Marius Burkard
2016-07-10 e1ceb050e19c7574bca146a8da7047ee4ff456b5
search: Carsten Schoene (author)
2015-01-27 Carsten Schoene
- replace all chown/chgrp calls with $app->system calls
commit | commitdiff | tree
2015-01-19 Carsten Schoene
- fix: point file_put_contents call to correct file - upd: better error han...
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2014-05-04 Carsten Schoene
during update from to on centos6 i got some error output
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2014-01-04 Carsten Schoene
fix missing "
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2014-01-04 Carsten Schoene
use ajax backend for IPv6 addresses in dns wizard
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2014-01-04 Carsten Schoene
errorhandling for awstats.conf / awstats.model.conf
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2014-01-04 Carsten Schoene
fallback to awstats.model.conf if awstats.conf does not exist
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2014-01-03 Carsten Schoene
fix Number of domain aliases => Number of email domain aliases
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2014-01-01 Carsten Schoene
fix set owner of .sieve symlink
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2014-01-01 Carsten Schoene
set correct ownership on sieve filter file and link
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2014-01-01 Carsten Schoene
fix: create sieve directory / change to maildir before symlinking
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2014-01-01 Carsten Schoene
be compatible to managesieve service
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2014-01-01 Carsten Schoene
fix sieve filter "begins" regex
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2013-12-29 Carsten Schoene
fix duplicate entry caused in rr_insert
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2013-12-28 Carsten Schoene
pdns slave, zone cleanup script
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2013-12-27 Carsten Schoene
Only configure amavis when it's really installed. configure_amavis() adds s...
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2013-12-27 Carsten Schoene
+ complete SOA records - refresh, retry, expire and minimum were missing i...
commit | commitdiff | tree
2013-12-27 Carsten Schoene
FS#3268 - implement IPv6 address field for DNS templates
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