2013-10-11 c2ea71b75b5010aba20f7da934a738fe3257d192
search: ftimme (committer)
2013-10-11 ftimme
- Make sure rewrite rules field is shown only on nginx servers (vhostsubdom...
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2013-10-11 ftimme
- Added nginx rewrite rules field to vhostsubdomains.
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2013-10-10 ftimme
- Reverted revision 4176.
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2013-10-09 ftimme
- Fixed FS#3162 - Nginx location rule for webalizer statistics.
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2013-10-09 ftimme
- Fixed FS#3158 - IDN domain filter not working in dns manager.
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2013-10-09 ftimme
- Fixed FS#3129 - IP list in web form shows all IP addresses.
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2013-10-09 ftimme
- Fixed FS#3128 - Typo (typographical error) on "Do ISPConfig-update" page.
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2013-10-09 ftimme
- Fixed FS#3175 - SSL Key File insecure after replacement. - Fixed FS#3159 ...
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2013-10-08 ftimme
- Lists: fixed search_limit drop-down (lists always showed 15 entries when ...
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2013-09-20 ftimme
- Replace gender with correct salutation in client messaging.
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2013-09-20 ftimme
- Remove non-existing backups from web_backup table.
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2013-09-10 ftimme
- Make sure tar backups are not deleted because of a return value of 1; tar...
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2013-08-20 ftimme
- Fixed translation error.
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2013-08-14 ftimme
- Fixed dashboard/dashlet formatting.
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2013-08-14 ftimme
- Make sure clients can get only the PHP versions they are allowed to get e...
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2013-08-14 ftimme
- Added new dashlet fields to system.ini.master.
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2013-08-14 ftimme
- Dashlets can now be managed from interface config (left column, right col...
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2013-08-14 ftimme
- Bugfix: make sure correct PHP versions are loaded for each role (admin, r...
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2013-08-09 ftimme
- Added check that $app->modules->current_datalog_id is set and > 0.
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2013-08-09 ftimme
- Make sure we have a valid sender for quota notification emails.
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2013-08-09 ftimme
- Fix for previous commit: needed to escape $line.
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2013-08-09 ftimme
- Fixed: FS#1099 - Add date/time or Timstamp to ISP Cron Log.
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2013-08-08 ftimme
- Improved SQL query for displaying configuration errors.
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2013-08-08 ftimme
- Display configuration errors in website form.
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2013-08-08 ftimme
- Fixed "PHP Notice: Undefined variable: rbl_list in /tmp/ispconfig-3.0.5/...
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2013-08-07 ftimme
- Added htmlentities so that language strings are displayed correctly in in...
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2013-08-07 ftimme
- Added "Domain" column to database list.
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2013-08-07 ftimme
- nginx: improved rewrite rule checks. - Added rewrite rule checks to nginx...
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2013-08-07 ftimme
- Fixed FS#3071 and FS#3059: Make Update and Installation compatible with P...
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2013-08-07 ftimme
- Print webserver status "running" or "down" in logs.
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2013-08-06 ftimme
- Added checks if destination email belongs to user (email alias form and f...
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2013-07-22 ftimme
- Integrated munin into Monitoring module.
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2013-07-21 ftimme
- Monit integration into Monitoring module; allows to start/stop/restart se...
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2013-07-21 ftimme
- Try to log reason for invalid webserver configuration syntax more thoroug...
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2013-07-17 ftimme
- Added list of allowed directives to "Rewrite Rules" field.
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2013-07-16 ftimme
- Added "Rewrite Rules" field to the "Redirect" tab so that customers can s...
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2013-07-16 ftimme
- Display/email reason for service restart/reload failure (if init script d...
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2013-07-11 ftimme
- Admins can now choose to be notified by email about debug, warning or err...
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2013-07-11 ftimme
- Improved recognition of when a service (Apache, nginx, etc.) was really r...
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2013-07-10 ftimme
- Modified dashboard formatting.
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2013-07-09 ftimme
- cron_daily.php: Some variables were used before being set. - cron_daily.p...
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2013-07-05 ftimme
- Fixed tabbing/format of quota notification emails.
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2013-07-04 ftimme
- Added mailbox quota notifications (if mailbox uses more than 90% of confi...
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2013-07-04 ftimme
- Added mailbox quota dashlet.
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2013-07-03 ftimme
- Send daily quota warnings if web site's disk usage >= 90% of configured q...
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2013-07-03 ftimme
- Added website quota dashlet.
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2013-07-02 ftimme
- Backups are recorded to database only on success.
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2013-07-02 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2965 - DNS SOA edit form: xfer validation generates also_notify ...
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2013-07-02 ftimme
- Fixed FS#3024 - getphpfastcgi in sites/ajax_get_json.php does not honor c...
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2013-07-02 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2945 - PHP open_basedir settings skewed.
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