From 3a11d23a2f32a1b9b2ec43429917c000017c5eff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marius Cramer <>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2015 05:18:57 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] - changed code to use new method of passing values to datalogUpdate and datalogInsert

 interface/web/dns/dns_wizard.php |   72 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/interface/web/dns/dns_wizard.php b/interface/web/dns/dns_wizard.php
index 666ff6a..17dba99 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/dns_wizard.php
+++ b/interface/web/dns/dns_wizard.php
@@ -335,11 +335,11 @@
 				if($section == 'dns_records') {
 					$parts = explode('|', $row);
 					$dns_rr[] = array(
-						'name' => $app->db->quote($parts[1]),
-						'type' => $app->db->quote($parts[0]),
-						'data' => $app->db->quote($parts[2]),
-						'aux'  => $app->db->quote($parts[3]),
-						'ttl'  => $app->db->quote($parts[4])
+						'name' => $parts[1],
+						'type' => $parts[0],
+						'data' => $parts[2],
+						'aux'  => $parts[3],
+						'ttl'  => $parts[4]
@@ -359,28 +359,60 @@
 	if($error == '') {
 		// Insert the soa record
 		$sys_userid = $_SESSION['s']['user']['userid'];
-		$origin = $app->db->quote($vars['origin']);
-		$ns = $app->db->quote($vars['ns']);
-		$mbox = $app->db->quote(str_replace('@', '.', $vars['mbox']));
-		$refresh = $app->db->quote($vars['refresh']);
-		$retry = $app->db->quote($vars['retry']);
-		$expire = $app->db->quote($vars['expire']);
-		$minimum = $app->db->quote($vars['minimum']);
-		$ttl = $app->db->quote($vars['ttl']);
-		$xfer = $app->db->quote($vars['xfer']);
-		$also_notify = $app->db->quote($vars['also_notify']);
-		$update_acl = $app->db->quote($vars['update_acl']);
+		$origin = $vars['origin'];
+		$ns = $vars['ns'];
+		$mbox = str_replace('@', '.', $vars['mbox']);
+		$refresh = $vars['refresh'];
+		$retry = $vars['retry'];
+		$expire = $vars['expire'];
+		$minimum = $vars['minimum'];
+		$ttl = $vars['ttl'];
+		$xfer = $vars['xfer'];
+		$also_notify = $vars['also_notify'];
+		$update_acl = $vars['update_acl'];
 		$serial = $app->validate_dns->increase_serial(0);
-		$insert_data = "(`sys_userid`, `sys_groupid`, `sys_perm_user`, `sys_perm_group`, `sys_perm_other`, `server_id`, `origin`, `ns`, `mbox`, `serial`, `refresh`, `retry`, `expire`, `minimum`, `ttl`, `active`, `xfer`, `also_notify`, `update_acl`) VALUES
-		('$sys_userid', '$sys_groupid', 'riud', 'riud', '', '$server_id', '$origin', '$ns', '$mbox', '$serial', '$refresh', '$retry', '$expire', '$minimum', '$ttl', 'Y', '$xfer', '$also_notify', '$update_acl')";
+		$insert_data = array(
+			"sys_userid" => $sys_userid,
+			"sys_groupid" => $sys_groupid,
+			"sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
+			"sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
+			"sys_perm_other" => '',
+			"server_id" => $server_id,
+			"origin" => $origin,
+			"ns" => $ns,
+			"mbox" => $mbox,
+			"serial" => $serial,
+			"refresh" => $refresh,
+			"retry" => $retry,
+			"expire" => $expire,
+			"minimum" => $minimum,
+			"ttl" => $ttl,
+			"active" => 'Y',
+			"xfer" => $xfer,
+			"also_notify" => $also_notify,
+			"update_acl" => $update_acl
+		);
 		$dns_soa_id = $app->db->datalogInsert('dns_soa', $insert_data, 'id');
 		// Insert the dns_rr records
 		if(is_array($dns_rr) && $dns_soa_id > 0) {
 			foreach($dns_rr as $rr) {
-				$insert_data = "(`sys_userid`, `sys_groupid`, `sys_perm_user`, `sys_perm_group`, `sys_perm_other`, `server_id`, `zone`, `name`, `type`, `data`, `aux`, `ttl`, `active`) VALUES
-				('$sys_userid', '$sys_groupid', 'riud', 'riud', '', '$server_id', '$dns_soa_id', '$rr[name]', '$rr[type]', '$rr[data]', '$rr[aux]', '$rr[ttl]', 'Y')";
+				$insert_data = array(
+					"sys_userid" => $sys_userid,
+					"sys_groupid" => $sys_groupid,
+					"sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
+					"sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
+					"sys_perm_other" => '',
+					"server_id" => $server_id,
+					"zone" => $dns_soa_id,
+					"name" => $rr['name'],
+					"type" => $rr['type'],
+					"data" => $rr['data'],
+					"aux" => $rr['aux'],
+					"ttl" => $rr['ttl'],
+					"active" => 'Y'
+				);
 				$dns_rr_id = $app->db->datalogInsert('dns_rr', $insert_data, 'id');

Gitblit v1.9.1