James Moger
2012-10-22 eba89539a29deba954035056437279088c3e047b
commit | author | age
da0269 1 /*
JM 2  * Copyright 2011 gitblit.com.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 package com.gitblit.client;
18 import java.awt.BorderLayout;
b7f591 19 import java.awt.Component;
da0269 20 import java.awt.Dimension;
JM 21 import java.awt.FlowLayout;
22 import java.awt.Font;
23 import java.awt.GridLayout;
24 import java.awt.Insets;
25 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
26 import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
f14f76 27 import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
bcc616 28 import java.text.MessageFormat;
JM 29 import java.util.ArrayList;
30 import java.util.Arrays;
31 import java.util.HashSet;
a5b159 32 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
da0269 33 import java.util.List;
a5b159 34 import java.util.Map;
bcc616 35 import java.util.Set;
da0269 36
022ebb 37 import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
6adf56 38 import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
bcc616 39 import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel;
da0269 40 import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
JM 41 import javax.swing.JButton;
42 import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
43 import javax.swing.JComboBox;
44 import javax.swing.JComponent;
45 import javax.swing.JDialog;
46 import javax.swing.JLabel;
b7f591 47 import javax.swing.JList;
da0269 48 import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
JM 49 import javax.swing.JPanel;
6adf56 50 import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
f14f76 51 import javax.swing.JRootPane;
0e6eac 52 import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
55a46b 53 import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
da0269 54 import javax.swing.JTextField;
f14f76 55 import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
b7f591 56 import javax.swing.ListCellRenderer;
0e6eac 57 import javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants;
da0269 58
JM 59 import com.gitblit.Constants.AccessRestrictionType;
6adf56 60 import com.gitblit.Constants.AuthorizationControl;
da0269 61 import com.gitblit.Constants.FederationStrategy;
822dfe 62 import com.gitblit.models.RegistrantAccessPermission;
da0269 63 import com.gitblit.models.RepositoryModel;
0db5c4 64 import com.gitblit.utils.ArrayUtils;
da0269 65 import com.gitblit.utils.StringUtils;
JM 66
b7f591 67 /**
JM 68  * Dialog to create/edit a repository.
69  * 
70  * @author James Moger
71  */
da0269 72 public class EditRepositoryDialog extends JDialog {
JM 73
74     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
16038c 76     private final String repositoryName;
JM 77
da0269 78     private final RepositoryModel repository;
bcc616 79
JM 80     private boolean isCreate;
da0269 81
JM 82     private boolean canceled = true;
84     private JTextField nameField;
86     private JTextField descriptionField;
88     private JCheckBox useTickets;
90     private JCheckBox useDocs;
92     private JCheckBox showRemoteBranches;
94     private JCheckBox showReadme;
3d293a 96     private JCheckBox skipSizeCalculation;
JM 97
fe3262 98     private JCheckBox skipSummaryMetrics;
JM 99
da0269 100     private JCheckBox isFrozen;
4bd203 101
eb96ea 102     private JTextField mailingListsField;
da0269 103
JM 104     private JComboBox accessRestriction;
6adf56 105     
JM 106     private JRadioButton allowAuthenticated;
108     private JRadioButton allowNamed;
a03ece 109     
JM 110     private JCheckBox allowForks;
da0269 111
476269 112     private JCheckBox verifyCommitter;
JM 113
da0269 114     private JComboBox federationStrategy;
JM 115
bcc616 116     private JComboBox ownerField;
da0269 117
90b8d7 118     private JComboBox headRefField;
df0292 119
822dfe 120     private RegistrantPermissionsPanel usersPalette;
4bd203 121
da0269 122     private JPalette<String> setsPalette;
4bd203 123
822dfe 124     private RegistrantPermissionsPanel teamsPalette;
e9de3f 125     
JM 126     private JPalette<String> indexedBranchesPalette;
4bd203 127
JM 128     private JPalette<String> preReceivePalette;
0db5c4 129
f2dff4 130     private JLabel preReceiveInherited;
4bd203 131
JM 132     private JPalette<String> postReceivePalette;
0db5c4 133
f2dff4 134     private JLabel postReceiveInherited;
da0269 135
bcc616 136     private Set<String> repositoryNames;
0e6eac 137     
JC 138     private JPanel customFieldsPanel;
a5b159 139     
JM 140     private List<JTextField> customTextfields;
bcc616 141
f08aab 142     public EditRepositoryDialog(int protocolVersion) {
JM 143         this(protocolVersion, new RepositoryModel());
bcc616 144         this.isCreate = true;
b7f591 145         setTitle(Translation.get("gb.newRepository"));
da0269 146     }
JM 147
f08aab 148     public EditRepositoryDialog(int protocolVersion, RepositoryModel aRepository) {
