Paul Martin
2016-04-30 a502d96a860456ec5e8c96761db70f7cabb74751
search: Lukasz Jader (author)
2013-07-21 Lukasz Jader
Updated Polish translation for 1.3.1
commit | commitdiff | tree
2013-04-07 Lukasz Jader
Overwrite created session locale with forced one
commit | commitdiff | tree
2013-04-07 Lukasz Jader
Add forceDefaultLocale param to
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2013-04-07 Lukasz Jader
Translate rest of new messages
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2013-04-06 Lukasz Jader
Translate some new messages
commit | commitdiff | tree
2013-03-09 Lukasz Jader
Alter polish translation for 'branch' phrase
commit | commitdiff | tree
2013-04-07 Lukasz Jader
Overwrite created session locale with forced one
commit | commitdiff | tree
2013-04-07 Lukasz Jader
Add forceDefaultLocale param to
commit | commitdiff | tree
2013-04-07 Lukasz Jader
Translate rest of new messages
commit | commitdiff | tree
2013-04-06 Lukasz Jader
Translate some new messages
commit | commitdiff | tree
2013-03-09 Lukasz Jader
Alter polish translation for 'branch' phrase
commit | commitdiff | tree
2012-09-19 Lukasz Jader
Update polish translation of GitBlitWebApp properties
commit | commitdiff | tree
2012-09-19 Lukasz Jader
Update polish translation of EmptyRepositoryPage
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2012-08-13 Lukasz Jader
Update missing polish translations
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2012-08-13 Lukasz Jader
Save polish mkds as UTF-8 without BOM
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2012-07-14 Lukasz Jader
Add polish variants of welcome.mkd, login.mkd and EmptyRepositoryPage
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2012-07-14 Lukasz Jader
Fix some typos in polish translation
commit | commitdiff | tree
2012-06-30 Lukasz Jader
Added Polish translation
commit | commitdiff | tree
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