Paul Martin
2016-04-30 a502d96a860456ec5e8c96761db70f7cabb74751
search: Alfred Schmid (author)
2014-02-21 Alfred Schmid
Added LdapSyncServiceTest to GitBlitSuite.
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2014-02-21 Alfred Schmid
Fixed and introduced tests for synching ldap users and groups.
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2014-02-03 Alfred Schmid
Added logging for empty group sync.
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2014-02-03 Alfred Schmid
Documented default value for empty groups filter
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2014-02-03 Alfred Schmid
Load empty groups as empty teams from ldap, when ldap user synchronization ...
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2014-01-31 Alfred Schmid
Fixed error with negative periods. Using at least ldapCaching period to syn...
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2014-01-31 Alfred Schmid
Fixed Tests, use local copy of users.conf. Initialize reset ldap before eve...
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2014-01-31 Alfred Schmid
Basic implementation of feature for ldap user synchronization as background...
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2014-02-13 Alfred Schmid
Show "Displayname (username)" in palettes for edit team and repository pages
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2014-01-09 Alfred Schmid
Issue 356 - function updateUserModels also updates the stored teams in the...
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