da0269 149         super();
16038c 150         this.repositoryName = aRepository.name;
da0269 151         this.repository = new RepositoryModel();
bcc616 152         this.repositoryNames = new HashSet<String>();
JM 153         this.isCreate = false;
f08aab 154         initialize(protocolVersion, aRepository);
da0269 155         setModal(true);
55a46b 156         setResizable(false);
b7f591 157         setTitle(Translation.get("gb.edit") + ": " + aRepository.name);
df0292 158         setIconImage(new ImageIcon(getClass()
JM 159                 .getResource("/gitblt-favicon.png")).getImage());
f14f76 160     }
16038c 161
f14f76 162     @Override
JM 163     protected JRootPane createRootPane() {
164         KeyStroke stroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0);
165         JRootPane rootPane = new JRootPane();
166         rootPane.registerKeyboardAction(new ActionListener() {
167             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
168                 setVisible(false);
169             }
170         }, stroke, JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW);
171         return rootPane;
da0269 172     }
JM 173
f08aab 174     private void initialize(int protocolVersion, RepositoryModel anRepository) {
df0292 175         nameField = new JTextField(anRepository.name == null ? ""
JM 176                 : anRepository.name, 35);
da0269 177         descriptionField = new JTextField(anRepository.description == null ? ""
JM 178                 : anRepository.description, 35);
55a46b 179
df0292 180         JTextField originField = new JTextField(
JM 181                 anRepository.origin == null ? "" : anRepository.origin, 40);
55a46b 182         originField.setEditable(false);
df0292 183
90b8d7 184         if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(anRepository.availableRefs)) {
JM 185             headRefField = new JComboBox();
186             headRefField.setEnabled(false);            
df0292 187         } else {
90b8d7 188             headRefField = new JComboBox(
JM 189                     anRepository.availableRefs.toArray());
190             headRefField.setSelectedItem(anRepository.HEAD);
df0292 191         }
da0269 192
bcc616 193         ownerField = new JComboBox();
da0269 194
b7f591 195         useTickets = new JCheckBox(Translation.get("gb.useTicketsDescription"),
JM 196                 anRepository.useTickets);
df0292 197         useDocs = new JCheckBox(Translation.get("gb.useDocsDescription"),
JM 198                 anRepository.useDocs);
199         showRemoteBranches = new JCheckBox(
200                 Translation.get("gb.showRemoteBranchesDescription"),
b7f591 201                 anRepository.showRemoteBranches);
JM 202         showReadme = new JCheckBox(Translation.get("gb.showReadmeDescription"),
da0269 203                 anRepository.showReadme);
df0292 204         skipSizeCalculation = new JCheckBox(
JM 205                 Translation.get("gb.skipSizeCalculationDescription"),
3d293a 206                 anRepository.skipSizeCalculation);
df0292 207         skipSummaryMetrics = new JCheckBox(
JM 208                 Translation.get("gb.skipSummaryMetricsDescription"),
fe3262 209                 anRepository.skipSummaryMetrics);
df0292 210         isFrozen = new JCheckBox(Translation.get("gb.isFrozenDescription"),
JM 211                 anRepository.isFrozen);
da0269 212
df0292 213         mailingListsField = new JTextField(
JM 214                 ArrayUtils.isEmpty(anRepository.mailingLists) ? ""
215                         : StringUtils.flattenStrings(anRepository.mailingLists,
216                                 " "), 50);
4bd203 217
da0269 218         accessRestriction = new JComboBox(AccessRestrictionType.values());
b7f591 219         accessRestriction.setRenderer(new AccessRestrictionRenderer());
da0269 220         accessRestriction.setSelectedItem(anRepository.accessRestriction);
6adf56 221         
JM 222         boolean authenticated = anRepository.authorizationControl != null 
223                 && AuthorizationControl.AUTHENTICATED.equals(anRepository.authorizationControl);
224         allowAuthenticated = new JRadioButton(Translation.get("gb.allowAuthenticatedDescription"));
225         allowAuthenticated.setSelected(authenticated);
226         allowNamed = new JRadioButton(Translation.get("gb.allowNamedDescription"));
227         allowNamed.setSelected(!authenticated);
229         ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
230         group.add(allowAuthenticated);
231         group.add(allowNamed);
233         JPanel authorizationPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1));
234         authorizationPanel.add(allowAuthenticated);
235         authorizationPanel.add(allowNamed);
a03ece 236         
476269 237         allowForks = new JCheckBox(Translation.get("gb.allowForksDescription"), anRepository.allowForks);
