Paul Martin
2016-04-03 cd7e4f9186f2ace4416780a7dd6341e01e23a45f
2015-12-25 Paul Martin
Fix for #976 - Filestore links via browser
tree@ 46f33f commitdiff
2015-10-25 Paul Martin
Log update for Fail2Ban usage
tree@ 0d7c65 commitdiff
2015-10-10 Paul Martin
Git-LFS support
tree@ bd0e83 commitdiff
2015-10-05 James Moger
Revert manual specification of ssh user auth factories
tree@ 92ae83 commitdiff
2015-09-18 James Moger
Update to SSHD 1.0.0
tree@ d41034 commitdiff
2015-06-15 James Moger
Revised AvatarGenerator to be injectable
tree@ f790d5 commitdiff
2015-06-03 Fabrice Bacchella
First draft for a customized avatar image
tree@ b57b9e commitdiff
2015-05-25 Fabrice Bacchella
Invalid kerberos patches, works now and with a test.
tree@ e97c01 commitdiff
2015-05-22 James Moger
Implement configurable tab length support for blob views
tree@ 310a80 commitdiff
2015-05-21 James Moger
Merged #247 "Add Kerberos5/GSS authentication to ssh"
tree@ bcb1be commitdiff
2015-05-15 Fabrice Bacchella
A patch that allows to extract a new user informations from the HTTP sessio...
tree@ 2c0555 commitdiff
2015-05-04 Fabrice Bacchella
Adding Kerberos5/GSS authentication to ssh Adding the possibility to define...
tree@ 5485da commitdiff
2015-03-07 James Moger
Add links to commit diff and blob diff pages to toggle whitespace setting
tree@ 5d59b9 commitdiff
2015-02-26 James Moger
Add DiffComparator argument to all DiffUtils calls, default to ignore all w...
tree@ cff352 commitdiff
2015-01-11 Milos Cubrilo
#230 - Improve empty folder navigation.
tree@ a9a2ff commitdiff
2014-09-29 Paul Martin
Tickets - Priority, Severity options
tree@ f9c78c commitdiff
2014-10-20 James Moger
Merge release-1.6.1
tree@ 5be2d3 commitdiff
2014-10-20 James Moger
Correct unit test assertion
tree@ 5da0fd commitdiff
2014-10-13 James Moger
Fix GitBlitTest.testGitblitSettings()
tree@ 18c6ba commitdiff
2014-10-13 James Moger
Fix GitBlitTest.testGitblitSettings()
tree@ cdb924 commitdiff
2014-10-06 James Moger
Merge branch 'ticket/202' into develop
tree@ 12f1be commitdiff
2014-10-03 Berke Viktor
Treat .ico and .jpeg files as images
tree@ 1bfe11 commitdiff
2014-09-08 James Moger
Merge branch 'ticket/161' into develop
tree@ 14181d commitdiff
2014-09-08 James Moger
Expose setting to control Lucene repository indexing frequency
tree@ 936af6 commitdiff
2014-09-07 James Moger
Merge branch 'ticket/164' into develop
tree@ f7174e commitdiff
2014-09-06 James Moger
Create infrastructure for XSS sanitization
tree@ fc3a39 commitdiff
2014-07-02 James Moger
Extract services manager into a top-level injectable manager
tree@ 7d3a31 commitdiff
2014-05-23 James Moger
Use Guice-Servlet rather than custom code and expose the Injector
tree@ c828cf commitdiff
2014-06-09 James Moger
Add repository and user/team lifecycle listener extension points
tree@ ca4d98 commitdiff
2014-06-05 James Moger
Add a basic SSH public key management UI
tree@ 05f229 commitdiff
2014-05-08 James Moger
Change enum name and unit test RSS tag queries
tree@ 9ff0c1 commitdiff
2014-05-08 James Moger
Revise, complete, and fully test the FORK rpc
tree@ 813a1f commitdiff
2014-03-21 manisha
Implement FORK RPC request type
tree@ 03d5ee commitdiff
2014-04-28 James Moger
Implementation of a ticket mgration tool
tree@ 4d81c9 commitdiff
2014-05-01 James Moger
Fix inconsistency with owner permissions check
tree@ 0c8b28 commitdiff
2014-04-28 James Moger
Fix forcing default locale to en or LANG_CC for web ui
tree@ a8100b commitdiff
2014-04-25 James Moger
Prevent adding empty or invalid SSH public keys
tree@ 039686 commitdiff
2014-04-17 James Moger
[findbugs] Fix Selenium test
tree@ 6b254f commitdiff
2014-04-17 James Moger
[findbugs] Reorder asserts to avoid potential NPE in JGitUtilsTest
tree@ 74344a commitdiff
2014-04-17 James Moger
Organize imports
tree@ 285bfa commitdiff
2014-04-15 James Moger
Merge pr-170 'ticket-fix' from
tree@ bd7db1 commitdiff
2014-04-15 James Moger
Removed obsolete Gravatar profile code
tree@ 84f435 commitdiff
2014-04-14 Kevin Walter
fix NullPointerException in ITicketService and add TestCase
tree@ 486874 commitdiff
2014-04-14 James Moger
Add ssh command to update the permission for an SSH key
tree@ 24be49 commitdiff
2014-04-12 James Moger
Add TicketHook extension
tree@ ba5670 commitdiff
2014-04-11 James Moger
Add missing unit test utility class
tree@ e5d609 commitdiff
2014-04-07 James Moger
Unit tests for ssh daemon and keys dispatcher
tree@ 521cb6 commitdiff
2014-03-30 James Moger
Split administration commands into a plugin, enhance plugin manager
tree@ 413e9b commitdiff
2014-03-22 James Moger
Handle ssh keys as objects, not strings, and improve the ls and rm key comm...
tree@ bcc8a0 commitdiff
2014-03-17 James Moger
Elevate the public key manager to a top-level manager
tree@ 245836 commitdiff
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