Marius Burkard
2016-07-10 e1ceb050e19c7574bca146a8da7047ee4ff456b5
search: Jesse Norell (author)
2016-05-24 Jesse Norell
support letsencrypt from OS package Closes: #3908
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2016-02-17 Jesse Norell
fix sql query typo, closes #3762
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2016-02-09 Jesse Norell
fix some bugs in the switch to mysqli, Issue #3716
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2016-02-08 Jesse Norell
enable smtpd_reject_unlisted_sender and other stricter defaults
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2016-02-08 Jesse Norell
move example blacklist_helo list to docs/ with instructions to install
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2016-02-03 Jesse Norell
myhostname placeholder needs to be regex
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2016-02-03 Jesse Norell
add smtpd_helo_restrictions
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2015-12-23 Jesse Norell
Fixed typo
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2015-12-23 Jesse Norell
use mktemp in update scripts to avoid race conditions
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2015-07-20 Jesse Norell
update openvz_template default values
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2015-07-14 Jesse Norell
test template variables before using them and reorganize openvz.conf.tpl bit
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2015-07-14 Jesse Norell
increase openvz privvmpages and vmguarpages limit
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2015-08-04 Jesse Norell
FS#3933 - Invalid sendmail "from" in php_fpm_pool.conf.master
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