commit | author | age
1 |
<?php |
F |
2 |
$wb['Server online since'] = 'Server online since'; |
3 |
$wb['Users online'] = 'Users Online'; |
4 |
$wb['System load 1 minute'] = 'System load 1 minute'; |
5 |
$wb['System load 5 minutes'] = 'System load 5 minutes'; |
6 |
$wb['System load 15 minutes'] = 'System load 15 minutes'; |
7 |
$wb['Server Load'] = 'Server Load'; |
8 |
$wb['Disk usage'] = 'Disk usage'; |
9 |
$wb['Memory usage'] = 'Memory usage'; |
10 |
$wb['no_data_serverload_txt'] = 'No data about the server load available at the moment. Please check again later.'; |
11 |
$wb['no_data_memusage_txt'] = 'No data about the memory usage available at the moment. Please check again later.'; |
12 |
$wb['no_data_diskusage_txt'] = 'No data about the disk usage available at the moment. Please check again later.'; |
13 |
$wb['no_data_cpuinfo_txt'] = 'No data about the CPU available at the moment. Please check again later.'; |
14 |
$wb['no_data_services_txt'] = 'No data about the services available at the moment. Please check again later.'; |
15 |
$wb['no_logdata_txt'] = 'No log data available at the moment. Please check again later.'; |
16 |
$wb['Monitoring'] = 'Monitoring'; |
17 |
$wb['Server to Monitor'] = 'Server to Monitor'; |
18 |
$wb['Logfiles'] = 'Logfiles'; |
19 |
$wb['Status of services'] = 'Status of services'; |
20 |
$wb['No Refresh'] = 'No Refresh'; |
21 |
$wb['minutes'] = 'minutes'; |
22 |
$wb['Show Overview'] = 'Show Overview'; |
23 |
$wb['System State (All Servers)'] = 'System State (All Servers)'; |
24 |
$wb['Hardware-Information'] = 'Hardware-Information'; |
25 |
$wb['Show CPU info'] = 'Show CPU info'; |
26 |
$wb['Server State'] = 'Server State'; |
27 |
$wb['Show Update State'] = 'Show Update State'; |
28 |
$wb['Show RAID state'] = 'Show RAID state'; |
29 |
$wb['Show Server load'] = 'Show Server load'; |
30 |
$wb['Show Disk usage'] = 'Show Disk usage'; |
31 |
$wb['Show Memory usage'] = 'Show Memory usage'; |
32 |
$wb['Show Services'] = 'Show Services'; |
33 |
$wb['Show Mail-Queue'] = 'Show Mail-Queue'; |
34 |
$wb['Show Mail-Log'] = 'Show Mail-Log'; |
35 |
$wb['Show Mail warn-Log'] = 'Show Mail warn-Log'; |
36 |
$wb['Show Mail err-Log'] = 'Show Mail err-Log'; |
37 |
$wb['Show System-Log'] = 'Show System-Log'; |
38 |
$wb['Show Freshclam-Log'] = 'Show Freshclam-Log'; |
39 |
$wb['Show Clamav-Log'] = 'Show Clamav-Log'; |
40 |
$wb['Show ISPConfig-Log'] = 'Show ISPConfig-Log'; |
41 |
$wb['Show RKHunter-Log'] = 'Show RKHunter-Log'; |
F |
42 |
$wb['Show Jobqueue'] = 'Show Jobqueue'; |
43 |
$wb['Show ISPC Cron-Log'] = 'Show ISPC Cron-Log'; |
44 |
$wb['no_data_updates_txt'] = 'No data about updates available at the moment. Please check again later.'; |
F |
45 |
$wb['no_data_raid_txt'] = 'No data about RAID available at the moment. Please check again later.'; |
46 |
$wb['no_data_rkhunter_txt'] = 'No data about RKHunter available at the moment. Please check again later.'; |
47 |
$wb['no_data_mailq_txt'] = 'No data Mailqueue available at the moment. Please check again later.'; |
48 |
$wb['monitor_general_serverstate_txt'] = 'Server State'; |
A |
49 |
$wb['monitor_general_systemstate_txt'] = 'System State'; |
50 |
$wb['monitor_diskusage_filesystem_txt'] = 'Filesystem'; |
F |
51 |
$wb['monitor_diskusage_type_txt'] = 'Type'; |
52 |
$wb['monitor_diskusage_size_txt'] = 'Size'; |
53 |
$wb['monitor_diskusage_used_txt'] = 'Used'; |
54 |
$wb['monitor_diskusage_available_txt'] = 'Available'; |
55 |
$wb['monitor_diskusage_usage_txt'] = 'Use%'; |
56 |
$wb['monitor_diskusage_mounted_txt'] = 'Mounted on'; |
57 |
$wb['monitor_logs_mail_txt'] = 'Mail - Log'; |
A |
58 |
$wb['monitor_logs_mailwarn_txt'] = 'Mail-Warn - Log'; |
59 |
$wb['monitor_logs_mailerr_txt'] = 'Mail-Error - Log'; |
60 |
$wb['monitor_logs_messages_txt'] = 'System Messages - Log'; |
61 |
$wb['monitor_logs_ispccron_txt'] = 'ISPConfig Cron - Log'; |
62 |
$wb['monitor_logs_freshclam_txt'] = 'Freshclam - Log'; |
63 |
$wb['monitor_logs_clamav_txt'] = 'Clamav - Log'; |
64 |
$wb['monitor_logs_ispc_txt'] = 'ISPConfig - Log'; |
65 |
$wb['monitor_nomdadm_txt'] = 'mdadm is not installed or your Server has no supported RAID'; |
F |
66 |
$wb['monitor_norkhunter_txt'] = 'RKHunter is not installed, so there is no log data'; |
67 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_server_txt'] = 'Server'; |
A |
68 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_state_txt'] = 'State'; |
69 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_unknown_txt'] = 'unknown'; |
70 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_info_txt'] = 'info'; |
71 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_warning_txt'] = 'warning'; |
72 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_critical_txt'] = 'critical'; |
73 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_error_txt'] = 'error'; |
74 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_moreinfo_txt'] = 'More information...'; |
75 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_more_txt'] = 'More...'; |
76 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_fclamok_txt'] = 'Your Virus-protection is ok'; |
77 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_fclamoutdated_txt'] = 'Your Virus-protection is OUTDATED!'; |
78 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_fclamunknown_txt'] = 'Freshclam: ???!'; |
