, standard, name, email)
-                VALUES (?, 0, 1, ?, ?)",
-                $user_id,
-                $user_name,
-                $user_email);
     // get existing mailboxes
     $a_mailboxes = $IMAP->list_mailboxes();
@@ -603,6 +695,29 @@
+function rcmail_save_user_prefs($a_user_prefs)
+  {
+  global $DB, $CONFIG, $sess_user_lang;
+  $DB->query("UPDATE ".get_table_name('users')."
+              SET    preferences=?,
+                     language=?
+              WHERE  user_id=?",
+              serialize($a_user_prefs),
+              $sess_user_lang,
+              $_SESSION['user_id']);
+  if ($DB->affected_rows())
+    {
+    $_SESSION['user_prefs'] = $a_user_prefs;  
+    $CONFIG = array_merge($CONFIG, $a_user_prefs);
+    return TRUE;
+    }
+  return FALSE;
+  }
 // overwrite action variable  
 function rcmail_overwrite_action($action)
@@ -619,45 +734,49 @@
   $framed = $GLOBALS['_framed'];
   $command = sprintf("display_message('%s', '%s');",
-                     addslashes(rep_specialchars_output(rcube_label(array('name' => $message, 'vars' => $vars)))),
+                     rep_specialchars_output(rcube_label(array('name' => $message, 'vars' => $vars)), 'js'),
     return 'this.'.$command;
-    $OUTPUT->add_script(sprintf("%s%s.%s",
+    $OUTPUT->add_script(sprintf("%s%s.%s\n",
                                 $framed ? sprintf('if(parent.%s)parent.', $JS_OBJECT_NAME) : '',
-  // console(rcube_label($message));
-function console($msg, $type=1)
-  {
-    print "// $msg\n";
-  else
-    {
-    print $msg;
-    print "\n<hr>\n";
-    }
-  }
+// encrypt IMAP password using DES encryption
 function encrypt_passwd($pass)
-  $cypher = des('rcmail?24BitPwDkeyF**ECB', $pass, 1, 0, NULL);
+  $cypher = des(get_des_key(), $pass, 1, 0, NULL);
   return base64_encode($cypher);
+// decrypt IMAP password using DES encryption
 function decrypt_passwd($cypher)
-  $pass = des('rcmail?24BitPwDkeyF**ECB', base64_decode($cypher), 0, 0, NULL);
-  return trim($pass);
+  $pass = des(get_des_key(), base64_decode($cypher), 0, 0, NULL);
+  return preg_replace('/\x00/', '', $pass);
+  }
+// return a 24 byte key for the DES encryption
+function get_des_key()
+  {
+  $key = !empty($GLOBALS['CONFIG']['des_key']) ? $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['des_key'] : 'rcmail?24BitPwDkeyF**ECB';
+  $len = strlen($key);
+  // make sure the key is exactly 24 chars long
+  if ($len<24)
+    $key .= str_repeat('_', 24-$len);
+  else if ($len>24)
+    substr($key, 0, 24);
+  return $key;
@@ -671,7 +790,7 @@
     $s_header_sent = TRUE;
-    header('Content-Type: application/x-javascript');
+    header('Content-Type: application/x-javascript; charset='.$CHARSET);
     print '/** remote response ['.date('d/M/Y h:i:s O')."] **/\n";
@@ -685,6 +804,19 @@
+// send correctly formatted response for a request posted to an iframe
+function rcube_iframe_response($js_code='')
+  {
+  if (!empty($js_code))
+    $OUTPUT->add_script("if(parent.$JS_OBJECT_NAME){\n" . $js_code . "\n}");
+  $OUTPUT->write();
+  exit;
+  }
 // read directory program/localization/ and return a list of available languages
 function rcube_list_languages()
@@ -693,13 +825,13 @@
   if (!sizeof($sa_languages))
-    @include($INSTLL_PATH.'program/localization/');
+    @include($INSTALL_PATH.'program/localization/');
-    if ($dh = @opendir($INSTLL_PATH.'program/localization'))
+    if ($dh = @opendir($INSTALL_PATH.'program/localization'))
       while (($name = readdir($dh)) !== false)
