From f3704e18d89e4065cede8509256d7fbf483b7fe6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: thomascube <>
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 17:46:27 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Added labels for nextpage/previouspage

 program/include/ |  362 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 files changed, 293 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

diff --git a/program/include/ b/program/include/
index c64ac7d..a3a3913 100644
--- a/program/include/
+++ b/program/include/
@@ -20,6 +20,14 @@
+// define constannts for input reading
+define('RCUBE_INPUT_GET', 0x0101);
+define('RCUBE_INPUT_POST', 0x0102);
+define('RCUBE_INPUT_GPC', 0x0103);
 // register session and connect to server
@@ -64,12 +72,14 @@
   // prepare DB connection
   require_once('include/rcube_'.(empty($CONFIG['db_backend']) ? 'db' : $CONFIG['db_backend']).'.inc');
-  $DB = new rcube_db($CONFIG['db_dsnw'], $CONFIG['db_dsnr']);
+  $DB = new rcube_db($CONFIG['db_dsnw'], $CONFIG['db_dsnr'], $CONFIG['db_persistent']);
   $DB->sqlite_initials = $INSTALL_PATH.'SQL/sqlite.initial.sql';
+  $DB->db_connect('w');
   // we can use the database for storing session data
   // session queries do not work with MDB2
-  if ($CONFIG['db_backend']!='mdb2' && is_object($DB) /* && $DB->db_provider!='sqlite' */)
+  if ($CONFIG['db_backend']!='mdb2' && !$DB->is_error())
@@ -81,7 +91,7 @@
   if (!$_SESSION['client_id'])
     $_SESSION['client_id'] = $sess_id;
-    $_SESSION['user_lang'] = substr($CONFIG['locale_string'], 0, 2);
+    $_SESSION['user_lang'] = rcube_language_prop($CONFIG['locale_string']);
     $_SESSION['auth_time'] = mktime();
     $_SESSION['auth'] = rcmail_auth_hash($sess_id, $_SESSION['auth_time']);
@@ -89,7 +99,7 @@
   // set session vars global
   $sess_auth = $_SESSION['auth'];
-  $sess_user_lang = $_SESSION['user_lang'];
+  $sess_user_lang = rcube_language_prop($_SESSION['user_lang']);
   // overwrite config with user preferences
@@ -200,6 +210,9 @@
+  // before closing the database connection, write session data
+  session_write_close();
@@ -244,13 +257,49 @@
   return $table;
+// check the given string and returns language properties
+function rcube_language_prop($lang, $prop='lang')
+  {
+  global $INSTLL_PATH;
+  static $rcube_languages, $rcube_language_aliases, $rcube_charsets;
+  if (empty($rcube_languages))
+    @include($INSTLL_PATH.'program/localization/');
+  // check if we have an alias for that language
+  if (!isset($rcube_languages[$lang]) && isset($rcube_language_aliases[$lang]))
+    $lang = $rcube_language_aliases[$lang];
+  // try the first two chars
+  if (!isset($rcube_languages[$lang]) && strlen($lang)>2)
+    {
+    $lang = substr($lang, 0, 2);
+    $lang = rcube_language_prop($lang);
+    }
+  if (!isset($rcube_languages[$lang]))
+    $lang = 'en_US';
+  // language has special charset configured
+  if (isset($rcube_charsets[$lang]))
+    $charset = $rcube_charsets[$lang];
+  else
+    $charset = 'UTF-8';    
+  if ($prop=='charset')
+    return $charset;
+  else
+    return $lang;
+  }
 // init output object for GUI and add common scripts
 function load_gui()
-  global $CONFIG, $OUTPUT, $COMM_PATH, $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $CHARSET, $sess_user_lang;
+  global $CONFIG, $OUTPUT, $COMM_PATH, $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $sess_user_lang;
   // init output page
   $OUTPUT = new rcube_html_page();
@@ -266,39 +315,55 @@
+  // set locale setting
+  rcmail_set_locale($sess_user_lang);
   // set user-selected charset
