James Moger
2013-07-24 e05f2266e8f11d22efe13e0588efc5c7f8268cd1
search: james.moger@gitblit.com (author)
2013-07-24 James Moger
Prepare 1.3.1 release
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2013-07-24 James Moger
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2013-07-24 James Moger
Merge pull request #106 from gustavohenrique/master
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2013-07-24 James Moger
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2013-07-24 James Moger
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2013-07-24 James Moger
Added missing GitblitWicketFilter to War and Express builds (issue-274)
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2013-07-24 James Moger
Automatically decode %7E in repository names to ~ (issue-278)
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2013-07-23 James Moger
Merge pull request #105 from rafaelcavazin/master
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2013-07-23 James Moger
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2013-07-23 James Moger
Added PAMUserService for local Linux/Unix/MacOSX account authentication
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2013-07-23 James Moger
Catch IOException which includes SocketException in DownloadZipServlet
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2013-07-22 James Moger
Update Gitblit reflog on branch delete from UI if Gitblit has an existing r...
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2013-07-22 James Moger
Added GET_USER request to RPC interface (issue-275)
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2013-07-22 James Moger
Ubuntu/Debian and CentOS/Fedora service tweaks per forum feedback
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2013-07-22 James Moger
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2013-07-22 James Moger
Fixed incorrecter tagger in dashboard pages (issue-276)
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2013-07-22 James Moger
Merge pull request #104 from rafaelcavazin/master
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2013-07-22 James Moger
Merge pull request #103 from ljader/fix-polish-locale-for-1.3.1
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2013-07-20 James Moger
Merge pull request #102 from Mrbytes/master
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2013-07-19 James Moger
Merge pull request #101 from svogt/fix-message-properties
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2013-07-19 James Moger
Fixed missing clone url on the empty repository page
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2013-07-19 James Moger
Implemented optional page caching
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2013-07-19 James Moger
Merge pull request #100 from ds5apn/master
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2013-07-19 James Moger
Merge pull request #99 from Mrbytes/master
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2013-07-19 James Moger
Merge pull request #98 from simonharrer/close-resources-correctly
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2013-07-17 James Moger
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2013-07-17 James Moger
Prepare Dutch resource for translation
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2013-07-17 James Moger
Fixed bug with adding new local users with external authentication
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2013-07-17 James Moger
Added unit test for reported issue (issue-271)
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2013-07-17 James Moger
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2013-07-17 James Moger
Ensure Keys class is included with all builds
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2013-07-17 James Moger
Merge pull request #94 from yin8086/Chinese
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2013-07-16 James Moger
Reset dashboard and activity commit cache on branch REWIND or DELETE
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2013-07-16 James Moger
Fix for IE10 compatibilty mode
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2013-07-15 James Moger
Fixed spacing of ref span in digest and reflog panels
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2013-07-15 James Moger
Fixed missing model classes in Gitblit Manager build
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2013-07-15 James Moger
Fixed url panel failure when there are no repository urls (issue 269)
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2013-07-14 James Moger
Fixed GoogleCode upload target until they turn off downloads :(
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2013-07-14 James Moger
Ignore .ps1 and .sh files in root directory
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2013-07-14 James Moger
Reset build identifiers for next development cycle
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2013-07-14 James Moger
Prepare 1.3.0 release
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2013-07-14 James Moger
Added release script template and build.xml adjustments
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2013-07-14 James Moger
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2013-07-13 James Moger
Fixed an incorrect candidate submodule name (issue-266)
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2013-07-13 James Moger
Adjust unit test to confirm null permission fix (issue-259)
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2013-07-13 James Moger
Setting a null permission now removes the permission from the user or team...
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2013-07-13 James Moger
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2013-07-13 James Moger
Show diff by default on compare page
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2013-07-13 James Moger
Fixed possible NPE in forks page if user account no longer exists
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2013-07-13 James Moger
Persist fork origin on first run after upgrade
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