-        if ($name{0}=='.' || !is_dir($INSTLL_PATH.'program/localization/'.$name))
+        if ($name{0}=='.' || !is_dir($INSTALL_PATH.'program/localization/'.$name))
         if ($label = $rcube_languages[$name])
@@ -726,19 +858,25 @@
-// remove temp files of a session
-function rcmail_clear_session_temp($sess_id)
+// remove temp files older than two day
+function rcmail_temp_gc()
-  global $CONFIG;
+  $tmp = unslashify($CONFIG['temp_dir']);
+  $expire = mktime() - 172800;  // expire in 48 hours
-  $temp_dir = $CONFIG['temp_dir'].(!eregi('\/$', $CONFIG['temp_dir']) ? '/' : '');
-  $cache_dir = $temp_dir.$sess_id;
-  if (is_dir($cache_dir))
+  if ($dir = opendir($tmp))
-    clear_directory($cache_dir);
-    rmdir($cache_dir);
-    }  
+    while (($fname = readdir($dir)) !== false)
+      {
+      if ($fname{0} == '.')
+        continue;
+      if (filemtime($tmp.'/'.$fname) < $expire)
+        @unlink($tmp.'/'.$fname);
+      }
+    closedir($dir);
+    }
@@ -763,22 +901,23 @@
 // this function is not complete and not tested well
 function rcube_charset_convert($str, $from, $to=NULL)
+  global $MBSTRING;
   $from = strtoupper($from);
   $to = $to==NULL ? strtoupper($GLOBALS['CHARSET']) : strtoupper($to);
-  if ($from==$to)
+  if ($from==$to || $str=='' || empty($from))
     return $str;
   // convert charset using mbstring module  
   if ($MBSTRING)
     $to = $to=="UTF-7" ? "UTF7-IMAP" : $to;
     $from = $from=="UTF-7" ? "UTF7-IMAP": $from;
-    if (in_array($to, $MBSTRING_ENCODING) && in_array($from, $MBSTRING_ENCODING))
-      return mb_convert_encoding($str, $to, $from);
+    // return if convert succeeded
+    if (($out = mb_convert_encoding($str, $to, $from)) != '')
+      return $out;
   // convert charset using iconv module  
@@ -789,8 +928,8 @@
   // convert string to UTF-8
   if ($from=='UTF-7')
-    $str = rcube_charset_convert(UTF7DecodeString($str), 'ISO-8859-1');
-  else if ($from=='ISO-8859-1' && function_exists('utf8_encode'))
+    $str = utf7_to_utf8($str);
+  else if (($from=='ISO-8859-1') && function_exists('utf8_encode'))
     $str = utf8_encode($str);
   else if ($from!='UTF-8')
@@ -800,7 +939,7 @@
   // encode string for output
   if ($to=='UTF-7')
-    return UTF7EncodeString($str);
+    return utf8_to_utf7($str);
   else if ($to=='ISO-8859-1' && function_exists('utf8_decode'))
     return utf8_decode($str);
   else if ($to!='UTF-8')
@@ -839,7 +978,6 @@
       $html_encode_arr = get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS);        
-      unset($html_encode_arr['&']);
     $ltpos = strpos($str, '<');
@@ -851,11 +989,13 @@
+      unset($encode_arr['&']);
     else if ($mode=='remove')
       $str = strip_tags($str);
-    $out = strtr($str, $encode_arr);
+    // avoid douple quotation of &
+    $out = preg_replace('/&amp;([a-z]{2,5});/', '&\\1;', strtr($str, $encode_arr));
     return $newlines ? nl2br($out) : $out;
@@ -895,7 +1035,7 @@
     if ($OUTPUT->get_charset()!='UTF-8')
       $str = rcube_charset_convert($str, $GLOBALS['CHARSET'], $OUTPUT->get_charset());
-    return preg_replace(array("/\r\n/", '/"/', "/([^\\\])'/"), array('\n', '\"', "$1\'"), strtr($str, $js_rep_table));
+    return addslashes(preg_replace(array("/\r\n/", "/\r/"), array('\n', '\n'), strtr($str, $js_rep_table)));
   // encode for RTF
@@ -928,10 +1068,10 @@
     $value = $_POST[$fname];
   else if ($source==RCUBE_INPUT_GPC)
-    if (isset($_GET[$fname]))
-      $value = $_GET[$fname];
