James Moger
2014-09-30 1f217a28cd29d5d29cf656727610c0dbd3c7764a
author James Moger <james.moger@gitblit.com>
Tuesday, September 30, 2014 09:47 -0400
committer James Moger <james.moger@gitblit.com>
Tuesday, September 30, 2014 09:47 -0400
tree f83a5278d608adcabe2fcf2186797cafdd3552d5 tree | zip | gz
parent 02ea71c71dbf162561f0a5d4151bc436fca38373 view | diff
Hack/workaround Bootstrap responsive behavior for ticket dropdowns

This is a temporary solution. A better fix would be to update to Bootstrap 3 and replace the dropdown with a filterable dropdown - but that is a much larger change than this quick patch.
2 files modified
4 ■■■■ changed files
src/main/java/com/gitblit/wicket/pages/TicketPage.html 2 ●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history
src/main/java/com/gitblit/wicket/pages/TicketsPage.html 2 ●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history