auth->check_module_permissions('admin'); $app->uses('listform_actions'); class list_action extends listform_actions { public function prepareDataRow($rec) { global $app; $rec = $app->listform->decode($rec); //* Alternating datarow colors $this->DataRowColor = ($this->DataRowColor == '#FFFFFF') ? '#EEEEEE' : '#FFFFFF'; $rec['bgcolor'] = $this->DataRowColor; $rec['is_master'] = $rec['master_directive_snippets_id']; //* substitute value for select fields if(is_array($app->listform->listDef['item']) && count($app->listform->listDef['item']) > 0) { foreach($app->listform->listDef['item'] as $field) { $key = $field['field']; if(isset($field['formtype']) && $field['formtype'] == 'SELECT') { if(strtolower($rec[$key]) == 'y' or strtolower($rec[$key]) == 'n') { // Set a additional image variable for bolean fields $rec['_'.$key.'_'] = (strtolower($rec[$key]) == 'y')?'x16/tick_circle.png':'x16/cross_circle.png'; } //* substitute value for select field $rec[$key] = @$field['value'][$rec[$key]]; } } } //* The variable "id" contains always the index variable $rec['id'] = $rec[$this->idx_key]; return $rec; } } $list = new list_action; $list->SQLOrderBy = 'ORDER BY'; $list->onLoad(); //$app->listform_actions->SQLExtWhere = 'master_directive_snippets_id = 0'; /* $app->listform_actions->SQLOrderBy = 'ORDER BY'; $app->listform_actions->onLoad(); */ ?>