From e15295406e45c3f7944ed571dba8f099a9b5ac59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tbrehm <>
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2012 08:46:46 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Fixed: FS#2119 - String missing in language files? Uploaded new HR language file set.

 interface/web/sites/lib/lang/hr_web_domain.lng |  144 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

diff --git a/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/hr_web_domain.lng b/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/hr_web_domain.lng
index 0e93022..f334821 100644
--- a/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/hr_web_domain.lng
+++ b/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/hr_web_domain.lng
@@ -1,92 +1,92 @@
-$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
-$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
-$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
-$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
-$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
-$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
-$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
-$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
-$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
-$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
-$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
-$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Interval backupa';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Broj backup kopija';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'Stanje';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Lokacija';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organizacija';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organizacijski dio';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Država';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL zahtjev';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL certifikat';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL paket';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL akcija';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL domena';
 $wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
 $wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domena';
 $wb['type_txt'] = 'Vrsta';
-$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
-$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Glavna web stranica';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Vrsta redirekcije';
 $wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
 $wb['active_txt'] = 'Aktivno';
-$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
-$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
-$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
-$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IP-Address';
-$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
-$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
-$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Početni direktorij';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux korisnik';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux grupa';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IP adresa';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'Vrsta VHosta';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Limit kvote (prostor)';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Limit prometa';
 $wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
 $wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
-$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
-$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Vlastite error stranice';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Automatska poddomena';
 $wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
 $wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
 $wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
-$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
-$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
-$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
-$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
-$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache directives';
-$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
-$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
-$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
-$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
-$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
-$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
-$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
-$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
-$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
-$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
-$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
-$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
-$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Klijent';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'Iskorišten je maksimalan broj domena.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'Iskorišten je maksimalan broj alias domena.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'Iskorišten je maksimalan broj poddomena.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache direktive';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Naziv domene je prazan.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'Već postoji web stranica ili poddomena / alias sa nazivom te domene.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Naziv domene nije ispravan.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Limit kvote (prostor) je 0 ili je prazno.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Limit prometa je prazan.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL županija je prazno.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL lokacija je prazna.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL organizacija je prazna.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL organizacijski dio je prazan.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL država je prazna.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'Polje SSL certifikata je prazno';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Klijent';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Šifra za statistiku';
 $wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
-$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
-$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
-$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
-$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
-$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
-$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
-$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
-$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Maksimalan limit kvote (prostor)';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan unos SSL županije. Dozvoljeni znakovi: a-z, 0-9 i .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan unos SSL lokacije. Dozvoljeni znakovi: a-z, 0-9 i .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan unos SSL organizacije. Dozvoljeni znakovi: a-z, 0-9 i .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan unos SSL organizacijskog dijela. Dozvoljeni znakovi: a-z, 0-9 i .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan unos SSL države. Dozvoljeni znakovi: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Maksimalan limit prometa web stranice';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Neispravna  putanja redirekcije. Ispravne redirekcije su npr.: /test/ ili http://www.domena.tld/test/';
 $wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
-$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Iskoristili ste limit prometa web stranice.';
 $wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
-$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
-$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
-$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
-$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
-$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
-$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
-$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
-$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
-$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
-$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
-$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
-$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
-$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
-$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
-$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
-$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
-$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Korisničko ime za statistiku';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Program za statistiku';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Vlastite php.ini postavke';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6 adresa';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'Ništa';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Onemogućeno';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'Bez redirekcije';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'Bez markiranja';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Spremi certifikat';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Kreiraj certifikat';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Obriši certifikat';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx direktive';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO redirekcija';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -> www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -> non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Koristi socket za PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI za SSL nije aktiviran na ovom serveru. Možete omogućiti samo jedan SSL certifikat na svakoj IP adresi.';
 $wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
 $wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
 $wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
 $wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
 $wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
-$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
-$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
-$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
-$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
-$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Vrijednosti PHP-FPM pm postavki moraju biti slijedeće: pm.max_children >= pm.max_spare_servers >= pm.start_servers >= pm.min_spare_servers > 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children mora biti pozitivan broj.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers mora biti pozitivan broj.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers mora biti pozitivan broj.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers mora biti pozitivan broj.';

Gitblit v1.9.1