load('monitor_tools'); $this->_tools = new monitor_tools(); /* end global section for monitor cronjobs */ /* the id of the server as int */ $server_id = intval($conf['server_id']); /** The type of the data */ $type = 'raid_state'; /* * We support several RAID types, but if we can't find any of them, we have no data */ $state = 'no_state'; $data['output'] = ''; /* * Check, if Software-RAID is enabled */ if (file_exists('/proc/mdstat')) { /* * Fetch the output */ $data['output'] = shell_exec('cat /proc/mdstat'); /* * Then calc the state. */ $tmp = explode("\n", $data['output']); $state = 'ok'; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($tmp); $i++) { /* fetch the next line */ $line = $tmp[$i]; if ((strpos($line, 'U_]') !== false) || (strpos($line, '[_U') !== false) || (strpos($line, 'U_U') !== false)) { /* One Disk is not working. * if the next line starts with "[>" or "[=" then * recovery (resync) is in state and the state is * information instead of critical */ $nextLine = $tmp[$i + 1]; if ((strpos($nextLine, '[>') === false) && (strpos($nextLine, '[=') === false)) { $state = $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'critical'); } else { $state = $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'info'); } } if (strpos($line, '[__]') !== false) { /* both Disk are not working */ $state = $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'error'); } if (strpos($line, '[UU]') !== false) { /* The disks are OK. * if the next line starts with "[>" or "[=" then * recovery (resync) is in state and the state is * information instead of ok */ $nextLine = $tmp[$i + 1]; if ((strpos($nextLine, '[>') === false) && (strpos($nextLine, '[=') === false)) { $state = $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'ok'); } else { $state = $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'info'); } } } } /* * Check, if we have mpt-status installed (LSIsoftware-raid) */ if (file_exists('/proc/mpt/summary')) { system('which mpt-status', $retval); if ($retval === 0) { /* * Fetch the output */ $data['output'] = shell_exec('mpt-status --autoload'); /* * Then calc the state. */ $state = 'ok'; if(is_array($data['output'])) { foreach ($data['output'] as $item) { /* * The output contains information for every RAID and every HDD. * We only need the state of the RAID */ if (strpos($item, 'state ') !== false) { /* * We found a raid, process the state of it */ if (strpos($item, ' ONLINE ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'ok'); } elseif (strpos($item, ' OPTIMAL ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'ok'); } elseif (strpos($item, ' INITIAL ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'info'); } elseif (strpos($item, ' INACTIVE ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'critical'); } elseif (strpos($item, ' RESYNC ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'info'); } elseif (strpos($item, ' DEGRADED ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'critical'); } else { /* we don't know the state. so we set the state to critical, that the * admin is warned, that something is wrong */ $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'critical'); } } } } } } /* * 3ware Controller */ system('which tw_cli', $retval); if($retval === 0) { // TYPOWORX FIX | Determine Controler-ID $availableControlers = shell_exec('tw_cli info | grep -Eo "c[0-9]+'); $data['output'] = shell_exec('tw_cli info ' . $availableControlers); $state = 'ok'; if(is_array($data['output'])) { foreach ($data['output'] as $item) { if (strpos($item, 'RAID') !== false) { if (strpos($item, ' VERIFYING ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'info'); } else if (strpos($item, ' MIGRATE-PAUSED ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'info'); } else if (strpos($item, ' MIGRATING ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'ok'); } else if (strpos($item, ' INITIALIZING ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'info'); } else if (strpos($item, ' INIT-PAUSED ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'info'); } else if (strpos($item, ' REBUILDING ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'info'); } else if (strpos($item, ' REBUILD-PAUSED ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'warning'); } else if (strpos($item, ' RECOVERY ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'warning'); } else if (strpos($item, ' DEGRADED ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'critical'); } else if (strpos($item, ' UNKNOWN ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'critical'); } else if (strpos($item, ' OK ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'ok'); } else if (strpos($item, ' OPTIMAL ') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'ok'); } else { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'critical'); } } } } } /* * HP Proliant */ system('which hpacucli', $retval); if($retval === 0) { $state = 'ok'; $data['output'] = shell_exec('/usr/sbin/hpacucli ctrl all show config'); $tmp = explode("\n", $data['output']); if(is_array($tmp)) { foreach ($tmp as $item) { if (strpos($item, 'logicaldrive') !== false) { if (strpos($item, 'OK') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state = 'ok'); } elseif (strpos($item, 'Recovery Mode') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state = 'critical'); break; } elseif (strpos($item, 'Failed') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state = 'error'); break; } elseif (strpos($item, 'Recovering') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state = 'info'); break; } else { $this->_tools->_setState($state = 'critical'); } } if (strpos($item, 'physicaldrive') !== false) { if (strpos($item, 'physicaldrive') !== false) { if (strpos($item, 'OK') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state = 'ok'); } elseif (strpos($item, 'Failed') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state = 'critical'); break; } elseif (strpos($item, 'Rebuilding') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state = 'info'); break; } else { $this->_tools->_setState($state = 'critical'); break; } } } } } } /* * LSI MegaRaid */ system('which megacli', $retval); system('which megacli64', $retval64); if($retval === 0 || $retval64 === 0) { $binary=@($retval === 0)?'megacli':'megacli64'; $state = 'ok'; $data['output'] = shell_exec($binary.' -LDInfo -Lall -aAll'); if (strpos($data['output'], 'Optimal') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'ok'); } else if (strpos($data['output'], 'Degraded') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'critical'); } else if (strpos($data['output'], 'Offline') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'critical'); } else { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'critical'); } } /* * Adaptec-RAID */ system('which arcconf', $retval); if($retval === 0) { $state = 'ok'; $data['output'] = shell_exec('arcconf GETCONFIG 1 LD'); if(is_array($data['output'])) { foreach ($data['output'] as $item) { if (strpos($item, 'Logical device name : RAID') !== false) { if (strpos($item, 'Optimal') !== false) { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'ok'); } else { $this->_tools->_setState($state, 'critical'); } } } } } $res = array(); $res['server_id'] = $server_id; $res['type'] = $type; $res['data'] = $data; $res['state'] = $state; /* * Insert the data into the database */ $sql = 'REPLACE INTO monitor_data (server_id, type, created, data, state) ' . 'VALUES (?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?, ?)'; $app->dbmaster->query($sql, $res['server_id'], $res['type'], serialize($res['data']), $res['state']); /* The new data is written, now we can delete the old one */ $this->_tools->delOldRecords($res['type'], $res['server_id']); parent::onRunJob(); } /* this function is optional if it contains no custom code */ public function onAfterRun() { global $app; parent::onAfterRun(); } } ?>