Paul Martin
2016-04-16 4acd8c1a8b02ff55872069fb84403993bbb7cb69
search: Paul Martin (author)
2016-04-16 Paul Martin
Merge pull request #1060 from gitblit/966-Searching-Always-Over-All-Reposit...
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2016-04-16 Paul Martin
fixes #966 to prevent always searching all repos
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2016-04-11 Paul Martin
Merge pull request #1046 from gitblit/1028-FilterAndPagingForFilestorePage
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2016-04-07 Paul Martin
Fixes #1028 - FilestorePage now pages and filters
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2016-04-06 Paul Martin
Merge pull request #1039 from gitblit/962-Patchset-Revision-Delete
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2016-04-03 Paul Martin
Fix for #962 - Delete patchset ability
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2016-04-06 Paul Martin
Merge pull request #1044 from gitblit/1042-IntrusiveFilestoreLozenge
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2016-04-06 Paul Martin
Fix for #1042 - Filestore items now shown as icons
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2016-04-06 Paul Martin
Merge pull request #1045 from gitblit/882-HonourAllowNewTicketSetting
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2016-04-06 Paul Martin
Fixes #882 Honour allow new ticket setting
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2016-04-05 Paul Martin
Merge pull request #1040 from gitblit/1037-EnforcePermissionsForTickets
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2016-04-04 Paul Martin
Fix for #1037 myTickets now honours permissions
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2016-04-01 Paul Martin
Merge pull request #1035 from gitblit/1034-RepositoryPageLifecycle
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2016-03-31 Paul Martin
Fix for #1034 Ticket Page Error
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2016-03-28 Paul Martin
Merge pull request #1022 from gitblit/974-in-browser-doc-editor
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2016-03-27 Paul Martin
Friendly URL for EditFile Page #974
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2016-03-14 Paul Martin
Disable edit links in read only mode #974
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2016-02-24 Paul Martin
Updating ProseMirror to 0.4.0
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2016-01-11 Paul Martin
Document edit capability via ProseMirror submodule #974
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2016-03-27 Paul Martin
Merge pull request #1032 from gitblit/1031-FixForRepositoryPage
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2016-03-26 Paul Martin
Fix for #1031 to display error message
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2016-03-23 Paul Martin
Merge pull request #1027 from gitblit/1018-Filestore-downloads-filename
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2016-03-21 Paul Martin
Fix for #1018 and #1025 browser LFS links
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2015-12-25 Paul Martin
Fix for #976 - Filestore links via browser
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2015-12-09 Paul Martin
fix for #978 - HTML5 date input support
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2015-12-07 Paul Martin
fix for #967 filestore menu for all users
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2015-12-03 Paul Martin
fix for #968 extracting repository from URI
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2015-10-25 Paul Martin
Log update for Fail2Ban usage
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2015-10-10 Paul Martin
Git-LFS support
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2014-09-29 Paul Martin
Tickets - Priority, Severity options
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2014-10-18 Paul Martin
New Ticket Type - Maintenance
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