2012-04-17 6ab9e8a6c8474063ea70c727bb3fe107f1a864dc
2011-12-22 thomascube
Accept absolute urls without protocol
blob@ f38dfc commitdiff | diff to current
2011-12-09 thomascube
Be more strict in style attribute filtering
blob@ 98c2d6 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-12-09 thomascube
Allow clean background:url(...) styles in safe mode. This will make Roundcu...
blob@ 2b017e commitdiff | diff to current
2011-11-30 alecpl
- Fix handling of empty <U> tags in HTML messages (#1488225)
blob@ af4b3b commitdiff | diff to current
2011-11-15 alecpl
- Fix washing styles with quoted values e.g. font-family
blob@ 2eeb12 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-11-15 alecpl
- Fix handling of HTML form elements in messages (#1485137)
blob@ c1fcd1 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-05-16 alecpl
- Fix invalid comments handling (see example message in #1487915)
blob@ e4d094 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-04-19 alecpl
- Fix regression in html conditional comments handling by washtml class
blob@ 968754 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-02-09 thomascube
Fix stripping invalid comments. Changes from r4483 also stripped entire CSS...
blob@ b1d31e commitdiff | diff to current
2011-02-03 alecpl
- Fix handling of invalid HTML comments in messages (#1487759)
blob@ 9ebac6 commitdiff | diff to current
2010-12-23 alecpl
- Don't return empty I and B tags in short form
blob@ 4d268b commitdiff | diff to current
2010-08-03 alecpl
- Don't allow short form of empty <strong> tag
blob@ 1d3596 commitdiff | diff to current
2010-06-23 alecpl
- Improve parsing of styled empty tags in HTML messages (#1486812)
blob@ be6f3a commitdiff | diff to current
2010-06-07 alecpl
- Fix RFC2397 handling in wash_style()
blob@ a0d29e commitdiff | diff to current
2010-05-27 alecpl
- support base URL for inline images
blob@ b6f040 commitdiff | diff to current
2010-05-22 alecpl
- Add support for data URI scheme [RFC2397] (#1486740)
blob@ 0b7f3a commitdiff | diff to current
2010-04-21 alecpl
- fix <span>0</span> (#1486645)
blob@ 9ef5fa commitdiff | diff to current
2010-02-28 alecpl
- Fix invalid font tags which cause HTML message rendering problems (#1486521)
blob@ a72ad6 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-11-03 alecpl
- fix empty A tag handling (#1486272)
blob@ 7435e3 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-08-19 svncommit
Added # to washtml's regex for safe links (some list digests have tables of...
blob@ e98f24 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-07-30 svncommit
better solution for HTML washing encoding issue
blob@ 5f8d31 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-07-30 svncommit
fix washing of HTML encoded in something other than UTF-8
blob@ 659672 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-07-28 alecpl
- Fix displaying of HTML messages with unknown/malformed tags (#1486003) - ...
blob@ 2337a8 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-07-17 alecpl
- Fix HTML messages output with empty block elements (#1485974)
blob@ 503e01 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-07-03 alecpl
- Allow WBR tag in HTML message (#1485960)
blob@ f7fff8 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-01-20 thomascube
Treat 'background' attributes the same way as 'src' (another XSS vulnerabil...
blob@ 4cc74f commitdiff | diff to current
2008-09-17 alecpl
- Smart Tags and NOBR tag support in html messages (#1485363, #1485327)
blob@ 7f6258 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-09-16 thomascube
Allow content of HTML head sections to be processes
blob@ a47acc commitdiff | diff to current
2008-09-05 thomascube
Respect Content-Location headers in multipart/related messages (#1484946)
blob@ c505e5 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-07-22 thomascube
Reverted r1607. See #1485137 for explanations
blob@ d368a6 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-07-22 alecpl
#1485137: added 'form' to allowed elements list
blob@ 4897ad commitdiff | diff to current
2008-07-22 thomascube
Improve HTML sanitization with washtml
blob@ 21e724 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-06-15 alecpl
#1485097: Re-enable background attribute in HTML messages
blob@ 18ebb9 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-06-07 thomascube
Change meta-charset specififcation in HTML to UTF-8; no need for mb_convert...
blob@ 350459 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-06-04 thomascube
Allow <body> tag in HTML messages which will be converted to <div class='rc...
blob@ a87556 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-06-04 thomascube
Chech for mb_convert_encoding first because mbstring is optional for RoundC...
blob@ 65cc1c commitdiff | diff to current
2008-06-03 alecpl
-add convert encoding before html parsing
blob@ 68217c commitdiff | diff to current
2008-05-29 thomascube
Replace our crappy html sanitization with the dom-based washtml script + fi...
blob@ 45f56c commitdiff | diff to current
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