Marius Burkard
2016-07-10 e1ceb050e19c7574bca146a8da7047ee4ff456b5
search: oilyflutesalad (author)
2010-01-18 oilyflutesalad
Fixed: FS#928 - System Load Averages should no longer show as zero on non-e...
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2010-01-18 oilyflutesalad
Fixed: Version numbers from and to See thread: htt...
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2010-01-18 oilyflutesalad
Implemented: FS#1021 [DOMAINID] user prefix in Interface Config.
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2010-01-18 oilyflutesalad
Fixed the indentation of an array
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2010-01-16 oilyflutesalad
Fixed: Server uptime minutes will always be two digits as a clock would sho...
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2010-01-16 oilyflutesalad
FIXED: Updated the title/description var names to reflect those in the temp...
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2010-01-16 oilyflutesalad
just fixed a couple minor typos
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