James Moger
2014-09-26 6c874ebaa083be47aa59d3bd44fb3492e9f4df8e
search: james.moger@gitblit.com (committer)
2014-09-26 James Moger
Merged #135 "Regression in create-ticket-on-push"
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2014-09-26 James Moger
Improve the error message when too many commits are pushed for a proposal
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2014-09-25 James Moger
Merged #188 "Fix failure to clear/delete ticket topic and description"
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2014-09-25 James Moger
Fix failure to clear/delete ticket topic and description
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2014-09-25 James Moger
Merged #187 "Restrict Gitblit cookie to the context path"
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2014-09-25 James Moger
Restrict Gitblit cookie to the context path
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2014-09-24 James Moger
Merged #185 "Fix GITBLIT_HOME environment variable baseFolder support"
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2014-09-24 James Moger
Fix GITBLIT_HOME environment variable baseFolder support
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2014-09-17 James Moger
Merged #183 "Fix bug in migrating to BranchTicketService"
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2014-09-17 James Moger
Fix bug in migrating to BranchTicketService
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2014-09-17 James Moger
Merged #182 "Add NO CHANGE REQUIRED ticket status"
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2014-09-17 James Moger
Add NO CHANGE REQUIRED ticket status
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2014-09-17 James Moger
Merged #181 "Sanitize ticket text at presentation time to avoid unintended ...
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2014-09-17 James Moger
Sanitize ticket text at presentation time to avoid unintended html encoding
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2014-09-17 James Moger
Merged #180 "Explicitly declare RepositoryPage subclasses that reference co...
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2014-09-17 James Moger
Explicitly declare RepositoryPage subclasses that reference commits
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2014-09-17 James Moger
Merged #179 "Ensure TicketModel comment text is not null in hasComment() test"
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2014-09-17 James Moger
Ensure TicketModel comment text is not null in hasComment() test
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2014-09-11 James Moger
Merged #177 "Disable permission checkboxes if permission is inherited"
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2014-09-11 James Moger
Disable permission checkboxes if permission is inherited
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2014-09-11 James Moger
Merged #176 "Preserve refs in commits, tree, and docs navbar links"
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2014-09-11 James Moger
Preserve refs in commits, tree, & docs navbar links
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2014-09-11 James Moger
Merged #175 "Repository url is now r"
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Merged #174 "Fix repository deletion bug where the Lucene ticket index was ...
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Fix repository deletion bug where the Lucene ticket index was not purged
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Merged #173 "Fix MigrateTickets failure for view-restricted repositories"
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Fix MigrateTickets failure for view-restricted repositories
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Merged #172 "Fix value discarding bug in SafeTextModel"
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Merged #171 "Fix potential NPE in TicketListPanel due to missing repository"
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Fix value discarding bug in SafeTextModel
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Fix potential NPE in TicketListPanel due to missing repository
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Merged #170 "New ticket reponsible selections are missing users with RW acc...
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Include all users with RW access in New Ticket responsible choices
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Merged #169 "Do not display stacktraces for bad requests in servlets"
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Improve bad request handling in branch graph, zip, & syndication servlets
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Merged #134 "LDAP user accounts will not reset/clear the email address"
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Allow LDAP to reset/delete an user email address value
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Merged #161 "Allow Lucene indexing period to be configurable"
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Expose setting to control Lucene repository indexing frequency
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Merged #132 "Ticket notifications aren't sent when the author doesn't have ...
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2014-09-08 James Moger
Fix ticket mail dropping bug when author does not have an address
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2014-09-07 James Moger
Merged #164 "Sanitize page parameters for XSS vulerabilities"
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2014-09-07 James Moger
Apply the relaxed XSS filter to Markdown commit messages
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2014-09-07 James Moger
Enforce relaxed XSS filtering on markup documents
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2014-09-06 James Moger
Implement a SafeTextModel and use that for fields vulnerable to XSS
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2014-09-06 James Moger
XSS sanitize standard page url parameters
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2014-09-06 James Moger
Create infrastructure for XSS sanitization
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2014-09-05 James Moger
Merged #167 "Do not let new forks inadvertently disclose repository contents"
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2014-09-05 James Moger
New forks shall respect the source repository access restriction
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2014-09-05 James Moger
Merged #166 "Fix XRF vulnerability"
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