auth->check_module_permissions('mail'); /* get the id of the mail (must be int!) */ if (!isset($_GET['id'])){ die ("No E-Mail selected!"); } $emailId = $app->functions->intval($_GET['id']); /* * Get the data to connect to the database */ $dbData = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT server_id FROM mail_user WHERE mailuser_id = ?", $emailId); $serverId = $app->functions->intval($dbData['server_id']); if ($serverId == 0){ die ("No E-Mail - Server found!"); } $serverData = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT server_name FROM server WHERE server_id = ?", $serverId); $app->uses('getconf'); $global_config = $app->getconf->get_global_config('mail'); if($global_config['webmail_url'] != '') { $webmail_url = $global_config['webmail_url']; $webmail_url = str_replace('[SERVERNAME]', $serverData['server_name'], $webmail_url); header('Location:' . $webmail_url); } else { /* * We only redirect to the login-form, so there is no need, to check any rights */ isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])? $http = 'https' : $http = 'http'; if($web_config['server_type'] == 'nginx') { header('Location: http://' . $serverData['server_name'] . ':8081/webmail'); } else { header('Location: ' . $http . '://' . $serverData['server_name'] . '/webmail'); } isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])? $http = 'https' : $http = 'http'; } exit; ?>