   if (!empty($CONFIG['charset']))
-    {
-    $CHARSET = $CONFIG['charset'];
-    }
-  else
-    rcmail_set_locale($sess_user_lang);
   // add some basic label to client
-  }  
+  }
 // set localization charset based on the given language
 function rcmail_set_locale($lang)
-  static $rcube_charsets;
-  if (!$rcube_charsets)
-    @include($INSTLL_PATH.'program/localization/');
-  if (isset($rcube_charsets[$lang]))
+  static $s_mbstring_loaded = NULL;
+  // settings for mbstring module (by Tadashi Jokagi)
+  if ($s_mbstring_loaded===NULL)
-    $OUTPUT->set_charset($rcube_charsets[$lang]);
-    $CHARSET = $rcube_charsets[$lang];
+    if ($s_mbstring_loaded = extension_loaded("mbstring"))
+      {
+      $MBSTRING = TRUE;
+      if (function_exists("mb_mbstring_encodings"))
+        $MBSTRING_ENCODING = mb_mbstring_encodings();
+      else
+        $MBSTRING_ENCODING = array("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-7", "UTF7-IMAP", "UTF-8",
+                                   "ISO-2022-JP", "EUC-JP", "EUCJP-WIN",
+                                   "SJIS", "SJIS-WIN");
+       $MBSTRING_ENCODING = array_map("strtoupper", $MBSTRING_ENCODING);
+       if (in_array("SJIS", $MBSTRING_ENCODING))
+       }
+     else
+      {
+      $MBSTRING_ENCODING = array();
+      }
-  else
+  if ($MBSTRING && function_exists("mb_language"))
-    $OUTPUT->set_charset('ISO-8859-1');
-    $CHARSET = 'ISO-8859-1';
+    if (!@mb_language(strtok($lang, "_")))
+      $MBSTRING = FALSE;   //  unsupport language
+  $OUTPUT->set_charset(rcube_language_prop($lang, 'charset'));
@@ -319,6 +384,22 @@
     $imap_ssl = (isset($a_host['scheme']) && in_array($a_host['scheme'], array('ssl','imaps','tls'))) ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $imap_port = isset($a_host['port']) ? $a_host['port'] : ($imap_ssl ? 993 : $CONFIG['default_port']);
+  else
+    $imap_port = $CONFIG['default_port'];
+  /* Modify username with domain if required  
+     Inspired by Marco <>
+  */
+  // Check if we need to add domain
+  if ($CONFIG['username_domain'] && !strstr($user, '@'))
+    {
+    if (is_array($CONFIG['username_domain']) && isset($CONFIG['username_domain'][$host]))
+      $user .= '@'.$CONFIG['username_domain'][$host];
+    else if (!empty($CONFIG['username_domain']))
+      $user .= '@'.$CONFIG['username_domain'];    
+    }
   // query if user already registered
   $sql_result = $DB->query("SELECT user_id, username, language, preferences
@@ -413,10 +494,10 @@
   if ($user_id = $DB->insert_id(get_sequence_name('users')))
-    if (is_string($CONFIG['mail_domain']))
-      $mail_domain = $CONFIG['mail_domain'];
-    else if (is_array($CONFIG['mail_domain']) && isset($CONFIG['mail_domain'][$host]))
+    if (is_array($CONFIG['mail_domain']) && isset($CONFIG['mail_domain'][$host]))
       $mail_domain = $CONFIG['mail_domain'][$host];
+    else if (!empty($CONFIG['mail_domain']))
+      $mail_domain = $CONFIG['mail_domain'];
       $mail_domain = $host;
@@ -425,24 +506,25 @@
     $user_name = $user!=$user_email ? $user : '';
-    // also create a new identity record
+    // try to resolve the e-mail address from the virtuser table
+	if (!empty($CONFIG['virtuser_query']))
+	  {
+      $sql_result = $DB->query(preg_replace('/%u/', $user, $CONFIG['virtuser_query']));
+      if ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_array($sql_result))
+        $user_email = $sql_arr[0];
+      }
+    // also create new identity records
     $DB->query("INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('identities')."
