Paul Martin
2016-04-30 a502d96a860456ec5e8c96761db70f7cabb74751
search: Luca Milanesio (author)
2015-09-09 Luca Milanesio
Bump to Lucene 5.2.1
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2015-06-12 Luca Milanesio
Bump to JGit 4.0.0
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2014-11-29 Luca Milanesio
Allow different aspect rations for top-left logo
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2014-11-29 Luca Milanesio
Allows starting an already instantiated manager
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2013-11-08 Luca Milanesio
Allows the home root link top-left anchor to be customised.
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2012-12-02 Luca Milanesio
Branch display filtering according to user access permissions.
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2012-12-02 Luca Milanesio
FIX: typo in error message key when access to branch is denied.
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2012-12-02 Luca Milanesio
FIX: Allow correct search for RefModel using branch name.
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2012-12-02 Luca Milanesio
Add static assets for Maven artifact.
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2012-12-02 Luca Milanesio
Include pom.xml template for publishing GitBlit as Maven artifact.
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2012-08-14 Luca Milanesio
Allows integration of GitBlit as plug-in in other projects.
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