2015-07-30 5a428535a45dcc6e1c71d3b4a221fad60d29658f
author RKolodziejczxyk <itdesk-stacja@dlk.pl>
Thursday, July 30, 2015 06:11 -0400
committer RKolodziejczxyk <itdesk-stacja@dlk.pl>
Thursday, July 30, 2015 06:11 -0400
tree 2981d3757e9de4acfb530158294ce49f48f19e1c tree | zip | gz
parent e9d5c95afbb562c6e1e5677013906b220070295b view | diff
Fixing error in CSR (by disabling challenge phrase) when creating using ispConfig:

You have 1 error
Your CSR contains a challenge phrase.
Adding a challenge phrase to a CSR is not a secure practice. Please generate a new CSR that does not contain a challenge phrase.

The problem occure while buying a cert from https://www.ssls.com/
The support reply with:
"Please regenerate it without the passphrase and try to activate the certificate once again."
1 files modified
2 ■■■ changed files
server/plugins-available/apache2_plugin.inc.php 2 ●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history