-    else if (isset($_POST[$fname]))
+    if (isset($_POST[$fname]))
       $value = $_POST[$fname];
+    else if (isset($_GET[$fname]))
+      $value = $_GET[$fname];
     else if (isset($_COOKIE[$fname]))
       $value = $_COOKIE[$fname];
@@ -945,10 +1085,19 @@
     $value = strip_tags($value);
   // convert to internal charset
-  return rcube_charset_convert($value, $OUTPUT->get_charset(), $charset);
+  if (is_object($OUTPUT))
+    return rcube_charset_convert($value, $OUTPUT->get_charset(), $charset);
+  else
+    return $value;
+ * Remove single and double quotes from given string
+ */
+function strip_quotes($str)
+  return preg_replace('/[\'"]/', '', $str);
 // ************** template parsing and gui functions **************
@@ -993,8 +1142,12 @@
   // parse for specialtags
-  $output = parse_rcube_xml($templ);
+  $output = parse_rcube_xml(parse_rcube_conditions($templ));
+  // add debug console
+  if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 8)
+    $OUTPUT->footer = '<div style="position:absolute;top:5px;left:5px;width:400px;opacity:0.8;z-index:9000;"><form name="debugform"><textarea name="console" rows="15" cols="40" style="width:400px;border:none;font-size:x-small"></textarea></form>';
   $OUTPUT->write(trim(parse_with_globals($output)), $skin_path);
   if ($exit)
@@ -1012,6 +1165,55 @@
+// parse conditional code
+function parse_rcube_conditions($input)
+  {
+  if (($matches = preg_split('/<roundcube:(if|elseif|else|endif)\s+([^>]+)>/is', $input, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE)) && count($matches)==4)
+    {
+    if (preg_match('/^(else|endif)$/i', $matches[1]))
+      return $matches[0] . parse_rcube_conditions($matches[3]);
+    else
+      {
+      $attrib = parse_attrib_string($matches[2]);
+      if (isset($attrib['condition']))
+        {
+        $condmet = rcube_xml_condition($attrib['condition']);
+        $submatches = preg_split('/<roundcube:(elseif|else|endif)\s+([^>]+)>/is', $matches[3], 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
+		    if ($condmet)
+			    $result = $submatches[0] . preg_replace('/.*<roundcube:endif\s+[^>]+>/is', '', $submatches[3]);
+        else
+          $result = "<roundcube:$submatches[1] $submatches[2]>" . $submatches[3];
+        return $matches[0] . parse_rcube_conditions($result);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+        raise_error(array('code' => 500, 'type' => 'php', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__,
+                          'message' => "Unable to parse conditional tag " . $matches[2]), TRUE, FALSE);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  return $input;
+  }
+ * Determines if a given condition is met
+ *
+ * @return True if condition is valid, False is not
+ */
+function rcube_xml_condition($condition)
+  {
+  $condition = preg_replace(
+      array('/session:([a-z0-9_]+)/i', '/config:([a-z0-9_]+)/i', '/request:([a-z0-9_]+)/ie'),
+      array("\$_SESSION['\\1']", "\$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['\\1']", "get_input_value('\\1', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC)"),
+      $condition);
+  return @eval("return (".$condition.");");
+  }
 function parse_rcube_xml($input)
@@ -1020,21 +1222,19 @@
-function rcube_xml_command($command, $str_attrib, $a_attrib=NULL)
+ * Convert a xml command tag into real content
+ */
+function rcube_xml_command($command, $str_attrib, $add_attrib=array())
   global $IMAP, $CONFIG, $OUTPUT;
-  $attrib = array();
