Falko Timme
2015-01-07 8173c6f28d9fd55fa249d76330bf7709923c4fcd
search: ft@falkotimme.com (author)
2015-01-07 Falko Timme
- Added option to fill fields on SSL tab with client data...
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2015-01-06 Falko Timme
Merge branch 'merge/directive_snippets-add_selection' into 'master'
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2015-01-06 Falko Timme
- Added "customer_viewable" select to directive snippets list.
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2014-12-17 Falko Timme
Merge branch 'feature/missing_translation' into 'master'
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2014-12-13 Falko Timme
Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
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2014-12-13 Falko Timme
Merge branch 'develop' into 'master'
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2014-12-13 Falko Timme
- Added VAT ID check (for EU VAT IDs) to client/reseller form.
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2014-12-12 Falko Timme
Merge branch 'feature/add_spdy_option' into 'master'
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2014-12-11 Falko Timme
Merge branch 'feature/add_spdy_option' into 'master'
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2014-12-05 Falko Timme
- Directive snippets can now be made available to clients; clients can sele...
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2014-11-28 Falko Timme
Merge branch 'master' of git.ispconfig.org:ispconfig/ispconfig3
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2014-11-28 Falko Timme
- Implemented FS#2653 - Set TMP, TMPDIR and TEMP environment variable.
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2014-11-27 Falko Timme
- Added translations. - Added HHVM to "Default PHP Handler" field (server c...
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2014-09-01 Falko Timme
Merge branch 'stable-3.0.5' of git.ispconfig.org:ispconfig/ispconfig3 into ...
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2014-09-01 Falko Timme
- Fixed: creation of wildcard certificates wasn't working.
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2014-08-28 Falko Timme
- MySQL table generator: default value of text fields must be NULL, not 'NU...
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2014-08-06 Falko Timme
- made it possible to specify database table for AUTHSQL.
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2014-07-15 Falko Timme
- adjusted PHP settings regex to allow |, (, and ) (like in "error_reportin...
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2014-07-11 Falko Timme
- Raised pm.max_children to 500 for apps vhost and ispconfig vhost.
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2014-06-19 Falko Timme
- force Google Chrome to NOT autocomplete user/password fields.
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2014-06-19 Falko Timme
- autoselect password if you use "Generate Password" function (saves a clic...
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2014-06-16 Falko Timme
- Make sure ISPConfig shows the correct error message (instad of an SQL err...
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2014-06-01 Falko Timme
- FPM socket permissions need to be 660 also under Apache, otherwise you ge...
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2014-05-27 Falko Timme
- Implemented non-interactive install/update mode.
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2014-05-22 Falko Timme
- Fixed "no_domain_perm" error when trying to add proxy directives for subd...
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2014-05-22 Falko Timme
- Added client field to DNS and DNS slave list views.
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2014-05-20 Falko Timme
- backups: plugin checks mount point of wrong backup directory (e.g. /var/b...
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2014-05-09 Falko Timme
- Fixed language string.
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2014-05-08 Falko Timme
Merge branch 'stable-3.0.5' of git.ispconfig.org:ispconfig/ispconfig3 into ...
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2014-05-08 Falko Timme
- Make sure puser is bigger than min_uid of 499 for jailkit users.
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2014-05-08 Falko Timme
- Fixed: nginx placeholders could not be added to directive snippets textar...
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2014-05-03 Falko Timme
Merge branch 'stable-3.0.5' of git.ispconfig.org:ispconfig/ispconfig3 into ...
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2014-05-03 Falko Timme
- Make sure full cron jobs are written unchanged; with the previous version...
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2014-05-01 Falko Timme
- Set client_max_body_size 100M; for apps vhost.
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2014-04-30 Falko Timme
- simply call nginx -t instead of /usr/sbin/nginx -t; works if nginx is not...
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2014-04-30 Falko Timme
- nginx: do a syntax check because on some distributions, the init script a...
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2014-04-30 Falko Timme
- Re-enabled "Remember Password"- function on login screen.
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2014-04-05 Falko Timme
- changed/harmonized order of clients in client select fields ("ORDER BY cl...
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2014-03-18 Falko Timme
- Display server name next to domain name in website quota list.
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2014-03-08 Falko Timme
- Fixed FS#3365 - Valid nginx rewrite rules are rejected with "Invalid Rewr...
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2014-03-08 Falko Timme
- Fixed FS#3366 - Certain Custom php.ini settings seem to be stripped befor...
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2014-03-05 Falko Timme
Merge branch 'stable-3.0.5' of git.ispconfig.org:ispconfig/ispconfig3 into ...
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2014-03-05 Falko Timme
- nginx: Increased fastcgi_read_timeout for phpMyAdmin in apps vhost to 120...
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2014-03-03 Falko Timme
Revert "- Remoting: added function to get all IP addresses of a server."
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2014-03-02 Falko Timme
- Remoting: added function to get all IP addresses of a server.
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2014-02-28 Falko Timme
- Remoting: add correct values for database backup_intervals and backup_cop...
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2014-02-28 Falko Timme
- Databases: Make sure backup_interval is a string, not an integer.
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2014-02-28 Falko Timme
- MySQL databases: backup_interval must be a string, not an integer.
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2014-02-24 Falko Timme
- Fixed FS#3354 - Protected folders must not be created twice. - Make sure ...
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2014-02-18 Falko Timme
- Fixed FS#3320 - Improve php.ini parser.
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