From e901f948f25db35a2639130a4d95df34dba58db2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: svncommit <>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 07:34:28 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Updated Russian localization

 program/steps/mail/ |   95 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/program/steps/mail/ b/program/steps/mail/
index 992d06f..c8e4937 100644
--- a/program/steps/mail/
+++ b/program/steps/mail/
@@ -27,33 +27,28 @@
 // similar code as in program/steps/mail/
 if ($_GET['_uid'])
-  $MESSAGE = array();
-  $MESSAGE['headers'] = $IMAP->get_headers($_GET['_uid']);
-  $MESSAGE['source'] = rcmail_message_source($_GET['_uid']);
+  $MESSAGE = array('UID' => get_input_value('_uid', RCUBE_INPUT_GET));
+  $MESSAGE['headers'] = $IMAP->get_headers($MESSAGE['UID']);
+  $MESSAGE['structure'] = $IMAP->get_structure($MESSAGE['UID']);
   // go back to list if message not found (wrong UID)
-  if (!$MESSAGE['headers'] || !$MESSAGE['source'])
+  if (!$MESSAGE['headers'] || !$MESSAGE['structure'])
     $_action = 'list';
-  $mmd = new Mail_mimeDecode($MESSAGE['source']);
-  $MESSAGE['structure'] = $mmd->decode(array('include_bodies' => TRUE,
-                                             'decode_headers' => FALSE,
-                                             'decode_bodies' => FALSE));
-  $mmd->getMimeNumbers($MESSAGE['structure']);
-  $MESSAGE['subject'] = $IMAP->decode_header($MESSAGE['structure']->headers['subject']);
+  $MESSAGE['subject'] = $IMAP->decode_header($MESSAGE['headers']->subject);
   if ($MESSAGE['structure'])
-    list($MESSAGE['parts'], $MESSAGE['attachments']) = rcmail_parse_message($MESSAGE['structure'],
-                                                                           array('safe' => (bool)$_GET['_safe'],
-                                                                                 'prefer_html' => $CONFIG['prefer_html'],
-                                                                                 'get_url' => $GET_URL.'&_part=%s'));
+    list($MESSAGE['parts'], $MESSAGE['attachments']) = rcmail_parse_message(
+      $MESSAGE['structure'],
+      array('safe' => (bool)$_GET['_safe'],
+            'prefer_html' => $CONFIG['prefer_html'],
+            'get_url' => $GET_URL.'&_part=%s')
+      );
-    $MESSAGE['body'] = $IMAP->get_body($_GET['_uid']);
+    $MESSAGE['body'] = $IMAP->get_body($MESSAGE['UID']);
   // mark message as read
@@ -61,17 +56,42 @@
     $IMAP->set_flag($_GET['_uid'], 'SEEN');
   // give message uid to the client
-  $javascript = sprintf("%s.set_env('uid', '%s');\n", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $_GET['_uid']);
+  $javascript = sprintf("%s.set_env('uid', '%s');\n", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $MESSAGE['UID']);
   $javascript .= sprintf("%s.set_env('safemode', '%b');", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $_GET['_safe']);
-  // get previous and next message UID
-  $a_msg_index = $IMAP->message_index(NULL, $_SESSION['sort_col'], $_SESSION['sort_order']);
-  $MESSAGE['index'] = array_search((string)$_GET['_uid'], $a_msg_index, TRUE);
+  $next = $prev = -1;
+  // get previous, first, next and last message UID
+  if (!($_SESSION['sort_col'] == 'date' && $_SESSION['sort_order'] == 'DESC') && 
+      $IMAP->get_capability('sort')) 
+    {
+    // Only if we use custom sorting
+    $a_msg_index = $IMAP->message_index(NULL, $_SESSION['sort_col'], $_SESSION['sort_order']);
+    $MESSAGE['index'] = array_search((string)$MESSAGE['UID'], $a_msg_index, TRUE);
+    $prev = isset($a_msg_index[$MESSAGE['index']-1]) ? $a_msg_index[$MESSAGE['index']-1] : -1 ;
+    $first = count($a_msg_index)>0 ? $a_msg_index[0] : -1;
+    $next = isset($a_msg_index[$MESSAGE['index']+1]) ? $a_msg_index[$MESSAGE['index']+1] : -1 ;
+    $last = count($a_msg_index)>0 ? $a_msg_index[count($a_msg_index)-1] : -1;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    // this assumes that we are sorted by date_DESC
+    $seq = $IMAP->get_id($MESSAGE['UID']);
+    $prev = $IMAP->get_uid($seq + 1);
+    $first = $IMAP->get_uid($IMAP->messagecount());
+    $next = $IMAP->get_uid($seq - 1);
+    $last = $IMAP->get_uid(1);
+    $MESSAGE['index'] = $IMAP->messagecount() - $seq;
+    }
-  if (isset($a_msg_index[$MESSAGE['index']-1]))
-    $javascript .= sprintf("\n%s.set_env('prev_uid', '%s');", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $a_msg_index[$MESSAGE['index']-1]);
-  if (isset($a_msg_index[$MESSAGE['index']+1]))
-    $javascript .= sprintf("\n%s.set_env('next_uid', '%s');", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $a_msg_index[$MESSAGE['index']+1]);
+  if ($prev > 0)
+    $javascript .= sprintf("\n%s.set_env('prev_uid', '%s');", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $prev);
+  if ($first >0)
+    $javascript .= sprintf("\n%s.set_env('first_uid', '%s');", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $first);
+  if ($next > 0)
+    $javascript .= sprintf("\n%s.set_env('next_uid', '%s');", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $next);
+  if ($last >0)
+    $javascript .= sprintf("\n%s.set_env('last_uid', '%s');", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $last);
@@ -92,21 +112,16 @@
       if ($PRINT_MODE)
         $out .= sprintf('<li>%s (%s)</li>'."\n",
-                        $attach_prop['filename'],
-                        show_bytes($attach_prop['size']));
+                        $attach_prop->filename,
+                        show_bytes($attach_prop->size));
-        $out .= sprintf('<li><a href="#attachment" onclick="return %s.command(\'load-attachment\',{part:\'%s\', mimetype:\'%s\'},this)">%s</a></li>'."\n",
+        $out .= sprintf('<li><a href="%s&amp;_part=%s" onclick="return %s.command(\'load-attachment\',{part:\'%s\', mimetype:\'%s\'},this)">%s</a></li>'."\n",
+                        htmlspecialchars($GET_URL),
+                        $attach_prop->mime_id,
-                        $attach_prop['part_id'],
-                        $attach_prop['mimetype'],
-                        $attach_prop['filename']);
-    /* direct link
-      else
-        $out .= sprintf('<li><a href="%s&_part=%s&_frame=1" target="rcubemailattachment">%s</a></li>'."\n",
-                        $GET_URL,
-                        $attach_prop['part_id'],
-                        $attach_prop['filename']);
-    */
+                        $attach_prop->mime_id,
+                        $attach_prop->mimetype,
+                        $attach_prop->filename);
     $out .= "</ul>";

Gitblit v1.9.1