2008-09-18 ae579cee860c90183b3968d9658ffe0b3ba29dd5
2008-09-17 alecpl
- Display progress message for folders create/delete/rename operations (#14...
tree@ d93fc9 commitdiff
2008-09-15 alecpl
- Added 'sendmail_delay' option to restrict messages sending interval (#148...
tree@ acb08f commitdiff
2008-09-14 alecpl
- use html2text for signatures in Settings/Identities
tree@ 3bd94b commitdiff
2008-09-12 alecpl
- Added vertical splitter for folders list resizing - Added possibility to ...
tree@ e5686f commitdiff
2008-08-13 alecpl
#1485242: better handling of situation when message was sent successfully b...
tree@ 9a5762 commitdiff
2008-05-10 alecpl
- small localization fixes (#1484895)
tree@ 271046 commitdiff
2008-04-14 alecpl
- Added sections (fieldset+label) in Settings interface
tree@ a901aa commitdiff
2008-04-11 alecpl
translated new labels
tree@ d0ece4 commitdiff
2008-04-10 alecpl
#1484980: fixed problem with month abbreviations localization (problem with...
tree@ 7479cc commitdiff
2008-04-06 alecpl
#1484188: added month names localization
tree@ 6051e6 commitdiff
2008-03-31 yllar
tree@ 829e02 commitdiff
2008-02-15 svncommit
update de_DE, en_GB, thanks!
tree@ f5e936 commitdiff
2008-02-10 till
* fixing #1484494 (people can delete the last identity otherwise) * FOR TRA...
tree@ e3a0af commitdiff
2008-01-04 svncommit
bump copyright for all localization files
tree@ 5b3c99 commitdiff
2007-10-01 svncommit
cleanup localizations
tree@ 747e3c commitdiff
2007-09-11 svncommit
Add missing messages in en-GB (copied from en-US).
tree@ 75f534 commitdiff
2007-09-05 yllar
Ticket #1484457
tree@ 737b6a commitdiff
2007-04-28 thomascube
Merged branch devel-addressbook from r443 back to trunk
tree@ f11541 commitdiff
2007-02-06 svncommit
updated pt_BR, clean up in localization
tree@ 9d41ed commitdiff
2006-08-06 thomascube
Updated localizations to 0.1beta2
tree@ 27a398 commitdiff
2006-07-30 thomascube
Fixed folder renaming; added confirmation after deleting a folder
tree@ f9c107 commitdiff
2006-06-27 svncommit
Renameable folders, mail-checking changes, other fixes (richs)
tree@ c8c1e0 commitdiff
2006-06-19 svncommit
Added Drafts support (Feature #1326839) (richs)
tree@ 1966c5 commitdiff
2006-05-05 thomascube
Changed login page title regarding product name (Bug #1476413)
tree@ ded2b7 commitdiff
2006-03-21 svncommit
Added localization label: 'welcome' to all localizations (currently in Engl...
tree@ d1dfb1 commitdiff
2006-02-21 svncommit
1436239 patch applied - adds new local strings for GB english
tree@ e1a3f0 commitdiff
2006-02-21 svncommit
fixed typo bug #1434950
tree@ 666697 commitdiff
2006-01-25 thomascube
Updated localizations
tree@ c9d09b commitdiff
2005-12-03 thomascube
Re-design of caching (new database table added\!); some bugfixes; Postgres ...
tree@ 1cded8 commitdiff
2005-11-08 thomascube
Added reply-to-all function (submitted by Julien Brette)
tree@ 583f1c commitdiff
2005-11-06 thomascube
Added favicon and Polish, Czech, British localizations
tree@ e66f5b commitdiff
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