79 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_hdok_txt'] = 'The state of your Hard-Disk space is ok'; |
80 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_hdgoingfull_txt'] = 'Your Hard-Disk space is going full'; |
81 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_hdnearlyfull_txt'] = 'Your Hard-Disk is nearly full'; |
82 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_hdveryfull_txt'] = 'Your Hard-Disk is very full'; |
83 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_hdfull_txt'] = 'Your Hard-Disk has no more space left'; |
84 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_hdunknown_txt'] = 'Hard-Disk: ???'; |
85 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_listok_txt'] = 'ok'; |
86 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_listinfo_txt'] = 'info'; |
87 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_listwarning_txt'] = 'warning'; |
88 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_listcritical_txt'] = 'critical'; |
89 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_listerror_txt'] = 'error'; |
90 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_listunknown_txt'] = 'unknown'; |
91 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_loadok_txt'] = 'Your Server load is ok'; |
92 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_loadheavy_txt'] = 'Your Server in under heavy load'; |
93 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_loadhigh_txt'] = 'Your Server in under high load'; |
94 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_loaghigher_txt'] = 'Your Server in under higher load'; |
95 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_loadhighest_txt'] = 'Your Server in under highest load'; |
96 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_loadunknown_txt'] = 'Server Load: ???'; |
97 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_mailqok_txt'] = 'Your Mailq load is ok'; |
98 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_mailqheavy_txt'] = 'Your Mailq in under heavy load'; |
99 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_mailqhigh_txt'] = 'Your Mailq in under high load'; |
100 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_mailqhigher_txt'] = 'Your Mailq in under higher load'; |
101 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_mailqhighest_txt'] = 'Your Mailq in under highest load'; |
102 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_mailqunknown_txt'] = 'Mailq: ???'; |
103 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_raidok_txt'] = 'Your RAID is ok'; |
104 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_raidresync_txt'] = 'Your RAID is in RESYNC mode'; |
105 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_raidfault_txt'] = 'Your RAID has one FAULT disk. Replace as soon as possible!'; |
106 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_raiderror_txt'] = 'Your RAID is not working anymore'; |
107 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_raidunknown_txt'] = 'RAID state: ???'; |
108 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_servicesonline_txt'] = 'All needed Services are online'; |
109 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_servicesoffline_txt'] = 'One or more needed Services are offline'; |
110 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_servicesunknown_txt'] = 'Services:???'; |
111 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_syslogok_txt'] = 'The System-Log is O.K.'; |
112 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_syslogwarning_txt'] = 'There are some warnings in your System-Log'; |
113 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_syslogerror_txt'] = 'There are errors in your System-Log'; |
114 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_syslogunknown_txt'] = 'sys-log:???'; |
115 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_updatesok_txt'] = 'Your System is up to date.'; |
116 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_updatesneeded_txt'] = 'One or more Components needs a update'; |
117 |
$wb['monitor_serverstate_updatesunknown_txt'] = 'System-Update:???'; |
118 |
$wb['monitor_services_online_txt'] = 'Online'; |
F |
119 |
$wb['monitor_services_offline_txt'] = 'Offline'; |
120 |
$wb['monitor_services_web_txt'] = 'Web-Server:'; |
121 |
$wb['monitor_services_ftp_txt'] = 'FTP-Server:'; |
122 |
$wb['monitor_services_smtp_txt'] = 'SMTP-Server:'; |
123 |
$wb['monitor_services_pop_txt'] = 'POP3-Server:'; |
124 |
$wb['monitor_services_imap_txt'] = 'IMAP-Server:'; |
125 |
$wb['monitor_services_mydns_txt'] = 'myDNS-Server:'; |
126 |
$wb['monitor_services_mysql_txt'] = 'mySQL-Server:'; |
127 |
$wb['monitor_settings_datafromdate_txt'] = 'Data from: '; |
128 |
$wb['monitor_settings_datetimeformat_txt'] = 'Y-m-d H:i'; |
129 |
$wb['monitor_settings_refreshsq_txt'] = 'Refresh sequence:'; |
A |
130 |
$wb['monitor_settings_server_txt'] = 'Server'; |
131 |
$wb['monitor_title_cpuinfo_txt'] = 'CPU Info'; |
132 |
$wb['monitor_title_updatestate_txt'] = 'Update State'; |
F |
133 |
$wb['monitor_title_mailq_txt'] = 'Mailqueue'; |
134 |
$wb['monitor_title_raidstate_txt'] = 'RAID-State'; |
135 |
$wb['monitor_title_rkhunterlog_txt'] = 'RKHunter-Log'; |
136 |
$wb['monitor_updates_nosupport_txt'] = 'Your distribution is not supported for this monitoring'; |
137 |
?> |