                 (user_id, del, standard, name, email)
                 VALUES (?, 0, 1, ?, ?)",
     // get existing mailboxes
     $a_mailboxes = $IMAP->list_mailboxes();
-    // check if the configured mailbox for sent messages exists
-    if ($CONFIG['sent_mbox'] && !in_array_nocase($CONFIG['sent_mbox'], $a_mailboxes))
-      $IMAP->create_mailbox($CONFIG['sent_mbox'], TRUE);
-    // check if the configured mailbox for sent messages exists
-    if ($CONFIG['trash_mbox'] && !in_array_nocase($CONFIG['trash_mbox'], $a_mailboxes))
-      $IMAP->create_mailbox($CONFIG['trash_mbox'], TRUE);
@@ -545,13 +627,13 @@
-function show_message($message, $type='notice')
+function show_message($message, $type='notice', $vars=NULL)
   $framed = $GLOBALS['_framed'];
   $command = sprintf("display_message('%s', '%s');",
-                     addslashes(rep_specialchars_output(rcube_label($message))),
+                     addslashes(rep_specialchars_output(rcube_label(array('name' => $message, 'vars' => $vars)))),
@@ -596,6 +678,7 @@
 // send correct response on a remote request
 function rcube_remote_response($js_code, $flush=FALSE)
+  global $OUTPUT, $CHARSET;
   static $s_header_sent = FALSE;
   if (!$s_header_sent)
@@ -607,7 +690,7 @@
   // send response code
-  print $js_code;
+  print rcube_charset_convert($js_code, $CHARSET, $OUTPUT->get_charset());
   if ($flush)  // flush the output buffer
@@ -639,7 +722,6 @@
   return $sa_languages;
@@ -674,11 +756,83 @@
+// remove all expired message cache records
+function rcmail_message_cache_gc()
+  {
+  global $DB, $CONFIG;
+  // no cache lifetime configured
+  if (empty($CONFIG['message_cache_lifetime']))
+    return;
+  // get target timestamp
+  $ts = get_offset_time($CONFIG['message_cache_lifetime'], -1);
+  $DB->query("DELETE FROM ".get_table_name('messages')."
+             WHERE  created < ".$DB->fromunixtime($ts));
+  }
+// convert a string from one charset to another
+// this function is not complete and not tested well
+function rcube_charset_convert($str, $from, $to=NULL)
+  {
+  $from = strtoupper($from);
+  $to = $to==NULL ? strtoupper($GLOBALS['CHARSET']) : strtoupper($to);
+  if ($from==$to)
+    return $str;
+  // convert charset using mbstring module  
+  if ($MBSTRING)
+    {
+    $to = $to=="UTF-7" ? "UTF7-IMAP" : $to;
+    $from = $from=="UTF-7" ? "UTF7-IMAP": $from;
+    if (in_array($to, $MBSTRING_ENCODING) && in_array($from, $MBSTRING_ENCODING))
+      return mb_convert_encoding($str, $to, $from);
+    }
+  // convert charset using iconv module  
+  if (function_exists('iconv') && $from!='UTF-7' && $to!='UTF-7')
+    return iconv($from, $to, $str);
+  $conv = new utf8();
+  // convert string to UTF-8
+  if ($from=='UTF-7')
+    $str = rcube_charset_convert(UTF7DecodeString($str), 'ISO-8859-1');
+  else if ($from=='ISO-8859-1' && function_exists('utf8_encode'))
+    $str = utf8_encode($str);
+  else if ($from!='UTF-8')
+    {
+    $conv->loadCharset($from);
+    $str = $conv->strToUtf8($str);
+    }
+  // encode string for output
+  if ($to=='UTF-7')
+    return UTF7EncodeString($str);
+  else if ($to=='ISO-8859-1' && function_exists('utf8_decode'))
+    return utf8_decode($str);
+  else if ($to!='UTF-8')
+    {
+    $conv->loadCharset($to);
+    return $conv->utf8ToStr($str);
+    }
+  // return UTF-8 string
+  return $str;
+  }
 // replace specials characters to a specific encoding type
 function rep_specialchars_output($str, $enctype='', $mode='', $newlines=TRUE)
+  global $OUTPUT_TYPE, $OUTPUT;
   static $html_encode_arr, $js_rep_table, $rtf_rep_table, $xml_rep_table;
   if (!$enctype)
@@ -687,7 +841,6 @@
   // convert nbsps back to normal spaces if not html
   if ($enctype!='html')
     $str = str_replace(chr(160), ' ', $str);
   // encode for plaintext
   if ($enctype=='text')
@@ -698,14 +851,7 @@
     if (!$html_encode_arr)
-      if ($CHARSET=='ISO-8859-1')
-        {
-        $html_encode_arr = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
-        $html_encode_arr[chr(128)] = '&euro;';
-        }
-      else