JM 238         verifyCommitter = new JCheckBox(Translation.get("gb.verifyCommitterDescription"), anRepository.verifyCommitter);
da0269 239
bcc616 240         // federation strategies - remove ORIGIN choice if this repository has
JM 241         // no origin.
242         List<FederationStrategy> federationStrategies = new ArrayList<FederationStrategy>(
243                 Arrays.asList(FederationStrategy.values()));
244         if (StringUtils.isEmpty(anRepository.origin)) {
245             federationStrategies.remove(FederationStrategy.FEDERATE_ORIGIN);
246         }
247         federationStrategy = new JComboBox(federationStrategies.toArray());
b7f591 248         federationStrategy.setRenderer(new FederationStrategyRenderer());
da0269 249         federationStrategy.setSelectedItem(anRepository.federationStrategy);
JM 250
251         JPanel fieldsPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1));
b7f591 252         fieldsPanel.add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.name"), nameField));
df0292 253         fieldsPanel.add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.description"),
JM 254                 descriptionField));
255         fieldsPanel
256                 .add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.origin"), originField));
aebae0 257         fieldsPanel.add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.headRef"), headRefField));
bcc616 258         fieldsPanel.add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.owner"), ownerField));
da0269 259
df0292 260         fieldsPanel.add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.enableTickets"),
JM 261                 useTickets));
b7f591 262         fieldsPanel
df0292 263                 .add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.enableDocs"), useDocs));
JM 264         fieldsPanel.add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.showRemoteBranches"),
265                 showRemoteBranches));
266         fieldsPanel.add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.showReadme"),
267                 showReadme));
fe3262 268         fieldsPanel
df0292 269                 .add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.skipSizeCalculation"),
JM 270                         skipSizeCalculation));
271         fieldsPanel.add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.skipSummaryMetrics"),
272                 skipSummaryMetrics));
273         fieldsPanel.add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.mailingLists"),
274                 mailingListsField));
a03ece 275
JM 276         JPanel clonePushPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1));
277         clonePushPanel
278         .add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.isFrozen"), isFrozen));
279         clonePushPanel
280         .add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.allowForks"), allowForks));
476269 281         clonePushPanel
JM 282         .add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.verifyCommitter"), verifyCommitter));
da0269 283
822dfe 284         usersPalette = new RegistrantPermissionsPanel();
6adf56 285         JPanel northAccessPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(5, 5));
JM 286         northAccessPanel.add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.accessRestriction"),
287                 accessRestriction), BorderLayout.NORTH);
288         northAccessPanel.add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.authorizationControl"),
289                 authorizationPanel), BorderLayout.CENTER);
a03ece 290         northAccessPanel.add(clonePushPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
6adf56 291
da0269 292         JPanel accessPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(5, 5));
6adf56 293         accessPanel.add(northAccessPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
822dfe 294         accessPanel.add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.userPermissions"),
df0292 295                         usersPalette), BorderLayout.CENTER);
da0269 296
822dfe 297         teamsPalette = new RegistrantPermissionsPanel();
f08aab 298         JPanel teamsPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(5, 5));
df0292 299         teamsPanel.add(
822dfe 300                 newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.teamPermissions"),
df0292 301                         teamsPalette), BorderLayout.CENTER);
f08aab 302
da0269 303         setsPalette = new JPalette<String>();
JM 304         JPanel federationPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(5, 5));
b7f591 305         federationPanel.add(
df0292 306                 newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.federationStrategy"),
JM 307                         federationStrategy), BorderLayout.NORTH);
308         federationPanel
309                 .add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.federationSets"),
