name v0.5.2
object 85e8b6b09771ee07f2f28eb4d8b3d74a6232e7d3 commit
tagger James Moger <>
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 08:20 -0400
Gitblit 0.5.2

* fixed: active repositories with a HEAD that pointed to an empty
branch caused internal errors (issue-14)
* fixed: bare-cloned repositories were listed as (empty) and were not
clickable (issue-13)
* fixed: default port for Gitblit GO is now 8443 to be more linux/osx
friendly (issue-12)
* fixed: repositories can now be reliably deleted and renamed (issue-10)
* fixed: users can now change their passwords (issue-1)
* fixed: always show root repository group first, i.e. don't sort root
group with other groups
* fixed: tone-down repository group header color
* added: optionally display repository on-disk size on repositories
* added: forward-slashes ('/', %2F) can be encoded using a custom
character to workaround some servlet container default security
measures for proxy servers
* updated: MarkdownPapers 1.1.0
* updated: Jetty 7.4.3