Marius Burkard
2016-07-10 e1ceb050e19c7574bca146a8da7047ee4ff456b5
search: floria030 (author)
2014-02-11 floria030
fixed zip-backup and restore, fixed log-output for restore mail-backups, mo...
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2014-02-11 floria030
match PHP Strict Standards
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2014-02-10 floria030
the path for the dkim-keys is automaticly creaed by the server-plugin, the ...
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2014-02-05 floria030
use regex for dkim-integration in distribution-specific files, too
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2014-02-05 floria030
use regex to check for amavis-related config-lines in postfix
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2014-02-05 floria030
Merge branch 'master' of
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2014-02-01 floria030
fixed minor issues
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2014-01-31 floria030
changed templates for dkim-integration
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2014-01-31 floria030
changed config-files during installation for dkim-integration
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