310                         setsPalette), BorderLayout.CENTER);
da0269 311
e9de3f 312         indexedBranchesPalette = new JPalette<String>();
JM 313         JPanel indexedBranchesPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(5, 5));
314         indexedBranchesPanel
315                 .add(newFieldPanel(Translation.get("gb.indexedBranches"),
316                         indexedBranchesPalette), BorderLayout.CENTER);
4bd203 318         preReceivePalette = new JPalette<String>(true);
f2dff4 319         preReceiveInherited = new JLabel();
4bd203 320         JPanel preReceivePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(5, 5));
f2dff4 321         preReceivePanel.add(preReceivePalette, BorderLayout.CENTER);
JM 322         preReceivePanel.add(preReceiveInherited, BorderLayout.WEST);
4bd203 323
JM 324         postReceivePalette = new JPalette<String>(true);
f2dff4 325         postReceiveInherited = new JLabel();
4bd203 326         JPanel postReceivePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(5, 5));
f2dff4 327         postReceivePanel.add(postReceivePalette, BorderLayout.CENTER);
JM 328         postReceivePanel.add(postReceiveInherited, BorderLayout.WEST);
0e6eac 329         
022ebb 330         customFieldsPanel = new JPanel();
JC 331         customFieldsPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(customFieldsPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
0e6eac 332         JScrollPane customFieldsScrollPane = new JScrollPane(customFieldsPanel);
JC 333         customFieldsScrollPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
334         customFieldsScrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
4bd203 335
55a46b 336         JTabbedPane panel = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP);
JM 337         panel.addTab(Translation.get("gb.general"), fieldsPanel);
338         panel.addTab(Translation.get("gb.accessRestriction"), accessPanel);
f08aab 339         if (protocolVersion >= 2) {
JM 340             panel.addTab(Translation.get("gb.teams"), teamsPanel);
341         }
55a46b 342         panel.addTab(Translation.get("gb.federation"), federationPanel);
e9de3f 343         if (protocolVersion >= 3) {
JM 344             panel.addTab(Translation.get("gb.indexedBranches"), indexedBranchesPanel);
345         }
4bd203 346         panel.addTab(Translation.get("gb.preReceiveScripts"), preReceivePanel);
JM 347         panel.addTab(Translation.get("gb.postReceiveScripts"), postReceivePanel);
0e6eac 348         
JC 349         panel.addTab(Translation.get("gb.customFields"), customFieldsScrollPane);
da0269 351
b7f591 352         JButton createButton = new JButton(Translation.get("gb.save"));
da0269 353         createButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
JM 354             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
355                 if (validateFields()) {
356                     canceled = false;
357                     setVisible(false);
358                 }
359             }
360         });
b7f591 362         JButton cancelButton = new JButton(Translation.get("gb.cancel"));
da0269 363         cancelButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
JM 364             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
365                 canceled = true;
366                 setVisible(false);
367             }
368         });
370         JPanel controls = new JPanel();
371         controls.add(cancelButton);
372         controls.add(createButton);
374         final Insets _insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);
375         JPanel centerPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(5, 5)) {
377             private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
379             @Override
380             public Insets getInsets() {
381                 return _insets;
382             }
383         };
384         centerPanel.add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
385         centerPanel.add(controls, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
387         getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout(5, 5));
388         getContentPane().add(centerPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
389         pack();
38688b 390         nameField.requestFocus();
da0269 391     }
0e6eac 392     
da0269 393     private JPanel newFieldPanel(String label, JComponent comp) {
0e6eac 394         return newFieldPanel(label, 150, comp);
JC 395     }
397     private JPanel newFieldPanel(String label, int labelSize, JComponent comp) {
da0269 398         JLabel fieldLabel = new JLabel(label);
JM 399         fieldLabel.setFont(fieldLabel.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD));
0e6eac 400         fieldLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(labelSize, 20));
da0269 401         JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 10, 0));
