From 37b29231e47a0c4458dc1c15d98588f16f07e1e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marius Cramer <>
Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2015 03:18:44 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] - don't set password via remoting if field is empty

 install/apps/metronome_libs/mod_webpresence/mod_webpresence.lua |  118 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/install/apps/metronome_libs/mod_webpresence/mod_webpresence.lua b/install/apps/metronome_libs/mod_webpresence/mod_webpresence.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1de0e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/apps/metronome_libs/mod_webpresence/mod_webpresence.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+local jid_split = require "util.jid".prepped_split;
+local b64 = require "util.encodings".base64.encode;
+local sha1 = require "util.hashes".sha1;
+local stanza = require "util.stanza".stanza;
+local json = require "util.json".encode_ordered;
+local function require_resource(name)
+    local icon_path = module:get_option_string("presence_icons", "icons");
+    local f, err  = module:load_resource(icon_path.."/";
+    if f then
+        return f:read("*a");
+    end
+    module:log("warn", "Failed to open image file %s",;
+    return "";
+local statuses = { online = {}, away = {}, xa = {}, dnd = {}, chat = {}, offline = {} };
+local function handle_request(event, path)
+  local status, message;
+  local jid, type = path:match("([^/]+)/?(.*)$");
+  if jid then
+    local user, host = jid_split(jid);
+    if host and not user then
+        user, host = host,;
+        if host then host = host:gsub(":%d+$", ""); end
+    end
+    if user and host then
+      local user_sessions = hosts[host] and hosts[host].sessions[user];
+      if user_sessions then
+        status = user_sessions.top_resources[1];
+        if status and status.presence then
+          message = status.presence:child_with_name("status");
+          status = status.presence:child_with_name("show");
+          if not status then
+            status = "online";
+          else
+            status = status:get_text();
+          end
+          if message then
+            message = message:get_text();
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  status = status or "offline";
+  statuses[status].image = function()
+    return { status_code = 200, headers = { content_type = "image/png" },
+      body =  require_resource("status_"..status..".png")
+    };
+  end;
+  statuses[status].html = function()
+    local jid_hash = sha1(jid, true);
+    return { status_code = 200, headers = { content_type = "text/html" },
+      body =  [[<!DOCTYPE html>]]..
+        tostring(
+          stanza("html")
+            :tag("head")
+            :tag("title"):text("XMPP Status Page for "..jid):up():up()
+            :tag("body")
+            :tag("div", { id = jid_hash.."_status", class = "xmpp_status" })
+            :tag("img", { id = jid_hash.."_img", class = "xmpp_status_image xmpp_status_"..status,
+              src = "data:image/png;base64,"..b64(require_resource("status_"..status..".png")) }):up()
+            :tag("span", { id = jid_hash.."_status_name", class = "xmpp_status_name" })
+              :text("\194\160"..status):up()
+            :tag("span", { id = jid_hash.."_status_message", class = "xmpp_status_message" })
+              :text(message and "\194\160"..message.."" or "")
+        )
+    };
+  end;
+  statuses[status].text = function()
+    return { status_code = 200, headers = { content_type = "text/plain" },
+      body = status
+    };
+  end;
+  statuses[status].message = function()
+    return { status_code = 200, headers = { content_type = "text/plain" },
+      body = (message and message or "")
+    };
+  end;
+  statuses[status].json = function()
+    return { status_code = 200, headers = { content_type = "application/json" },
+      body = json({
+        jid    = jid,
+        show   = status,
+        status = (message and message or "null")
+      })
+    };
+  end;
+  statuses[status].xml = function()
+    return { status_code = 200, headers = { content_type = "application/xml" },
+      body = [[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>]]..
+        tostring(
+          stanza("result")
+            :tag("jid"):text(jid):up()
+            :tag("show"):text(status):up()
+            :tag("status"):text(message)
+        )
+      };
+  end
+  if ((type == "") or (not statuses[status][type])) then
+    type = "image"
+  end;
+  return statuses[status][type]();
+module:provides("http", {
+    default_path = "/status";
+    route = {
+        ["GET /*"] = handle_request;
+    };

Gitblit v1.9.1