From 6c1d2417df2067ec1cf17366e0ea27ccac9c9cbe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marius Cramer <>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 04:58:08 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] - fixed daily backup

 server/cron_daily.php |    6 +++---
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/server/cron_daily.php b/server/cron_daily.php
index 3269736..7ba4f61 100644
--- a/server/cron_daily.php
+++ b/server/cron_daily.php
@@ -1157,12 +1157,12 @@
 					if($backup_mode == 'userzip') {
 						//* Create a .zip backup as web user and include also files owned by apache / nginx user
 						$web_backup_file = 'web'.$web_id.'_'.date('Y-m-d_H-i').'.zip';
-						exec('cd '.escapeshellarg($web_path).' && sudo -u '.escapeshellarg($web_user).' find . -group '.escapeshellarg($web_group).' -print 2> /dev/null | zip -b /tmp --exclude=backup\*'.$backup_excludes.' --symlinks '.escapeshellarg($web_backup_dir.'/'.$web_backup_file).' -@', $tmp_output, $retval);
-						if($retval == 0 || $retval == 12) exec('cd '.escapeshellarg($web_path).' && sudo -u '.escapeshellarg($web_user).' find . -user '.escapeshellarg($http_server_user).' -print 2> /dev/null | zip -b /tmp --exclude=backup\*'.$backup_excludes.' --update --symlinks '.escapeshellarg($web_backup_dir.'/'.$web_backup_file).' -@', $tmp_output, $retval);
+						exec('cd '.escapeshellarg($web_path).' && sudo -u '.escapeshellarg($web_user).' find . -group '.escapeshellarg($web_group).' -print 2> /dev/null | zip -b /tmp --exclude=./backup\*'.$backup_excludes.' --symlinks '.escapeshellarg($web_backup_dir.'/'.$web_backup_file).' -@', $tmp_output, $retval);
+						if($retval == 0 || $retval == 12) exec('cd '.escapeshellarg($web_path).' && sudo -u '.escapeshellarg($web_user).' find . -user '.escapeshellarg($http_server_user).' -print 2> /dev/null | zip -b /tmp --exclude=./backup\*'.$backup_excludes.' --update --symlinks '.escapeshellarg($web_backup_dir.'/'.$web_backup_file).' -@', $tmp_output, $retval);
 					} else {
 						//* Create a tar.gz backup as root user
 						$web_backup_file = 'web'.$web_id.'_'.date('Y-m-d_H-i').'.tar.gz';
-						exec('tar pczf '.escapeshellarg($web_backup_dir.'/'.$web_backup_file).' --exclude=backup\*'.$backup_excludes.' --directory '.escapeshellarg($web_path).' .', $tmp_output, $retval);
+						exec('tar pczf '.escapeshellarg($web_backup_dir.'/'.$web_backup_file).' --exclude=./backup\*'.$backup_excludes.' --directory '.escapeshellarg($web_path).' .', $tmp_output, $retval);
 					if($retval == 0 || ($backup_mode != 'userzip' && $retval == 1) || ($backup_mode == 'userzip' && $retval == 12)) { // tar can return 1, zip can return 12(due to harmless warings) and still create valid backups  

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