JM 402         panel.add(fieldLabel);
403         panel.add(comp);
404         return panel;
405     }
407     private boolean validateFields() {
bcc616 408         String rname = nameField.getText();
JM 409         if (StringUtils.isEmpty(rname)) {
410             error("Please enter a repository name!");
411             return false;
412         }
414         // automatically convert backslashes to forward slashes
415         rname = rname.replace('\\', '/');
416         // Automatically replace // with /
417         rname = rname.replace("//", "/");
419         // prohibit folder paths
420         if (rname.startsWith("/")) {
421             error("Leading root folder references (/) are prohibited.");
422             return false;
423         }
424         if (rname.startsWith("../")) {
425             error("Relative folder references (../) are prohibited.");
426             return false;
427         }
428         if (rname.contains("/../")) {
429             error("Relative folder references (../) are prohibited.");
430             return false;
431         }
3fb41f 432         if (rname.endsWith("/")) {
JM 433             rname = rname.substring(0, rname.length() - 1);
434         }
bcc616 435
JM 436         // confirm valid characters in repository name
437         Character c = StringUtils.findInvalidCharacter(rname);
438         if (c != null) {
df0292 439             error(MessageFormat.format(
JM 440                     "Illegal character ''{0}'' in repository name!", c));
bcc616 441             return false;
JM 442         }
444         // verify repository name uniqueness on create
445         if (isCreate) {
446             // force repo names to lowercase
447             // this means that repository name checking for rpc creation
448             // is case-insensitive, regardless of the Gitblit server's
449             // filesystem
450             if (repositoryNames.contains(rname.toLowerCase())) {
df0292 451                 error(MessageFormat
JM 452                         .format("Can not create repository ''{0}'' because it already exists.",
453                                 rname));
bcc616 454                 return false;
JM 455             }
16038c 456         } else {
JM 457             // check rename collision
458             if (!repositoryName.equalsIgnoreCase(rname)) {
459                 if (repositoryNames.contains(rname.toLowerCase())) {
df0292 460                     error(MessageFormat
JM 461                             .format("Failed to rename ''{0}'' because ''{1}'' already exists.",
462                                     repositoryName, rname));
16038c 463                     return false;
JM 464                 }
465             }
bcc616 466         }
JM 467
468         if (accessRestriction.getSelectedItem() == null) {
469             error("Please select access restriction!");
470             return false;
471         }
473         if (federationStrategy.getSelectedItem() == null) {
474             error("Please select federation strategy!");
475             return false;
476         }
478         repository.name = rname;
479         repository.description = descriptionField.getText();
df0292 480         repository.owner = ownerField.getSelectedItem() == null ? null
JM 481                 : ownerField.getSelectedItem().toString();
90b8d7 482         repository.HEAD = headRefField.getSelectedItem() == null ? null
JM 483                 : headRefField.getSelectedItem().toString();
bcc616 484         repository.useTickets = useTickets.isSelected();
JM 485         repository.useDocs = useDocs.isSelected();
486         repository.showRemoteBranches = showRemoteBranches.isSelected();
487         repository.showReadme = showReadme.isSelected();
3d293a 488         repository.skipSizeCalculation = skipSizeCalculation.isSelected();
fe3262 489         repository.skipSummaryMetrics = skipSummaryMetrics.isSelected();
a03ece 490         
bcc616 491         repository.isFrozen = isFrozen.isSelected();
a03ece 492         repository.allowForks = allowForks.isSelected();
476269 493         repository.verifyCommitter = verifyCommitter.isSelected();
4bd203 494
eb96ea 495         String ml = mailingListsField.getText();
JM 496         if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(ml)) {
497             Set<String> list = new HashSet<String>();
498             for (String address : ml.split("(,|\\s)")) {
499                 if (StringUtils.isEmpty(address)) {
500                     continue;
501                 }
502                 list.add(address.toLowerCase());
503             }
504             repository.mailingLists = new ArrayList<String>(list);
505         }
bcc616 506
df0292 507         repository.accessRestriction = (AccessRestrictionType) accessRestriction
JM 508                 .getSelectedItem();
6adf56 509         repository.authorizationControl = allowAuthenticated.isSelected() ? 
