auth->check_module_permissions('monitor'); $app->uses('tools_monitor'); /* Get the dataType to show */ $dataType = $_GET["type"]; /* Get some translations */ $monTransDate = $app->lng("monitor_settings_datafromdate_txt"); $monTransSrv = $app->lng("monitor_settings_server_txt"); $output = ''; switch($dataType) { case 'server_load': $template = 'templates/show_data.htm'; $output .= $app->tools_monitor->showServerLoad(); $time = $app->tools_monitor->getDataTime('server_load'); $title = $app->lng("Server Load").' ('. $monTransSrv .' : ' . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] . ')'; $description = ''; $add_padding = true; break; case 'disk_usage': $template = 'templates/show_data.htm'; $output .= $app->tools_monitor->showDiskUsage(); $time = $app->tools_monitor->getDataTime('disk_usage'); $title = $app->lng("Disk usage").' ('. $monTransSrv .' : ' . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] . ')'; $description = ''; break; case 'database_size': $template = 'templates/show_data.htm'; $output .= $app->tools_monitor->showDatabaseSize(); $time = $app->tools_monitor->getDataTime('database_size'); $title = $app->lng("Database size").' ('. $monTransSrv .' : ' . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] . ')'; $description = ''; break; case 'mem_usage': $template = 'templates/show_data.htm'; $output .= $app->tools_monitor->showMemUsage(); $time = $app->tools_monitor->getDataTime('mem_usage'); $title = $app->lng("Memory usage").' ('. $monTransSrv .' : ' . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] . ')'; $description = ''; break; case 'cpu_info': $template = 'templates/show_data.htm'; $output .= $app->tools_monitor->showCpuInfo(); $time = $app->tools_monitor->getDataTime('cpu_info'); $title = $app->lng("monitor_title_cpuinfo_txt").' ('. $monTransSrv .' : ' . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] . ')'; $description = ''; break; case 'services': $template = 'templates/show_data.htm'; $output .= $app->tools_monitor->showServices(); $time = $app->tools_monitor->getDataTime('services'); $title = $app->lng("Status of services").' ('. $monTransSrv .' : ' . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] . ')'; $description = ''; break; case 'openvz_beancounter': $template = 'templates/show_data.htm'; $output .= $app->tools_monitor->showOpenVzBeanCounter(); $time = $app->tools_monitor->getDataTime('openvz_beancounter'); $title = $app->lng("monitor_title_beancounter_txt") . ' (' . $monTransSrv . ' : ' . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] . ')'; $description = ''; $add_padding = true; break; case 'system_update': $template = 'templates/show_data.htm'; $output .= $app->tools_monitor->showSystemUpdate(); $time = $app->tools_monitor->getDataTime('system_update'); $title = $app->lng("monitor_title_updatestate_txt"). ' ('. $monTransSrv .' : ' . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] . ')'; $description = ''; $add_padding = true; break; case 'mailq': $template = 'templates/show_data.htm'; $output .= $app->tools_monitor->showMailq(); $time = $app->tools_monitor->getDataTime('mailq'); $title = $app->lng("monitor_title_mailq_txt"). ' ('. $monTransSrv .' : ' . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] . ')'; $description = ''; $add_padding = true; break; case 'raid_state': $template = 'templates/show_data.htm'; $output .= $app->tools_monitor->showRaidState(); $time = $app->tools_monitor->getDataTime('raid_state'); $title = $app->lng("monitor_title_raidstate_txt"). ' ('. $monTransSrv .' : ' . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] . ')'; $description = ''; $add_padding = true; break; case 'rkhunter': $template = 'templates/show_data.htm'; $output .= $app->tools_monitor->showRKHunter(); $time = $app->tools_monitor->getDataTime('rkhunter'); $title = $app->lng("monitor_title_rkhunterlog_txt"). ' ('. $monTransSrv .' : ' . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] . ')'; $description = ''; $add_padding = true; break; case 'fail2ban': $template = 'templates/show_data.htm'; $output .= $app->tools_monitor->showFail2ban(); $time = $app->tools_monitor->getDataTime('log_fail2ban'); $title = $app->lng("monitor_title_fail2ban_txt") . ' (' . $monTransSrv . ' : ' . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] . ')'; $description = ''; $add_padding = true; break; case 'mongodb': $template = 'templates/show_data.htm'; $output .= $app->tools_monitor->showMongoDB(); $time = $app->tools_monitor->getDataTime('log_mongodb'); $title = $app->lng("monitor_title_mongodb_txt") . ' (' . $monTransSrv . ' : ' . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] . ')'; $description = ''; break; case 'iptables': $template = 'templates/show_data.htm'; $output .= $app->tools_monitor->showIPTables(); $time = $app->tools_monitor->getDataTime('iptables_rules'); $title = $app->lng("monitor_title_iptables_txt") . ' (' . $monTransSrv . ' : ' . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] . ')'; $description = ''; $add_padding = true; break; default: $template = ''; break; } if($add_padding == true) { $output = '
'; } // Loading the template $app->uses('tpl'); $app->tpl->newTemplate("form.tpl.htm"); $app->tpl->setInclude('content_tpl', $template); $app->tpl->setVar("output", $output); $app->tpl->setVar("list_head_txt", $title); $app->tpl->setVar("list_desc_txt", $description); $app->tpl->setVar("time", $time); $app->tpl->setVar("monTransDate", $monTransDate); $app->tpl_defaults(); $app->tpl->pparse(); ?>