gb.repository = repository gb.owner = owner gb.description = description gb.lastChange = last change gb.refs = refs gb.tag = tag gb.tags = tags = author gb.committer = committer gb.commit = commit gb.tree = tree gb.parent = parent gb.url = URL gb.history = history gb.raw = raw gb.object = object gb.ticketId = ticket id gb.ticketAssigned = assigned gb.ticketOpenDate = open date gb.ticketState = state gb.ticketComments = comments gb.view = view gb.local = local gb.remote = remote gb.branches = branches gb.patch = patch gb.diff = diff gb.log = log gb.moreLogs = more commits... gb.allTags = all tags... gb.allBranches = all branches... gb.summary = summary gb.ticket = ticket gb.newRepository = new repository gb.newUser = new user gb.commitdiff = commitdiff = tickets gb.pageFirst = first gb.pagePrevious prev gb.pageNext = next gb.head = HEAD gb.blame = blame gb.login = Login gb.logout = Logout gb.username = username gb.password = password gb.tagger = tagger gb.moreHistory = more history... gb.difftocurrent = diff to current = search gb.searchForAuthor = Search for commits authored by gb.searchForCommitter = Search for commits committed by gb.addition = addition gb.modification = modification gb.deletion = deletion gb.rename = rename gb.metrics = metrics gb.stats = stats gb.markdown = markdown gb.changedFiles = changed files gb.filesAdded = {0} files added gb.filesModified = {0} files modified gb.filesDeleted = {0} files deleted gb.filesCopied = {0} files copied gb.filesRenamed = {0} files renamed gb.missingUsername = Missing Username gb.edit = edit gb.searchTypeTooltip = Select Search Type gb.searchTooltip = Search Git:Blit gb.delete = delete = docs gb.accessRestriction = access restriction = name gb.enableTickets = enable tickets gb.enableDocs = enable docs = save gb.showRemoteBranches = show remote branches gb.editUsers = edit users gb.confirmPassword = confirm password gb.restrictedRepositories = restricted repositories gb.canAdmin can admin gb.notRestricted = anonymous view, clone, & push gb.pushRestricted = authenticated push gb.cloneRestricted = authenticated clone & push gb.viewRestricted = authenticated view, clone, & push gb.useTicketsDescription = distributed Ticgit issues gb.useDocsDescription = enumerates Markdown documentation in repository gb.showRemoteBranchesDescription = show remote branches gb.canAdminDescription = can administer Git:Blit server gb.permittedUsers = permitted users gb.isFrozen = is frozen gb.isFrozenDescription = deny push operations = zip gb.showReadme = show readme gb.showReadmeDescription = show a \"readme\" markdown file on the summary page gb.nameDescription = use '/' to group repositories. e.g. libraries/mycoollib.git gb.ownerDescription = the owner may edit repository settings gb.blob = blob gb.commitActivityTrend = commit activity trend gb.commitActivityDOW = commit activity by day of week gb.commitActivityAuthors = primary authors by commit activity