From e15295406e45c3f7944ed571dba8f099a9b5ac59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tbrehm <>
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2012 08:46:46 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Fixed: FS#2119 - String missing in language files? Uploaded new HR language file set.

 interface/web/sites/lib/lang/hr_cron.lng |   34 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/hr_cron.lng b/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/hr_cron.lng
index 9380846..65605ae 100644
--- a/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/hr_cron.lng
+++ b/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/hr_cron.lng
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 $wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
-$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent website';
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Početna web stranica';
 $wb['active_txt'] = 'Aktivno';
-$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
-$wb['run_min_txt'] = 'Minutes';
-$wb['run_hour_txt'] = 'Hours';
-$wb['run_mday_txt'] = 'Days of month';
-$wb['run_month_txt'] = 'Months';
-$wb['run_wday_txt'] = 'Days of week';
-$wb['command_txt'] = 'Command to run (commands are executed via sh, urls via wget)';
-$wb['limit_cron_txt'] = 'The maximum number of allowed cron jobs was reached.';
-$wb['limit_cron_frequency_txt'] = 'The cron job frequency exceeds the allowed limit.';
-$wb['run_min_error_format'] = 'Invalid format for minutes.';
-$wb['run_hour_error_format'] = 'Invalid format for hours.';
-$wb['run_mday_error_format'] = 'Invalid format for days of month.';
-$wb['run_month_error_format'] = 'Invalid format for months.';
-$wb['run_wday_error_format'] = 'Invalid format for days of the week.';
-$wb['command_error_format'] = 'Invalid command format. Please note that in case of an url call only http/https is allowed.';
-$wb['unknown_fieldtype_error'] = 'An unknown field type has been used.';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Klijent';
+$wb['run_min_txt'] = 'Minute';
+$wb['run_hour_txt'] = 'Sati';
+$wb['run_mday_txt'] = 'Dani u mjesecu';
+$wb['run_month_txt'] = 'Mjeseci';
+$wb['run_wday_txt'] = 'Dani u tjednu';
+$wb['command_txt'] = 'Komanda za pokretanje (komande se pokreću sa sh, URL-ovi sa wget)';
+$wb['limit_cron_txt'] = 'Iskorišten je maksimalan broj cron zadataka.';
+$wb['limit_cron_frequency_txt'] = 'Brzina izvršavanja cron zadataka prelazi dozvoljeni limit.';
+$wb['run_min_error_format'] = 'Pogrešan format za minute.';
+$wb['run_hour_error_format'] = 'Pogrešan format za sate.';
+$wb['run_mday_error_format'] = 'Pogrešan format za dane u mjesecu.';
+$wb['run_month_error_format'] = 'Pogrešan format za mjesece.';
+$wb['run_wday_error_format'] = 'Pogrešan format za dane u tjednu.';
+$wb['command_error_format'] = 'Pogrešan format komande. U slučaju pozivanja URL-a koristite samo http/https.';
+$wb['unknown_fieldtype_error'] = 'Koristi se nepoznata vrsta polja.';

Gitblit v1.9.1