Marius Burkard
2016-07-10 e1ceb050e19c7574bca146a8da7047ee4ff456b5
search: pedro_morgan (author)
2007-08-21 pedro_morgan
oops missing ->
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2007-08-21 pedro_morgan
Removed globals and created private vars
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2007-08-21 pedro_morgan
Minor tidy
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2007-08-21 pedro_morgan
Removing innecessary double quotes - speed
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2007-08-21 pedro_morgan
Ridy searchform class and made php5
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2007-08-21 pedro_morgan
php5 and general code tidy
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2007-08-21 pedro_morgan
ini_parser class now php5
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2007-08-21 pedro_morgan
* Got rid of $conf['cachedir'] * tidy tpl.php , removed $conf global
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2007-08-21 pedro_morgan
Minor code tidy
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2007-08-21 pedro_morgan
Getting ring of finalt rootpath arguments
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2007-08-20 pedro_morgan
* Removing all references to $conf['rootpath'] and using contants * introdu...
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2007-08-20 pedro_morgan
* Using new ISPC_*_PATH constants * Adding new data schema (to be moved sho...
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2007-08-20 pedro_morgan
Made some vars public
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2007-08-20 pedro_morgan
Minor correction to INSTALL_DEBIAN
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2007-08-20 pedro_morgan
Tody and php5 od install lib class
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2007-08-20 pedro_morgan
Tidy up theispconfig install function
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2007-08-20 pedro_morgan
Tidy up theispconfig install function
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
More tidy of postfix and php5 spamassasin
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Tidy up of postfix installation
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Major cleanup of postfix install code
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
More php5 on install_base
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Added the mysql database to use
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
MInor tidy of the dist.conf.php files
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
MInor tidy of the dist.conf.php files
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Made log file a constant, replaced with __FILE__
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
* Tidiied up teh configure_fatabases() * Made parts php5 * Other minor tweaks
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Removed depreciated mysq_sql_tables function
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Minor interface tidyup
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Minor code cleanup
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Table definition files, WIP
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Introducting Database installer idea
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Simplifies loading of classes. No is_object check
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Made listform class php5 (some props are private to trap)
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Tidy up of mail/module.conf. replaced unset() as its faster, =array() muted...
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
* Idea of constants for digestion * Small tweaks and a warning TODO
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Remove inadventently commited file
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Applying style to login box/table
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Removed debug alert()
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Check for user/pass client side instead of remote
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Minor edits and spelling
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Comment in english and replaced double quoted
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
* Looking at themeses and can seem to set the default path, even hardcoded ...
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
* Fixed `update` column in mysql definition which had no backticks * Silenc...
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Minor tweaks to login
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
* Introducing the sb_local.php.skel file to keep a local configuration
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Minor tweaks to login
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
* Made login/index class php5 * Also replaces " with '
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
* Silenced some warning with E_STRICT * replaces " with ' where applicable
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2007-08-19 pedro_morgan
Setting the ['cache_dir']; Not sure this is correct
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