/dev/null', $tmp_output, $tmp_retval); if ($tmp_retval != 0) { exec('which amavisd 2> /dev/null', $tmp_output, $tmp_retval); if ($tmp_retval == 0) $amavis = $tmp_output[0]; } else $amavis = $tmp_output[0]; if (!isset($amavis)) die ("amavisd not found"); echo "Importing dkim-settings from amavis.\n\nTo import the settings even when the public-key is not available, use ".$argv[0]." --force\nNOTE: In force-mode dkim will be set to 'no' if no public-key was found.\n\n"; if ( isset($argv) && isset ($argv[1]) && $argv[1] == '--force' ) $force = true; else $force = false; $client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => $soap_location, 'uri' => $soap_uri, 'trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => 1)); exec($amavis.' showkeys', $tmp_output, $tmp_retval); foreach ( $tmp_output as $line ) { //* get domain and private key-file if ( preg_match('#^; key#', $line) ) { $line_array = explode(' ', $line); if ( $line_array[2] = 'domain' ) { $domain = rtrim($line_array[3], ','); $private_keyfile = $line_array[4]; //* get the public-key from private-key unset($public_key); unset($pubkey); unset($private_key); $private_key = file_get_contents($private_keyfile); if ( isset($private_key) && !empty($private_key)) { exec('echo '.escapeshellarg($private_key).'|openssl rsa -pubout -outform PEM 2> /dev/null',$pubkey,$result); $public_key=''; foreach($pubkey as $values) $public_key=$public_key.$values."\n"; } } } //* get selector if ( isset($domain) ) { if ( preg_match('/_domainkey.'.$domain.'.* TXT \(/', $line) ) { $line_array = explode(' ', $line); $selector = substr ( $line_array[0], 0, strpos($line_array[0], '.') ); } } if ( isset($domain) && isset($selector) && isset($private_keyfile) && isset($public_key) ) { try { if ( !$session_id = $client->login($username, $password) ) { echo 'SOAP-ERROR: CanĀ“t login'; } echo "\nprocessing ".$domain."...\n"; $record = $client->mail_domain_get_by_domain($session_id, $domain); if ( !empty($record) ) { $record = $record[0]; echo " OK: domain exists in the database\n"; //* check if the public-key is available exec($amavis.' testkeys '.escapeshellarg($domain).'', $test_output, $test_retval); $pub_key = false; if ( preg_match('/^TESTING.*'.$selector.'._domainkey.'.$domain.'.*pass/',$test_output[0]) ) $pub_key = true; $client_id = $client->client_get_id($session_id, $record['sys_userid']); unset($test_output); if ( $pub_key ) { $record['dkim_selector'] = $selector; $record['dkim'] = 'y'; if ( preg_match("/(^-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----)[a-zA-Z0-9\r\n\/\+=]{1,221}(-----END PUBLIC KEY-----(\n|\r)?$)/", $record['dkim_public'] ) ) { $record['dkim_public'] = $public_key; echo " OK: public key\n"; } else { $record['dkim_public'] = ''; $record['dkim'] = 'n'; echo " ERROR: public key invalid\n disable dkim for ".$domain."\n"; } if ( preg_match("/(^-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----)[a-zA-Z0-9\r\n\/\+=]{1,850}(-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----(\n|\r)?$)/", $private_key) ) { $record['dkim_private'] = $private_key; echo " OK: private key\n"; } else { $record['dkim_private'] = ''; $record['dkim'] = 'n'; echo " ERROR: private key invalid\n disable dkim for ".$domain."\n"; } $client->mail_domain_update($session_id, $client_id, $record['domain_id'], $record); echo " OK: updating database\n"; } else { echo " ERROR: no public-key available - skipping ".$domain."\n"; } } else { echo " ERROR: domain not in the database - skipping ".$domain."\n"; } $client->logout($session_id); } catch (SoapFault $e) { echo $client->__getLastResponse(); die('SOAP Error: '.$e->getMessage()); } unset($domain); unset($selector); } } ?>