-        $html_encode_arr = get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS);
+      $html_encode_arr = get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS);        
@@ -724,7 +870,7 @@
       $str = strip_tags($str);
     $out = strtr($str, $encode_arr);
     return $newlines ? nl2br($out) : $out;
@@ -737,6 +883,7 @@
   if (!$js_rep_table)
     $js_rep_table = $rtf_rep_table = $xml_rep_table = array();
+    $xml_rep_table['&'] = '&amp;';
     for ($c=160; $c<256; $c++)  // can be increased to support more charsets
@@ -744,7 +891,7 @@
       $rtf_rep_table[Chr($c)] = "\\'$hex";
       $xml_rep_table[Chr($c)] = "&#$c;";
-      if ($CHARSET=='ISO-8859-1')
+      if ($OUTPUT->get_charset()=='ISO-8859-1')
         $js_rep_table[Chr($c)] = sprintf("\u%s%s", str_repeat('0', 4-strlen($hex)), $hex);
@@ -758,7 +905,12 @@
   // encode for javascript use
   if ($enctype=='js')
+    {
+    if ($OUTPUT->get_charset()!='UTF-8')
+      $str = rcube_charset_convert($str, $GLOBALS['CHARSET'], $OUTPUT->get_charset());
     return preg_replace(array("/\r\n/", '/"/', "/([^\\\])'/"), array('\n', '\"', "$1\'"), strtr($str, $js_rep_table));
+    }
   // encode for RTF
   if ($enctype=='rtf')
@@ -767,6 +919,52 @@
   // no encoding given -> return original string
   return $str;
+ * Read input value and convert it for internal use
+ * Performs stripslashes() and charset conversion if necessary
+ * 
+ * @param  string   Field name to read
+ * @param  int      Source to get value from (GPC)
+ * @param  boolean  Allow HTML tags in field value
+ * @param  string   Charset to convert into
+ * @return string   Field value or NULL if not available
+ */
+function get_input_value($fname, $source, $allow_html=FALSE, $charset=NULL)
+  {
+  global $OUTPUT;
+  $value = NULL;
+  if ($source==RCUBE_INPUT_GET && isset($_GET[$fname]))
+    $value = $_GET[$fname];
+  else if ($source==RCUBE_INPUT_POST && isset($_POST[$fname]))
+    $value = $_POST[$fname];
+  else if ($source==RCUBE_INPUT_GPC)
+    {
+    if (isset($_POST[$fname]))
+      $value = $_POST[$fname];
+    else if (isset($_GET[$fname]))
+      $value = $_GET[$fname];
+    else if (isset($_COOKIE[$fname]))
+      $value = $_COOKIE[$fname];
+    }
+  // strip slashes if magic_quotes enabled
+  if ((bool)get_magic_quotes_gpc())
+    $value = stripslashes($value);
+  // remove HTML tags if not allowed    
+  if (!$allow_html)
+    $value = strip_tags($value);
+  // convert to internal charset
+  if (is_object($OUTPUT))
+    return rcube_charset_convert($value, $OUTPUT->get_charset(), $charset);
+  else
+    return $value;
+  }
@@ -841,7 +1039,7 @@
 function rcube_xml_command($command, $str_attrib, $a_attrib=NULL)
-  global $IMAP, $CONFIG;
+  global $IMAP, $CONFIG, $OUTPUT;
   $attrib = array();
   $command = strtolower($command);
@@ -902,6 +1100,7 @@
         'message' => 'rcmail_message_container',
         'messages' => 'rcmail_message_list',
         'messagecountdisplay' => 'rcmail_messagecount_display',
+        'quotadisplay' => 'rcmail_quota_display',
         'messageheaders' => 'rcmail_message_headers',
         'messagebody' => 'rcmail_message_body',
         'messageattachments' => 'rcmail_message_attachments',
@@ -917,6 +1116,7 @@
         'composeattachment' => 'rcmail_compose_attachment_field',
         'priorityselector' => 'rcmail_priority_selector',
         'charsetselector' => 'rcmail_charset_selector',
+        'searchform' => 'rcmail_search_form',
         // ADDRESS BOOK
         'addresslist' => 'rcmail_contacts_list',
@@ -941,7 +1141,16 @@
       // execute object handler function
       if ($object_handlers[$object] && function_exists($object_handlers[$object]))
         return call_user_func($object_handlers[$object], $attrib);
+      else if ($object=='productname')
+        {
+        $name = !empty($CONFIG['product_name']) ? $CONFIG['product_name'] : 'RoundCube Webmail';
+        return rep_specialchars_output($name, 'html', 'all');
+        }
+      else if ($object=='version')
+        {
+        return (string)RCMAIL_VERSION;
+        }
