James Moger
2015-09-18 9bd0f28be7b974988630ec8facc8bcfd748afc9d
search: james.moger@gitblit.com (committer)
2015-09-18 James Moger
Documentation (fixes #917)
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2015-09-18 James Moger
Update dependency changes in release log
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2015-09-18 James Moger
Update to Lucene 4.10.4
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2015-09-18 James Moger
Update to Jetty 9.2.13
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2015-09-18 James Moger
Update to JGit 4.0.2
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2015-09-18 James Moger
Update to SSHD 1.0.0
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2015-09-18 James Moger
Update to BouncyCastle 1.52
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2015-09-18 James Moger
Update to Groovy 2.4.4
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2015-09-18 James Moger
Update to Wicket 1.4.22
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2015-09-18 James Moger
Update to SLF4J 1.7.12
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2015-09-18 James Moger
Update to Pegdown 1.5.0
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2015-09-18 James Moger
Revert "Merge pull request #915 from lucamilanesio/lucene-5.2.1"
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2015-09-01 James Moger
Update IDE files and gitignore
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2015-09-01 James Moger
Fix #909: Add missing SLFJ dependencies in Manager build
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2015-08-07 James Moger
Add traditional Chinese language choice
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2015-06-28 James Moger
Update to JGit 4.0.1
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2015-06-15 James Moger
Merged #259 "Allow custom host & port specification for advertised SSH urls"
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2015-06-15 James Moger
Renamed ssh.Display(Host|Port) to ssh.Advertised(Host|Port)
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2015-06-04 Morten Bøgeskov
Added git.sshDisplay{Port|Host} to hide port forward.
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2015-06-15 James Moger
Merged #258 "Create an avatar provider that defaults to Gravatar"
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2015-06-15 James Moger
Revised AvatarGenerator to be injectable
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2015-06-03 Fabrice Bacchella
First draft for a customized avatar image
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2015-06-15 James Moger
Merged #257 "Bump to JGit 4.0.0"
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2015-06-15 James Moger
Merged #256 "allow configuring of internal URLs offered"
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2015-05-27 James Moger
Merged #57 "My Tickets needs a repository filter"
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2015-05-27 James Moger
Merged #255 "Invalid kerberos patches, works now and with a test."
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2015-05-26 James Moger
Merged #254 "Two slight improvement for custom UserService"
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2015-05-22 James Moger
Fix html raw content type serving
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2015-05-22 James Moger
Merged #253 "Implement configurable tab length support for blob views"
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2015-05-22 James Moger
Implement configurable tab length support for blob views
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2015-05-22 James Moger
Merged #252 "Cleanup diff rename output"
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2015-05-22 James Moger
Cleanup diff rename output
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2015-05-22 James Moger
Merged #251 "Add onFork and onRename methods to RepositoryLifeCycleListener"
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2015-05-22 James Moger
Add onFork and onRename methods to RepositoryLifeCycleListener
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2015-05-22 James Moger
Merged #250 "Improve PAM documentation"
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2015-05-22 James Moger
Improve PAM documentation
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2015-05-22 James Moger
Merged #249 "Parse X509 DN with LdapName"
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2015-05-22 James Moger
Parse X509 DN with LdapName
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2015-05-21 James Moger
Merged #248 "Deny access to /com/* url path"
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2015-05-21 James Moger
Remove /org/ filtering
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2015-05-21 James Moger
Merged #247 "Add Kerberos5/GSS authentication to ssh"
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2015-05-21 James Moger
Merged #246 "Option to extract user metadata from container HTTP session"
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2015-03-12 James Moger
Update Jetty to 9.2.10
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2015-03-12 James Moger
Update to SSHD 0.14
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2015-03-07 James Moger
Merged #233 "Ignore whitespace in diff viewer"
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2015-03-07 James Moger
Add a checkbox to control whitespace diff preference on the compare page
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2015-03-07 James Moger
Add links to commit diff and blob diff pages to toggle whitespace setting
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2015-03-07 James Moger
Expose the DiffComparator choice as an url parameter (?w=1)
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2015-02-26 James Moger
Add DiffComparator argument to all DiffUtils calls, default to ignore all w...
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2015-02-26 James Moger
Restore tab conversion to 4 spaces in HTML diff output
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