   $command = strtolower($command);
-  preg_match_all('/\s*([-_a-z]+)=["]([^"]+)["]?/i', stripslashes($str_attrib), $regs, PREG_SET_ORDER);
-  // convert attributes to an associative array (name => value)
-  if ($regs)
-    foreach ($regs as $attr)
-      $attrib[strtolower($attr[1])] = $attr[2];
-  else if ($a_attrib)
-    $attrib = $a_attrib;
+  $attrib = parse_attrib_string($str_attrib) + $add_attrib;
+  // empty output if required condition is not met
+  if (!empty($attrib['condition']) && !rcube_xml_condition($attrib['condition']))
+    return '';
   // execute command
   switch ($command)
@@ -1099,7 +1299,9 @@
         'composeattachment' => 'rcmail_compose_attachment_field',
         'priorityselector' => 'rcmail_priority_selector',
         'charsetselector' => 'rcmail_charset_selector',
+        'editorselector' => 'rcmail_editor_selector',
         'searchform' => 'rcmail_search_form',
+        'receiptcheckbox' => 'rcmail_receipt_checkbox',
         // ADDRESS BOOK
         'addresslist' => 'rcmail_contacts_list',
@@ -1117,6 +1319,7 @@
         'identityform' => 'rcube_identity_form',
         'foldersubscription' => 'rcube_subscription_form',
         'createfolder' => 'rcube_create_folder_form',
+        'renamefolder' => 'rcube_rename_folder_form',
         'composebody' => 'rcmail_compose_body'
@@ -1130,19 +1333,25 @@
         $name = !empty($CONFIG['product_name']) ? $CONFIG['product_name'] : 'RoundCube Webmail';
         return rep_specialchars_output($name, 'html', 'all');
+      else if ($object=='version')
+        {
+        return (string)RCMAIL_VERSION;
+        }
       else if ($object=='pagetitle')
         $task = $GLOBALS['_task'];
         $title = !empty($CONFIG['product_name']) ? $CONFIG['product_name'].' :: ' : '';
-        if ($task=='mail' && isset($GLOBALS['MESSAGE']['subject']))
+        if ($task=='login')
+          $title = rcube_label(array('name' => 'welcome', 'vars' => array('product' => $CONFIG['product_name'])));
+        else if ($task=='mail' && isset($GLOBALS['MESSAGE']['subject']))
           $title .= $GLOBALS['MESSAGE']['subject'];
         else if (isset($GLOBALS['PAGE_TITLE']))
           $title .= $GLOBALS['PAGE_TITLE'];
         else if ($task=='mail' && ($mbox_name = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name()))
           $title .= rcube_charset_convert($mbox_name, 'UTF-7', 'UTF-8');
-          $title .= $task;
+          $title .= ucfirst($task);
         return rep_specialchars_output($title, 'html', 'all');
@@ -1161,6 +1370,9 @@
   static $sa_buttons = array();
   static $s_button_count = 100;
+  // these commands can be called directly via url
+  $a_static_commands = array('compose', 'list');
   $skin_path = $CONFIG['skin_path'];
   if (!($attrib['command'] || $attrib['name']))
@@ -1170,8 +1382,7 @@
   if ($attrib['type'])
     $attrib['type'] = strtolower($attrib['type']);
-    $attrib['type'] = ($attrib['image'] || $attrib['imagepas'] || $arg['imagect']) ? 'image' : 'link';
+    $attrib['type'] = ($attrib['image'] || $attrib['imagepas'] || $attrib['imageact']) ? 'image' : 'link';
   $command = $attrib['command'];
@@ -1180,7 +1391,7 @@
     $attrib = $sa_buttons[$attrib['name']];
   // add button to button stack
-  else if($attrib['image'] || $arg['imagect'] || $attrib['imagepas'] || $attrib['class'])
+  else if($attrib['image'] || $attrib['imageact'] || $attrib['imagepas'] || $attrib['class'])
       $attrib['name'] = $command;
@@ -1236,12 +1447,14 @@
