From 4569cae57f127afd093794310ccd290d2d9fdf36 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marius Burkard <>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2016 10:58:46 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Merge branch 'stable-3.1'

 interface/web/sites/ftp_sites_stats.php |  181 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 181 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/interface/web/sites/ftp_sites_stats.php b/interface/web/sites/ftp_sites_stats.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ffc3f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/web/sites/ftp_sites_stats.php
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+require_once '../../lib/';
+require_once '../../lib/';
+* Begin Form configuration
+$list_def_file = "list/ftp_sites_stats.list.php";
+* End Form configuration
+//* Check permissions for module
+class list_action extends listform_actions {
+	private $sum_this_month = 0;
+	private $sum_this_year = 0;
+	private $sum_last_month = 0;
+	private $sum_last_year = 0;
+	function prepareDataRow($rec)
+	{
+		global $app;
+		$rec = $app->listform->decode($rec);
+		//* Alternating datarow colors
+		$this->DataRowColor = ($this->DataRowColor == '#FFFFFF') ? '#EEEEEE' : '#FFFFFF';
+		$rec['bgcolor'] = $this->DataRowColor;
+		//* Set the statistics colums
+		//** Traffic of the current month
+		$tmp_year = date('Y');
+		$tmp_month = date('m');
+		$tmp_rec = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT SUM(in_bytes) AS ftp_in, SUM(out_bytes) AS ftp_out FROM ftp_traffic WHERE hostname = ? AND YEAR(traffic_date) = ? AND MONTH(traffic_date) = ?", $rec['domain'], $tmp_year, $tmp_month);
+		$rec['this_month_in'] = $app->functions->formatBytes($tmp_rec['ftp_in']);
+		$rec['this_month_out'] = $app->functions->formatBytes($tmp_rec['ftp_out']);
+		$this->sum_this_month += $tmp_rec['ftp_in']+$tmp_rec['ftp_out'];
+		//** Traffic of the current year
+		$tmp_rec = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT SUM(in_bytes) AS ftp_in, SUM(out_bytes) AS ftp_out FROM ftp_traffic WHERE hostname = ? AND YEAR(traffic_date) = ?", $rec['domain'], $tmp_year);
+		$rec['this_year_in'] = $app->functions->formatBytes($tmp_rec['ftp_in']);
+		$rec['this_year_out'] = $app->functions->formatBytes($tmp_rec['ftp_out']);
+		$this->sum_this_year += $tmp_rec['ftp_in']+$tmp_rec['ftp_out'];
+		//** Traffic of the last month
+		$tmp_year = date('Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-1, date("d"), date("Y")));
+		$tmp_month = date('m', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-1, date("d"), date("Y")));		
+		$tmp_rec = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT SUM(in_bytes) AS ftp_in, SUM(out_bytes) AS ftp_out FROM ftp_traffic WHERE hostname = ? AND YEAR(traffic_date) = ? AND MONTH(traffic_date) = ?", $rec['domain'], $tmp_year, $tmp_month);
+		$rec['last_month_in'] = $app->functions->formatBytes($tmp_rec['ftp_in']);
+		$rec['last_month_out'] = $app->functions->formatBytes($tmp_rec['ftp_out']);
+		$this->sum_last_month += $tmp_rec['ftp_in']+$tmp_rec['ftp_out'];
+		//** Traffic of the last year
+		$tmp_year = date('Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")-1));
+		$tmp_rec = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT SUM(in_bytes) AS ftp_in, SUM(out_bytes) AS ftp_out FROM ftp_traffic WHERE hostname = ? AND YEAR(traffic_date) = ?", $rec['domain'], $tmp_year);
+		$rec['last_year_in'] = $app->functions->formatBytes($tmp_rec['ftp_in']);
+		$rec['last_year_out'] = $app->functions->formatBytes($tmp_rec['ftp_out']);
+		$this->sum_last_year += $tmp_rec['ftp_in']+$tmp_rec['ftp_out'];
+		//* The variable "id" contains always the index variable
+		$rec['id'] = $rec[$this->idx_key];
+		return $rec;
+	}
+	function onShowEnd()
+	{
+		global $app;
+		$app->tpl->setVar('sum_this_month', $app->functions->formatBytes($this->sum_this_month));
+		$app->tpl->setVar('sum_this_year', $app->functions->formatBytes($this->sum_this_year));
+		$app->tpl->setVar('sum_last_month', $app->functions->formatBytes($this->sum_last_month));
+		$app->tpl->setVar('sum_last_year', $app->functions->formatBytes($this->sum_last_year));
+		$app->tpl->setVar('sum_txt', $app->listform->lng('sum_txt'));
+		$app->tpl_defaults();
+		$app->tpl->pparse();
+	}
+	function getQueryString($no_limit = false) {
+		global $app;
+		$sql_where = '';
+		//* Generate the search sql
+		if($app->listform->listDef['auth'] != 'no') {
+			if($_SESSION['s']['user']['typ'] == "admin") {
+				$sql_where = '';
+			} else {