JM 510                 AuthorizationControl.AUTHENTICATED : AuthorizationControl.NAMED;
df0292 511         repository.federationStrategy = (FederationStrategy) federationStrategy
JM 512                 .getSelectedItem();
bcc616 513
JM 514         if (repository.federationStrategy.exceeds(FederationStrategy.EXCLUDE)) {
515             repository.federationSets = setsPalette.getSelections();
516         }
e9de3f 517         
JM 518         repository.indexedBranches = indexedBranchesPalette.getSelections();
4bd203 519         repository.preReceiveScripts = preReceivePalette.getSelections();
JM 520         repository.postReceiveScripts = postReceivePalette.getSelections();
0e6eac 521         
JC 522         // Custom Fields
a5b159 523         repository.customFields = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
JM 524         if (customTextfields != null) {
525             for (JTextField field : customTextfields) {
526                 String key = field.getName();
527                 String value = field.getText();
528                 repository.customFields.put(key, value);
529             }
0e6eac 530         }
da0269 531         return true;
JM 532     }
bcc616 534     private void error(String message) {
b7f591 535         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(EditRepositoryDialog.this, message,
JM 536                 Translation.get("gb.error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
da0269 537     }
94dcbd 538     
JM 539     public void setAccessRestriction(AccessRestrictionType restriction) {
540         this.accessRestriction.setSelectedItem(restriction);
541     }
da0269 542
6adf56 543     public void setAuthorizationControl(AuthorizationControl authorization) {
JM 544         boolean authenticated = authorization != null && AuthorizationControl.AUTHENTICATED.equals(authorization);
545         this.allowAuthenticated.setSelected(authenticated);
546         this.allowNamed.setSelected(!authenticated);
547     }
822dfe 549     public void setUsers(String owner, List<String> all, List<RegistrantAccessPermission> permissions) {
bcc616 550         ownerField.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(all.toArray()));
JM 551         if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(owner)) {
552             ownerField.setSelectedItem(owner);
553         }
822dfe 554         usersPalette.setObjects(all, permissions);
bcc616 555     }
4bd203 556
822dfe 557     public void setTeams(List<String> all, List<RegistrantAccessPermission> permissions) {
JM 558         teamsPalette.setObjects(all, permissions);
f08aab 559     }
bcc616 560
JM 561     public void setRepositories(List<RepositoryModel> repositories) {
562         repositoryNames.clear();
563         for (RepositoryModel repository : repositories) {
564             // force repo names to lowercase
565             // this means that repository name checking for rpc creation
566             // is case-insensitive, regardless of the Gitblit server's
567             // filesystem
568             repositoryNames.add(repository.name.toLowerCase());
569         }
da0269 570     }
JM 571
572     public void setFederationSets(List<String> all, List<String> selected) {
573         setsPalette.setObjects(all, selected);
574     }
e9de3f 575     
JM 576     public void setIndexedBranches(List<String> all, List<String> selected) {
577         indexedBranchesPalette.setObjects(all, selected);
578     }
da0269 579
df0292 580     public void setPreReceiveScripts(List<String> all, List<String> inherited,
JM 581             List<String> selected) {
4bd203 582         preReceivePalette.setObjects(all, selected);
f2dff4 583         showInherited(inherited, preReceiveInherited);
4bd203 584     }
JM 585
f2dff4 586     public void setPostReceiveScripts(List<String> all, List<String> inherited,
JM 587             List<String> selected) {
4bd203 588         postReceivePalette.setObjects(all, selected);
f2dff4 589         showInherited(inherited, postReceiveInherited);
JM 590     }
592     private void showInherited(List<String> list, JLabel label) {
593         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
594         if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
595             sb.append("<html><body><b>INHERITED</b><ul style=\"margin-left:5px;list-style-type: none;\">");
596             for (String script : list) {
597                 sb.append("<li>").append(script).append("</li>");
598             }
599             sb.append("</ul></body></html>");
600         }
601         label.setText(sb.toString());
4bd203 602     }
JM 603
da0269 604     public RepositoryModel getRepository() {
JM 605         if (canceled) {
606             return null;
607         }
608         return repository;
609     }
b7f591 610
