James Moger
2014-06-12 845271c3c738f1b3b2aab5d3ad4c657adda3b960
search: james.moger@gitblit.com (author)
2014-06-12 James Moger
commit | commitdiff | tree
2014-06-12 James Moger
Merge branch 'ticket/100' into release-v1.6.0
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2014-06-10 James Moger
Fix cloning repositories with + in their names
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2014-06-11 James Moger
Merge pull request #190 from ljantzen/norwegian_translation
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2014-06-10 James Moger
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2014-06-10 James Moger
Merge pull request #189 from yin8086/release-v1.6.0-Chinese
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2014-06-09 James Moger
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2014-06-09 James Moger
Merged #99 "Milestone link is incorrect"
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2014-06-09 James Moger
Fix milestone link statii query parameters
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2014-06-09 James Moger
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2014-06-09 James Moger
Merged #98 "Fix invalid generated SSH url for port 22"
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2014-06-09 James Moger
Fix invalid generated SSH url for port 22
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2014-06-09 James Moger
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2014-06-09 James Moger
Add repository and user/team lifecycle listener extension points
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2014-06-09 James Moger
Redirect to teams page on team creation, updates, or deletions
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2014-06-09 James Moger
Add link to Gitblit's Docker file in the Docker registry
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2014-06-09 James Moger
Fix substring regression in repository name panel
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2014-06-09 James Moger
Update to Moxie 0.9.2
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2014-06-09 James Moger
Switch to basic ant copy filter for web.xml
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2014-06-09 James Moger
Link to open tickets view for open milestones from ticket page
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2014-06-09 James Moger
Fix locale preference storing
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2014-06-09 James Moger
Merged #96 "Cannot load repository"
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2014-06-09 James Moger
Use separate project and name field models in the RepositoryNamePanel
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2014-06-05 James Moger
Merged #90 "Add a user preference for the clone transport"
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2014-06-05 James Moger
Add clone transport user preference
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2014-06-05 James Moger
Merged #95 "Conditionally include personal repositories in the repo list"
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2014-06-05 James Moger
Add setting to control inclusion of personal repositories in the main list
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2014-06-05 James Moger
Merged #64 "Editable user profile page"
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2014-06-05 James Moger
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2014-06-05 James Moger
Use AJAX to manage the SSH keys panel
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2014-06-05 James Moger
Add "email me on my ticket changes" preference
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2014-06-05 James Moger
Add method to INotificationManager to return email service status
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2014-06-05 James Moger
Revise language/locale preference handling
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2014-06-05 James Moger
Add a basic SSH public key management UI
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2014-06-04 James Moger
Revise the user profile page and add a preferences form
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2014-06-04 James Moger
Rename option classes
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2014-06-03 James Moger
Hide gitignore selection if there are no gitignore resources
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2014-06-03 James Moger
Hide allow forks control if forking is disabled
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2014-06-03 James Moger
Merged #76 "Simplify repository creation with a new page"
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2014-06-03 James Moger
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2014-06-03 James Moger
Externalize a translation resource
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2014-06-03 James Moger
Tweak empty repository page
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2014-06-03 James Moger
Extract re-usable conditional choice option panel
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2014-06-03 James Moger
Hide empty option descriptions
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2014-06-03 James Moger
Use alignment from option panels un AccessPolicyPanel
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2014-06-03 James Moger
Extract re-usable checkbox, choice, and text option panels
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2014-06-03 James Moger
Overhaul EditRepositoryPage for layout and usability
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2014-05-31 James Moger
Use AccessPolicyPanel in EditRepositoryPage
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2014-05-30 James Moger
Use RepositoryNamePanel in EditRepositoryPage, rename AccessPolicyPanel
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2014-05-29 James Moger
Extract repository name panel for re-use
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