       else if ($object=='pagetitle')
         $task = $GLOBALS['_task'];
@@ -952,7 +1161,7 @@
         else if (isset($GLOBALS['PAGE_TITLE']))
           $title .= $GLOBALS['PAGE_TITLE'];
         else if ($task=='mail' && ($mbox_name = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name()))
-          $title .= UTF7DecodeString($mbox_name);
+          $title .= rcube_charset_convert($mbox_name, 'UTF-7', 'UTF-8');
           $title .= $task;
@@ -969,7 +1178,7 @@
 // create and register a button
 function rcube_button($attrib)
   static $sa_buttons = array();
   static $s_button_count = 100;
@@ -1041,6 +1250,7 @@
   // register button in the system
   if ($attrib['command'])
+    {
     $OUTPUT->add_script(sprintf("%s.register_button('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');",
@@ -1049,6 +1259,11 @@
                                 $attrib['imageact'] ? $skin_path.$attrib['imageact'] : $attrib['classact'],
                                 $attirb['imagesel'] ? $skin_path.$attirb['imagesel'] : $attrib['classsel'],
                                 $attrib['imageover'] ? $skin_path.$attrib['imageover'] : ''));
+    // make valid href to task buttons
+    if (in_array($attrib['command'], $MAIN_TASKS))
+      $attrib['href'] = ereg_replace('_task=[a-z]+', '_task='.$attrib['command'], $COMM_PATH);
+    }
   // overwrite attributes
   if (!$attrib['href'])
@@ -1223,25 +1438,30 @@
   global $CONFIG, $sess_user_lang;
+  $ts = NULL;
   if (is_numeric($date))
     $ts = $date;
   else if (!empty($date))
-    $ts = strtotime($date);
-  else
+    $ts = @strtotime($date);
+  if (empty($ts))
     return '';
+  // get user's timezone
+  $tz = $CONFIG['timezone'];
+  if ($CONFIG['dst_active'])
+    $tz++;
   // convert time to user's timezone
-  $timestamp = $ts - date('Z', $ts) + ($CONFIG['timezone'] * 3600);
+  $timestamp = $ts - date('Z', $ts) + ($tz * 3600);
   // get current timestamp in user's timezone
   $now = time();  // local time
   $now -= (int)date('Z'); // make GMT time
-  $now += ($CONFIG['timezone'] * 3600); // user's time
+  $now += ($tz * 3600); // user's time
   $now_date = getdate();
-  //$day_secs = 60*((int)date('H', $now)*60 + (int)date('i', $now));
-  //$week_secs = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
-  //$diff = $now - $timestamp;
   $today_limit = mktime(0, 0, 0, $now_date['mon'], $now_date['mday'], $now_date['year']);
   $week_limit = mktime(0, 0, 0, $now_date['mon'], $now_date['mday']-6, $now_date['year']);
@@ -1353,7 +1573,7 @@
   $input_action = new hiddenfield(array('name' => '_action', 'value' => 'login'));
   $fields = array();
-  $fields['user'] = $input_user->show($_POST['_user']);
+  $fields['user'] = $input_user->show(get_input_value('_user', RCUBE_INPUT_POST));
   $fields['pass'] = $input_pass->show();
   $fields['action'] = $input_action->show();
@@ -1410,9 +1630,10 @@
 function rcmail_charset_selector($attrib)
+  global $OUTPUT;
   // pass the following attributes to the form class
   $field_attrib = array('name' => '_charset');
   foreach ($attrib as $attr => $value)
@@ -1421,10 +1642,11 @@
   $charsets = array(
     'US-ASCII'     => 'ASCII (English)',
-    'X-EUC-JP'     => 'EUC-JP (Japanese)',
+    'EUC-JP'       => 'EUC-JP (Japanese)',
     'EUC-KR'       => 'EUC-KR (Korean)',
     'BIG5'         => 'BIG5 (Chinese)',
     'GB2312'       => 'GB2312 (Chinese)',
+    'ISO-2022-JP'  => 'ISO-2022-JP (Japanese)',
     'ISO-8859-1'   => 'ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1)',
     'ISO-8859-2'   => 'ISO-8895-2 (Central European)',
     'ISO-8859-7'   => 'ISO-8859-7 (Greek)',
@@ -1440,11 +1662,13 @@
   $select = new select($field_attrib);
   $select->add(array_values($charsets), array_keys($charsets));
-  $set = $_POST['_charset'] ? $_POST['_charset'] : $GLOBALS['CHARSET'];
+  $set = $_POST['_charset'] ? $_POST['_charset'] : $OUTPUT->get_charset();
   return $select->show($set);
+/****** debugging function ********/
 function rcube_timer()
   list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());

Gitblit v1.9.1