Aleksander Machniak
2016-05-22 0344b168276f80189e2254c75a762aff5b517b6b
search: till (author)
2014-02-12 Till Krüss
prevent unwanted code execution via CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS (again)
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2014-02-10 Till Krüss
prevent unwanted code execution via CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS
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2013-10-15 Till Krüss
check if password was changed successfully, before looking for error messages
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2013-10-15 Till Krüss
check if the new password matched the requirements; code cleanup
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2012-10-28 till
Ignore plugin_manager plugin. Allow packagist.
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2012-10-27 till
Ignore sample plugin!
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2012-10-27 till
Ensure the composer.json is never checked in.
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2012-10-27 till
Enable our plugin repository: composer does not aggregate 'repositories' fr...
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2012-10-25 till
Make this a -dist so people can customize it.
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2012-10-24 till
Add a composer.json file. Add all dependencies.
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2012-05-09 Till Klampaeckel
Merge pull request #2 from antoinec/master
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2011-11-02 till
updated with tinymce changes
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2011-11-02 till
remove artifacts
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2011-11-02 till
fix path/structure (my bad)
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2011-11-02 till
check-in 3.4.6 (without moxieplayer due to a content-spoofing vulnerability)
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2011-11-02 till
remove 3.4.2
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2010-03-20 till
setting external
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2010-03-20 till
moved plugins
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2010-03-18 till
removed filler
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2010-03-18 till
updated ignore
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2010-03-18 till
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2010-03-18 till
ignore .tgz files
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2010-03-18 till
added package.xml, minor edits to plugin
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2009-09-09 till
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2009-07-14 till
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2009-07-14 till
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2009-07-14 till
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2009-07-14 till
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2009-03-09 till
* autoload is only invoked when a class is not found - no need for include...
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2009-01-20 till
* removed, .sh scripts are fixed, not necessary for .inc
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2009-01-16 till
* minor fixes: simplied code, http status, cs
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2009-01-16 till
* minor fixes: cs and a notice
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2009-01-16 till
* bumping up copyright (happy new year ;-))
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2009-01-16 till
* adding svn:keywords
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2009-01-09 till
* generalized executable paths for bash and phpdoc * simplyfied probing for...
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2009-01-09 till
* let's not discriminate unix :) (= generalized paths) * added checks so al...
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2009-01-02 till
* fixing notice, moved error_reporting one up, added @todo
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2008-11-15 till
* fixed docblock
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2008-11-15 till
* added docblock for ctr
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2008-10-22 till
* removed (probably stale) reference to config option, #1485415
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2008-10-22 till
* checking if a user session is active in quotaimg.php * this is an expe...
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2008-10-20 till
* let's call it UPGRADING since the file is called UPGRADING
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2008-06-15 till
* there is no dom2 extension, just dom
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2008-05-31 till
* cs fixes
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2008-05-26 till
* minor cs fixes
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2008-05-26 till
set delete_always to false
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2008-05-26 till
fix to #1485083
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2008-04-30 till
* cs fixes
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2008-04-30 till
* implemented __set/__get
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2008-04-01 till
* removing @ (ldap_bind() shouldn't issue a warning anyway, and if it does,...
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