822dfe 611     public List<RegistrantAccessPermission> getUserAccessPermissions() {
JM 612         return usersPalette.getPermissions();
bcc616 613     }
JM 614
822dfe 615     public List<RegistrantAccessPermission> getTeamAccessPermissions() {
JM 616         return teamsPalette.getPermissions();
f08aab 617     }
0e6eac 618     
a5b159 619     public void setCustomFields(RepositoryModel repository, Map<String, String> customFields) {
0e6eac 620         customFieldsPanel.removeAll();
a5b159 621         customTextfields = new ArrayList<JTextField>();
0e6eac 622         
a5b159 623         final Insets insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);
JM 624         JPanel fields = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1, 0, 5)) {
626             private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
628             @Override
629             public Insets getInsets() {
630                 return insets;
631             }
632         };        
022ebb 633         
a5b159 634         for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : customFields.entrySet()) {
JM 635             String field = entry.getKey();
636             String value = "";
637             if (repository.customFields != null && repository.customFields.containsKey(field)) {
638                 value = repository.customFields.get(field);
639             }
640             JTextField textField = new JTextField(value);
641             textField.setName(field);
643             textField.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(450, 26));
645             fields.add(newFieldPanel(entry.getValue(), 250, textField));
647             customTextfields.add(textField);
022ebb 648         }
a5b159 649         JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(fields);        
JM 650         jsp.getVerticalScrollBar().setBlockIncrement(100);
651         jsp.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(100);
652         jsp.setViewportBorder(null);
653         customFieldsPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
654         customFieldsPanel.add(jsp);
0e6eac 655     }
f08aab 656
b7f591 657     /**
JM 658      * ListCellRenderer to display descriptive text about the access
659      * restriction.
660      * 
661      */
df0292 662     private class AccessRestrictionRenderer extends JLabel implements
JM 663             ListCellRenderer {
b7f591 664
JM 665         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
667         @Override
df0292 668         public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value,
JM 669                 int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
b7f591 670             if (value instanceof AccessRestrictionType) {
JM 671                 AccessRestrictionType restriction = (AccessRestrictionType) value;
672                 switch (restriction) {
673                 case NONE:
674                     setText(Translation.get("gb.notRestricted"));
675                     break;
676                 case PUSH:
677                     setText(Translation.get("gb.pushRestricted"));
678                     break;
679                 case CLONE:
680                     setText(Translation.get("gb.cloneRestricted"));
681                     break;
682                 case VIEW:
683                     setText(Translation.get("gb.viewRestricted"));
684                     break;
685                 }
686             } else {
687                 setText(value.toString());
688             }
689             return this;
690         }
691     }
693     /**
694      * ListCellRenderer to display descriptive text about the federation
695      * strategy.
696      */
df0292 697     private class FederationStrategyRenderer extends JLabel implements
JM 698             ListCellRenderer {
b7f591 699
JM 700         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
702         @Override
df0292 703         public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value,
JM 704                 int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
b7f591 705             if (value instanceof FederationStrategy) {
JM 706                 FederationStrategy strategy = (FederationStrategy) value;
707                 switch (strategy) {
708                 case EXCLUDE:
709                     setText(Translation.get("gb.excludeFromFederation"));
710                     break;
711                 case FEDERATE_THIS:
712                     setText(Translation.get("gb.federateThis"));
713                     break;
714                 case FEDERATE_ORIGIN:
715                     setText(Translation.get("gb.federateOrigin"));
716                     break;
717                 }
718             } else {
719                 setText(value.toString());
720             }
721             return this;
722         }
723     }
da0269 724 }