From e4a4ca19480690193e36e14ef6b9d592e73e9e9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: alecpl <>
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 09:51:43 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] - Performance improvements

 tests/mailfunc.php |   77 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/mailfunc.php b/tests/mailfunc.php
index ae35c5d..d8111c7 100644
--- a/tests/mailfunc.php
+++ b/tests/mailfunc.php
@@ -15,10 +15,11 @@
     // simulate environment to successfully include
     $GLOBALS['RCMAIL'] = $RCMAIL = rcmail::get_instance();
     $GLOBALS['OUTPUT'] = $OUTPUT = $RCMAIL->load_gui();
-    $RCMAIL->action = 'spell';
+    $RCMAIL->action = 'autocomplete';
+    $RCMAIL->imap_init(false);
     $IMAP = $RCMAIL->imap;
-    require_once 'steps/mail/';
+    require_once INSTALL_PATH . 'program/steps/mail/';
@@ -51,11 +52,10 @@
     $this->assertPattern('#background="./program/blocked.gif"#', $html, "Replace external background image");
     $this->assertNoPattern('/ex3.jpg/', $html, "No references to external images");
     $this->assertNoPattern('/<meta [^>]+>/', $html, "No meta tags allowed");
-    $this->assertNoPattern('/<style [^>]+>/', $html, "No style tags allowed");
+    //$this->assertNoPattern('/<style [^>]+>/', $html, "No style tags allowed");
     $this->assertNoPattern('/<form [^>]+>/', $html, "No form tags allowed");
     $this->assertPattern('/Subscription form/', $html, "Include <form> contents");
-    $this->assertPattern('/<!-- input not allowed -->/', $html, "No input elements allowed");
-    $this->assertPattern('/<!-- link not allowed -->/', $html, "No external links allowed");
+    $this->assertPattern('/<!-- link ignored -->/', $html, "No external links allowed");
     $this->assertPattern('/<a[^>]+ target="_blank">/', $html, "Set target to _blank");
     $this->assertTrue($GLOBALS['REMOTE_OBJECTS'], "Remote object detected");
@@ -64,10 +64,9 @@
     $this->assertPattern('/<style [^>]+>/', $html2, "Allow styles in safe mode");
     $this->assertPattern('#src=""#', $html2, "Allow external images in HTML (safe mode)");
-    $this->assertPattern("#url\(''\)#", $html2, "Allow external images in CSS (safe mode)");
-    $css = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./bin/modcss.php?u='.urlencode('').'&amp;c=foo"';
-    $this->assertPattern('#'.preg_quote($css).'#', $html2, "Filter external styleseehts with bin/modcss.php");
+    $this->assertPattern("#url\('?'?\)#", $html2, "Allow external images in CSS (safe mode)");
+    $css = '<link rel="stylesheet" .+_u=tmp-[a-z0-9]+\.css.+_action=modcss';
+    $this->assertPattern('#'.$css.'#Ui', $html2, "Filter (anonymized) external styleseehts with utils/");
@@ -100,6 +99,17 @@
+   * Test washtml class on non-unicode characters (#1487813)
+   */
+  function test_washtml_utf8()
+  {
+    $part = $this->get_html_part('src/invalidchars.html');
+    $washed = rcmail_print_body($part);
+    $this->assertPattern('/<p>символ<\/p>/', $washed, "Remove non-unicode characters from HTML message body");
+  }
+  /**
    * Test links pattern replacements in plaintext messages
   function test_plaintext()
@@ -109,11 +119,52 @@
     $part->ctype_secondary = 'plain';
     $part->body = quoted_printable_decode(file_get_contents(TESTS_DIR . 'src/plainbody.txt'));
     $html = rcmail_print_body($part, array('safe' => true));
     $this->assertPattern('/<a href="" onclick="return rcmail.command\(\'compose\',\'\',this\)"><\/a>/', $html, "Mailto links with onclick");
-    $this->assertPattern('#<a href="" target="_blank"></a>#', $html, "Links with target=_blank");
+    $this->assertPattern('#<a href="" target="_blank"></a>#', $html, "Links with target=_blank");
+    $this->assertPattern('#\\[<a href="\\?tx\\[a\\]=5" target="_blank">\\?tx\\[a\\]=5</a>\\]#', $html, "Links with square brackets");
+  /**
+   * Test mailto links in html messages
+   */
+  function test_mailto()
+  {
+    $part = $this->get_html_part('src/mailto.txt');
\ No newline at end of file
+    // render HTML in normal mode
+    $html = rcmail_html4inline(rcmail_print_body($part, array('safe' => false)), 'foo');
+    $mailto = '<a href=" is the subject&amp;body=this is the body"'
+      .' onclick="return rcmail.command(\'compose\',\' is the subject&amp;body=this is the body\',this)">e-mail</a>';
+    $this->assertPattern('|'.preg_quote($mailto, '|').'|', $html, "Extended mailto links");
+  }
+  /**
+   * Test the elimination of HTML comments
+   */
+  function test_html_comments()
+  {
+    $part = $this->get_html_part('src/htmlcom.txt');
+    $washed = rcmail_print_body($part, array('safe' => true));
+    // #1487759
+    $this->assertPattern('|<p>test1</p>|', $washed, "Buggy HTML comments");
+    // but conditional comments (<!--[if ...) should be removed
+    $this->assertNoPattern('|<p>test2</p>|', $washed, "Conditional HTML comments");
+  }
+  /**
+   * Test URI base resolving in HTML messages
+   */
+  function test_resolve_base()
+  {
+    $html = file_get_contents(TESTS_DIR . 'src/htmlbase.txt');
+    $html = rcmail_resolve_base($html);
+    $this->assertPattern('|src="http://alec\.pl/dir/img1\.gif"|', $html, "URI base resolving [1]");
+    $this->assertPattern('|src="http://alec\.pl/dir/img2\.gif"|', $html, "URI base resolving [2]");
+    $this->assertPattern('|src="http://alec\.pl/img3\.gif"|', $html, "URI base resolving [3]");
+  }

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