/* * Copyright 2012 gitblit.com. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.gitblit.tests; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository; import org.junit.Test; import com.gitblit.GitBlit; import com.gitblit.LuceneExecutor; import com.gitblit.models.RefModel; import com.gitblit.models.RepositoryModel; import com.gitblit.models.SearchResult; import com.gitblit.utils.FileUtils; import com.gitblit.utils.JGitUtils; import com.gitblit.utils.StringUtils; /** * Tests Lucene indexing and querying. * * @author James Moger * */ public class LuceneExecutorTest { private LuceneExecutor newLuceneExecutor() { return new LuceneExecutor(null, GitBlitSuite.REPOSITORIES); } private RepositoryModel newRepositoryModel(Repository repository) { RepositoryModel model = new RepositoryModel(); model.name = FileUtils.getRelativePath(GitBlitSuite.REPOSITORIES, repository.getDirectory()); model.hasCommits = JGitUtils.hasCommits(repository); // index all local branches model.indexedBranches = new ArrayList(); for (RefModel ref : JGitUtils.getLocalBranches(repository, true, -1)) { model.indexedBranches.add(ref.getName()); } return model; } @Test public void testIndex() throws Exception { LuceneExecutor lucene = newLuceneExecutor(); // reindex helloworld Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getHelloworldRepository(); RepositoryModel model = newRepositoryModel(repository); lucene.reindex(model, repository); repository.close(); SearchResult result = lucene.search("type:blob AND path:bit.bit", 1, 1, model.name).get(0); assertEquals("Mike Donaghy", result.author); result = lucene.search("type:blob AND path:clipper.prg", 1, 1, model.name).get(0); assertEquals("tinogomes", result.author); // reindex theoretical physics repository = GitBlitSuite.getTheoreticalPhysicsRepository(); model = newRepositoryModel(repository); lucene.reindex(model, repository); repository.close(); // reindex JGit repository = GitBlitSuite.getJGitRepository(); model = newRepositoryModel(repository); lucene.reindex(model, repository); repository.close(); lucene.close(); } @Test public void testQuery() throws Exception { LuceneExecutor lucene = new LuceneExecutor(null, GitBlitSuite.REPOSITORIES); // 2 occurrences on the master branch Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getHelloworldRepository(); RepositoryModel model = newRepositoryModel(repository); repository.close(); List results = lucene.search("ada", 1, 10, model.name); assertEquals(2, results.size()); for (SearchResult res : results) { assertEquals("refs/heads/master", res.branch); } // author test results = lucene.search("author: tinogomes AND type:commit", 1, 10, model.name); assertEquals(2, results.size()); // blob test results = lucene.search("type: blob AND \"import std.stdio\"", 1, 10, model.name); assertEquals(1, results.size()); assertEquals("d.D", results.get(0).path); // 1 occurrence on the gh-pages branch repository = GitBlitSuite.getTheoreticalPhysicsRepository(); model = newRepositoryModel(repository); repository.close(); results = lucene.search("\"add the .nojekyll file\"", 1, 10, model.name); assertEquals(1, results.size()); assertEquals("Ondrej Certik", results.get(0).author); assertEquals("2648c0c98f2101180715b4d432fc58d0e21a51d7", results.get(0).commitId); assertEquals("refs/heads/gh-pages", results.get(0).branch); results = lucene.search("type:blob AND \"src/intro.rst\"", 1, 10, model.name); assertEquals(4, results.size()); // hash id tests results = lucene.search("commit:57c4f26f157ece24b02f4f10f5f68db1d2ce7ff5", 1, 10, model.name); assertEquals(1, results.size()); results = lucene.search("commit:57c4f26f157*", 1, 10, model.name); assertEquals(1, results.size()); // annotated tag test repository = GitBlitSuite.getJGitRepository(); model = newRepositoryModel(repository); repository.close(); results = lucene.search("I663208919f297836a9c16bf458e4a43ffaca4c12", 1, 10, model.name); assertEquals(1, results.size()); assertEquals("[v1.3.0.201202151440-r]", results.get(0).tags.toString()); lucene.close(); } @Test public void testMultiSearch() throws Exception { LuceneExecutor lucene = newLuceneExecutor(); List list = new ArrayList(); Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getHelloworldRepository(); list.add(newRepositoryModel(repository).name); repository.close(); repository = GitBlitSuite.getJGitRepository(); list.add(newRepositoryModel(repository).name); repository.close(); List results = lucene.search("test", 1, 10, list); lucene.close(); assertEquals(10, results.size()); } }