Falko Timme
2014-01-17 30848e21ee386fc5d0e0d2357044d3d6ce0711c5
author Falko Timme <ft@falkotimme.com>
Friday, January 17, 2014 11:38 -0500
committer Falko Timme <ft@falkotimme.com>
Friday, January 17, 2014 11:38 -0500
tree d37728da46ef2bd2c861d795582e1f61694f3c16 tree | zip | gz
parent d5486a21727810872743d0b2bd9d88423314c4da view | diff
- Fill IP select fields with IP from correct server even if the user's default web server is another server. Otherwise if the user opens the web form, the wildcard * is selected, and if he changes the tab, the wildcard is saved instead of the correct IP so that the website will no longer work.
1 files modified
18 ■■■■■ changed files
interface/web/sites/web_domain_edit.php 18 ●●●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history