                                 $attrib['imageact'] ? $skin_path.$attrib['imageact'] : $attrib['classact'],
-                                $attirb['imagesel'] ? $skin_path.$attirb['imagesel'] : $attrib['classsel'],
+                                $attrib['imagesel'] ? $skin_path.$attrib['imagesel'] : $attrib['classsel'],
                                 $attrib['imageover'] ? $skin_path.$attrib['imageover'] : ''));
-    // make valid href to task buttons
+    // make valid href to specific buttons
     if (in_array($attrib['command'], $MAIN_TASKS))
-      $attrib['href'] = ereg_replace('_task=[a-z]+', '_task='.$attrib['command'], $COMM_PATH);
+      $attrib['href'] = htmlentities(ereg_replace('_task=[a-z]+', '_task='.$attrib['command'], $COMM_PATH));
+    else if (in_array($attrib['command'], $a_static_commands))
+      $attrib['href'] = htmlentities($COMM_PATH.'&_action='.$attrib['command']);
   // overwrite attributes
@@ -1257,6 +1470,11 @@
     $attrib['onmouseout'] = sprintf("return %s.button_out('%s','%s')", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['id']);
+  if ($command && $attrib['imagesel'])
+    {
+    $attrib['onmousedown'] = sprintf("return %s.button_sel('%s','%s')", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['id']);
+    $attrib['onmouseup'] = sprintf("return %s.button_out('%s','%s')", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['id']);
+    }
   $out = '';
@@ -1269,7 +1487,7 @@
     if ($attrib['label'])
       $btn_content .= ' '.$attrib['label'];
-    $link_attrib = array('href', 'onclick', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseout', 'title');
+    $link_attrib = array('href', 'onclick', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseout', 'onmousedown', 'onmouseup', 'title');
   else if ($attrib['type']=='link')
@@ -1371,7 +1589,15 @@
+ * Create an edit field for inclusion on a form
+ * 
+ * @param string col field name
+ * @param string value field value
+ * @param array attrib HTML element attributes for field
+ * @param string type HTML element type (default 'text')
+ * @return string HTML field definition
+ */
 function rcmail_get_edit_field($col, $value, $attrib, $type='text')
   $fname = '_'.$col;
@@ -1400,17 +1626,32 @@
+// compose a valid attribute string for HTML tags
 function create_attrib_string($attrib, $allowed_attribs=array('id', 'class', 'style'))
   // allow the following attributes to be added to the <iframe> tag
   $attrib_str = '';
   foreach ($allowed_attribs as $a)
     if (isset($attrib[$a]))
-      $attrib_str .= sprintf(' %s="%s"', $a, $attrib[$a]);
+      $attrib_str .= sprintf(' %s="%s"', $a, str_replace('"', '&quot;', $attrib[$a]));
   return $attrib_str;
+// convert a HTML attribute string attributes to an associative array (name => value)
+function parse_attrib_string($str)
+  {
+  $attrib = array();
+  preg_match_all('/\s*([-_a-z]+)=["]([^"]+)["]?/i', stripslashes($str), $regs, PREG_SET_ORDER);
+  // convert attributes to an associative array (name => value)
+  if ($regs)
+    foreach ($regs as $attr)
+      $attrib[strtolower($attr[1])] = $attr[2];
+  return $attrib;
+  }
 function format_date($date, $format=NULL)
@@ -1537,6 +1778,24 @@
+// return the mail domain configured for the given host
+function rcmail_mail_domain($host)
+  {
+  global $CONFIG;
+  $domain = $host;
+  if (is_array($CONFIG['mail_domain']))
+    {
+    if (isset($CONFIG['mail_domain'][$host]))
+      $domain = $CONFIG['mail_domain'][$host];
+    }
