Marius Burkard
2016-07-10 e1ceb050e19c7574bca146a8da7047ee4ff456b5
search: marknl (author)
2012-01-06 marknl
FS#1962 - mail_user mail filters for maildrop not working correctly (or mis...
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2011-09-30 marknl
FS#553 - option to add RBL entries
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2011-09-17 marknl
FS#1113 - Force client to use only allowed IPs - see flyspray page for more...
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2011-09-13 marknl
FS#1681 - Out-of-Office too early - UNTESTED! http://bugtracker.ispconfig.o...
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2011-09-09 marknl
Added default website_symlinks_rel=n in server.ini.master (see r2513)
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2011-09-09 marknl
FS#1491 - Option to use relative symlinks for websites
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2011-08-26 marknl
FS#1215 - show username in client-list
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2011-08-26 marknl
FS#1522 - Add getmail configuration option read_all
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2011-08-26 marknl
FS#1394 - Set the default send rate limit for smtp clients in
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2011-08-26 marknl
FS#1516 - Text color for input fields
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2011-08-10 marknl
Added custom feeds for admin, reseller and client
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2011-08-10 marknl
Fixed losing navigational session data.
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2011-08-10 marknl
Added destructor to mysql lib
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2011-08-10 marknl
Added http or https question to normal install (different question, so "new...
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2011-08-09 marknl
Added mysql table check/repair for ISPConfig database while running (auto)u...
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2011-08-09 marknl
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2011-08-09 marknl
Added note in todo.txt about adding iptables firewall
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2011-08-07 marknl
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2011-08-05 marknl
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