Aleksander Machniak
2016-05-22 0344b168276f80189e2254c75a762aff5b517b6b
search: brendan braybrook (author)
2014-11-14 brendan braybrook
fix for bug 1490153
commit | commitdiff | tree
2014-08-12 brendan braybrook
changes suggested by aleks
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2014-08-11 brendan braybrook
rotate image with GD if exit rotation data present
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2014-08-11 brendan braybrook
wrong type returned for gif
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2014-08-05 brendan braybrook
fix stringify problem when multiple headers values exist to be returned
commit | commitdiff | tree
2014-05-08 brendan braybrook
1489868 - additional_message_headers: correct example X-Originating-IP format
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