+  else if (!empty($CONFIG['mail_domain']))
+    $domain = $CONFIG['mail_domain'];
+  return $domain;
+  }
 // return code for the webmail login form
 function rcmail_login_form($attrib)
@@ -1547,8 +1806,8 @@
   $labels['pass'] = rcube_label('password');
   $labels['host'] = rcube_label('server');
-  $input_user = new textfield(array('name' => '_user', 'size' => 30));
-  $input_pass = new passwordfield(array('name' => '_pass', 'size' => 30));
+  $input_user = new textfield(array('name' => '_user', 'id' => 'rcmloginuser', 'size' => 30));
+  $input_pass = new passwordfield(array('name' => '_pass', 'id' => 'rcmloginpwd', 'size' => 30));
   $input_action = new hiddenfield(array('name' => '_action', 'value' => 'login'));
   $fields = array();
@@ -1558,17 +1817,25 @@
   if (is_array($CONFIG['default_host']))
-    $select_host = new select(array('name' => '_host'));
+    $select_host = new select(array('name' => '_host', 'id' => 'rcmloginhost'));
     foreach ($CONFIG['default_host'] as $key => $value)
-      $select_host->add($value, (is_numeric($key) ? $value : $key));
+    {
+      if (!is_array($value))
+        $select_host->add($value, (is_numeric($key) ? $value : $key));
+      else
+        {
+        unset($select_host);
+        break;
+        }
+    }
-    $fields['host'] = $select_host->show($_POST['_host']);
+    $fields['host'] = isset($select_host) ? $select_host->show($_POST['_host']) : null;
   else if (!strlen($CONFIG['default_host']))
-	$input_host = new textfield(array('name' => '_host', 'size' => 30));
-	$fields['host'] = $input_host->show($_POST['_host']);
+    $input_host = new textfield(array('name' => '_host', 'id' => 'rcmloginhost', 'size' => 30));
+    $fields['host'] = $input_host->show($_POST['_host']);
   $form_name = strlen($attrib['form']) ? $attrib['form'] : 'form';
@@ -1580,7 +1847,7 @@
-<td class="title">$labels[host]</td>
+<td class="title"><label for="rcmloginhost">$labels[host]</label></td>
@@ -1593,12 +1860,12 @@
-<td class="title">$labels[user]</td>
+<td class="title"><label for="rcmloginuser">$labels[user]</label></td>
-<td class="title">$labels[pass]</td>
+<td class="title"><label for="rcmloginpwd">$labels[pass]</label></td>
@@ -1646,7 +1913,61 @@
-/****** debugging function ********/
+/****** debugging functions ********/
+ * Print or write debug messages
+ *
+ * @param mixed Debug message or data
+ */
+function console($msg)
+  {
+  if (!is_string($msg))
+    $msg = var_export($msg, true);
+  if (!($GLOBALS['CONFIG']['debug_level'] & 4))
+    write_log('console', $msg);
+    print "/*\n $msg \n*/\n";
+  else
+    {
+    print '<div style="background:#eee; border:1px solid #ccc; margin-bottom:3px; padding:6px"><pre>';
+    print $msg;
+    print "</pre></div>\n";
+    }
+  }
+ * Append a line to a logfile in the logs directory.
+ * Date will be added automatically to the line.
+ *
+ * @param $name Name of logfile
+ * @param $line Line to append
+ */
+function write_log($name, $line)
+  {
+  global $CONFIG;
+  if (!is_string($line))
+    $line = var_export($line, true);
+  $log_entry = sprintf("[%s]: %s\n",
+                 date("d-M-Y H:i:s O", mktime()),
+                 $line);
+  if (empty($CONFIG['log_dir']))
+    $CONFIG['log_dir'] = $INSTALL_PATH.'logs';
+  // try to open specific log file for writing
+  if ($fp = @fopen($CONFIG['log_dir'].'/'.$name, 'a'))    
+    {
+    fwrite($fp, $log_entry);
+    fclose($fp);
+    }
+  }
 function rcube_timer()

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