+				$sql_where = $app->tform->getAuthSQL('r', $app->listform->listDef['table']).' and';
+				//$sql_where = $app->tform->getAuthSQL('r').' and';
+			}
+		}
+		if($this->SQLExtWhere != '') {
+			$sql_where .= ' '.$this->SQLExtWhere.' and';
+		}
+		$sql_where = $app->listform->getSearchSQL($sql_where);
+		if($app->listform->listDef['join_sql']) $sql_where .= ' AND '.$app->listform->listDef['join_sql'];
+		$app->tpl->setVar($app->listform->searchValues);
+		$order_by_sql = $this->SQLOrderBy;
+		//* Generate SQL for paging
+		$limit_sql = $app->listform->getPagingSQL($sql_where);
+		$app->tpl->setVar('paging', $app->listform->pagingHTML);
+		$extselect = '';
+		$join = '';
+		if(!empty($_SESSION['search'][$_SESSION['s']['module']['name'].$app->listform->listDef["name"].$app->listform->listDef['table']]['order'])){
+			$order = str_replace(' DESC', '', $_SESSION['search'][$_SESSION['s']['module']['name'].$app->listform->listDef["name"].$app->listform->listDef['table']]['order']);
+			list($tmp_table, $order) = explode('.', $order);
+			if($order == 'ftp_traffic_last_month'){
+				$tmp_year = date('Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-1, date("d"), date("Y")));
+				$tmp_month = date('m', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-1, date("d"), date("Y")));
+				$extselect .= ', SUM(ft.in_bytes+out_bytes) as calctraffic';
+				$join .= ' INNER JOIN ftp_traffic as ft ON '.$app->listform->listDef['table'].'.domain = ft.hostname ';
+				$sql_where .= " AND YEAR(ft.traffic_date) = '$tmp_year' AND MONTH(ft.traffic_date) = '$tmp_month'";
+				$order_by_sql = str_replace($app->listform->listDef['table'].'.ftp_traffic_last_month', 'calctraffic', $order_by_sql);
+				$order_by_sql = "GROUP BY domain ".$order_by_sql;
+			} elseif($order == 'ftp_traffic_this_month'){
+				$tmp_year = date('Y');
+				$tmp_month = date('m');
+				$extselect .= ', SUM(ft.in_bytes+out_bytes) as calctraffic';
+				$join .= ' INNER JOIN ftp_traffic as ft ON '.$app->listform->listDef['table'].'.domain = ft.hostname ';
+				$sql_where .= " AND YEAR(ft.traffic_date) = '$tmp_year' AND MONTH(ft.traffic_date) = '$tmp_month'";
+				$order_by_sql = str_replace($app->listform->listDef['table'].'.ftp_traffic_this_month', 'calctraffic', $order_by_sql);
+				$order_by_sql = "GROUP BY domain ".$order_by_sql;
+			} elseif($order == 'ftp_traffic_last_year'){
+				$tmp_year = date('Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-1, date("d"), date("Y")));
+				$extselect .= ', SUM(ft.in_bytes+out_bytes) as calctraffic';
+				$join .= ' INNER JOIN ftp_traffic as ft ON '.$app->listform->listDef['table'].'.domain = ft.hostname ';
+				$sql_where .= " AND YEAR(ft.traffic_date) = '$tmp_year'";
+				$order_by_sql = str_replace($app->listform->listDef['table'].'.ftp_traffic_last_year', 'calctraffic', $order_by_sql);
+				$order_by_sql = "GROUP BY domain ".$order_by_sql;
+			} elseif($order == 'ftp_traffic_this_year'){
+				$tmp_year = date('Y');
+				$extselect .= ', SUM(ft.in_bytes+out_bytes) as calctraffic';
+				$join .= ' INNER JOIN ftp_traffic as ft ON '.$app->listform->listDef['table'].'.domain = ft.hostname ';
+				$sql_where .= " AND YEAR(ft.traffic_date) = '$tmp_year'";
+				$order_by_sql = str_replace($app->listform->listDef['table'].'.ftp_traffic_this_year', 'calctraffic', $order_by_sql);
+				$order_by_sql = "GROUP BY domain ".$order_by_sql;
+			}
+		}
+		if($this->SQLExtSelect != '') { 
+			if(substr($this->SQLExtSelect, 0, 1) != ',') $this->SQLExtSelect = ','.$this->SQLExtSelect;
+			$extselect .= $this->SQLExtSelect;
+		}
+		$table_selects = array();
+		$table_selects[] = trim($app->listform->listDef['table']).'.*';
+		$app->listform->listDef['additional_tables'] = trim($app->listform->listDef['additional_tables']);
+		if($app->listform->listDef['additional_tables'] != ''){
+			$additional_tables = explode(',', $app->listform->listDef['additional_tables']);
+			foreach($additional_tables as $additional_table){
+				$table_selects[] = trim($additional_table).'.*';
+			}
+		}
+		$select = implode(', ', $table_selects);
+		$sql = 'SELECT '.$select.$extselect.' FROM '.$app->listform->listDef['table'].($app->listform->listDef['additional_tables'] != ''? ','.$app->listform->listDef['additional_tables'] : '')."$join WHERE $sql_where $order_by_sql $limit_sql";
+		return $sql;
+	}
+$list = new list_action;
+$list->SQLExtWhere = "(web_domain.type = 'vhost' or web_domain.type = 'vhostsubdomain')";
+$list->SQLOrderBy = 'ORDER BY web_domain.domain';
\ No newline at end of file

Gitblit v1.9.1