James Moger
2012-07-14 8b7d3017cb094d3181235df2802f614ec339ef8d
search: james.moger@gitblit.com (committer)
2012-07-14 James Moger
Final documenation of 1.0.0 release
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2012-07-14 James Moger
Bundle JDOM with API build
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2012-07-14 James Moger
Exclude UnboundID classes from Manager and Federation Client builds
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2012-07-13 James Moger
Changes to commit page for responsive layout
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2012-07-12 James Moger
Fixed broken Lucene blob delete
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2012-07-11 James Moger
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2012-07-11 James Moger
Revert "Update to JCommander 1.27"
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2012-07-11 James Moger
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2012-07-11 James Moger
Update to Groovy 1.8.6
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2012-07-11 James Moger
Update to JCommander 1.27
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2012-07-11 James Moger
Update to Gson 1.7.2
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2012-07-11 James Moger
Update to Lucene 3.6.0
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2012-07-11 James Moger
Update to slf4j 1.6.6 and log4j 1.2.17
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2012-07-11 James Moger
Update to JGit 2.0.0
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2012-07-11 James Moger
Fixes and adjustments to test suite
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2012-07-11 James Moger
Show email addresses on users panel
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2012-07-11 James Moger
Forgot to commit UserModel with cookie field
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2012-07-11 James Moger
Tweak to repositories panel in responsive mode
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2012-07-11 James Moger
Mount the /users page
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2012-07-11 James Moger
Show user displayName in footer
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2012-07-11 James Moger
Fixed bug in ConfigUserService when user has nothing other than an account ...
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2012-07-11 James Moger
Persist cookies in ConfigUserService. Update LDAPUserService to generate c...
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2012-07-11 James Moger
Fix for line number identification bug in LuceneExecutor (issue 105)
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2012-07-10 James Moger
Adjust repository search to handle foo.git and foo/bar.git (issue 104)
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2012-07-10 James Moger
Prohibit trailing slashes in repository names (issue 104)
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2012-07-10 James Moger
Final CSS/layout tweaks for responsive UI (issue 101)
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2012-07-10 James Moger
CSS tweaks
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2012-07-10 James Moger
Updated Apache Commons Daemon to 1.0.10
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2012-07-02 James Moger
Updated docs
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2012-06-18 James Moger
Added setting to control Groovy Grape folder (issue 91)
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2012-06-18 James Moger
Merge pull request #19 from Mrbytes/master
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2012-06-15 James Moger
Added Spanish variants of welcome.mkd, login.mkd and EmptyRepositoryPage
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2012-06-15 James Moger
Added "today" to translation file. Updated Japanese translation.
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2012-06-15 James Moger
Fixed bug in Gravatar Profile page
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2012-06-15 James Moger
Revised TimeUtils for localization
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2012-06-15 James Moger
Externalized some more strings. Updated Spanish translation from eguervos.
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2012-06-15 James Moger
Update Lucene index version (issue 97)
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2012-06-15 James Moger
Fixed bug where Manager could not update unreferenced setting (issue 85)
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2012-06-15 James Moger
Configurable robots.txt (issue 99)
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2012-06-08 James Moger
Updated to Bootstrap 2.0.4. Responsive layout by default.
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2012-06-08 James Moger
Updated Git logos
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2012-06-07 James Moger
Build gitblit jar file instead of exploded classes for Express build
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2012-06-07 James Moger
Try multiple encodings when working with string blobs (issue 97)
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2012-06-06 James Moger
Expose JGit's runtime configuration settings (issue 93)
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2012-06-06 James Moger
Possible fix for federation branch mirroring issue (issue 86)
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2012-06-06 James Moger
Implemented default access restriction (issue 88)
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2012-06-06 James Moger
Fixed anonymous clone for 'Authenticated Push' repository (issue 96)
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2012-06-06 James Moger
Updated Japanese translation
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2012-06-06 James Moger
Added contributed Spanish translation
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2012-05-10 James Moger
Revisions to custom fields
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