2013-03-04 7cf5fa79c6b0a363508bd5afad8e4510b289f662
author tbrehm <t.brehm@ispconfig.org>
Monday, March 4, 2013 03:27 -0500
committer tbrehm <t.brehm@ispconfig.org>
Monday, March 4, 2013 03:27 -0500
tree 0cc3c1ad64407e4d13276fa66fd42174e929c754 tree | zip | gz
parent a028f8114a22bc73360718522b8796a8b45565b4 view | diff
- Ensure that all mailman config files exist that were used in postfix main.cf, even if mailman is not installed to avoid postfix errors.
- Fixed some php notices in installer.
1 files modified
15 ■■■■ changed files
install/lib/installer_base.lib.php 15 ●●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history