') return $line; // don't treat empty lines as malicious $ok = preg_match('/^\s*\$wb\[(["\'])(.*?)\\1\]\s*=\s*(["\'])(.*?)\\3\s*;\s*$/', $line, $matches); if(!$ok) return false; // this line has invalid form and could lead to malfunction $keyquote = $matches[1]; // ' or " $key = $matches[2]; if(strpos($key, '"') !== false || strpos($key, "'") !== false) return false; $textquote = $matches[3]; // ' or " $text = $matches[4]; $new_line = '$wb[\''; // validate the language key $key = normalize_string($key, $keyquote); $new_line .= $key . '\'] = \''; // validate this text to avoid code injection $text = normalize_string($text, $textquote, true); $new_line .= $text . '\';'; return $new_line; } //* Check permissions for module $app->auth->check_module_permissions('admin'); $app->auth->check_security_permissions('admin_allow_langedit'); //* This is only allowed for administrators if(!$app->auth->is_admin()) die('only allowed for administrators.'); if($conf['demo_mode'] == true) $app->error('This function is disabled in demo mode.'); if(!$conf['language_file_import_enabled']) $app->error('Languge import function is disabled in the interface config.inc.php file.'); $app->uses('tpl'); $app->tpl->newTemplate('form.tpl.htm'); $app->tpl->setInclude('content_tpl', 'templates/language_import.htm'); $msg = ''; $error = ''; // Export the language file if(isset($_FILES['file']['name']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) { $lines = file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); // initial check $parts = explode('|', $lines[0]); if($parts[0] == '---' && $parts[1] == 'ISPConfig Language File') { if($_POST['ignore_version'] != 1 && $parts[2] != $conf["app_version"]) { $error .= 'Application version does not match. Appversion: '.$conf["app_version"].' Lanfile version: '.$parts[2]; } else { unset($lines[0]); $buffer = ''; $langfile_path = ''; // all other lines $ln = 1; foreach($lines as $line) { $ln++; $parts = explode('|', $line); if(is_array($parts) && count($parts) > 0 && $parts[0] == '--') { // Write language file, if its not the first file if($buffer != '' && $langfile_path != '') { if(@$_REQUEST['overwrite'] != 1 && @is_file($langfile_path)) { $error .= "File exists, not written: $langfile_path
"; } else { $msg .= "File written: $langfile_path
"; file_put_contents($langfile_path, $buffer); } } // empty buffer and set variables $buffer = ''; $module_name = trim($parts[1]); $selected_language = trim($parts[2]); $file_name = trim($parts[3]); if(!preg_match("/^[a-z]{2}$/i", $selected_language)) die("unallowed characters in selected language name: $selected_language"); if(!preg_match("/^[a-z_]+$/i", $module_name)) die('unallowed characters in module name.'); if(!preg_match("/^[a-z\._\-]+$/i", $file_name) || stristr($file_name, '..')) die("unallowed characters in language file name: '$file_name'"); if($module_name == 'global') { $langfile_path = trim(ISPC_LIB_PATH."/lang/".$selected_language.".lng"); } else { $langfile_path = trim(ISPC_WEB_PATH.'/'.$module_name.'/lib/lang/'.$file_name); } } elseif(is_array($parts) && count($parts) > 1 && $parts[0] == '---' && $parts[1] == 'EOF') { // EOF line, ignore it. } else { $line = validate_line($line); if($line === false) $error .= "Language file contains invalid language entry on line $ln.
"; else $buffer .= $line."\n"; } } } } } $app->tpl->setVar('msg', $msg); $app->tpl->setVar('error', $error); //* load language file $lng_file = 'lib/lang/'.$_SESSION['s']['language'].'_language_import.lng'; include $lng_file; $app->tpl->setVar($wb); $app->tpl_defaults(); $app->tpl->pparse(); ?>