James Moger
2015-10-05 92ae83de6b4f5401a1007bbb26e2f01168e9d6cb
2015-10-05 James Moger
Revert manual specification of ssh user auth factories
tree@ 92ae83 commitdiff
2015-09-30 william
send email subject utf-8 encoded
tree@ 2dfdd5 commitdiff
2015-09-30 william
redefine some traditional chinese translation after user's feedback since f...
tree@ c5f6e2 commitdiff
2015-09-28 James Moger
Fixes #922: RSS feed link ignores forward-slash character
tree@ c0d028 commitdiff
2015-09-18 James Moger
Merge pull request #908 from mrjoel/mrjoel-authrequestnotsession
tree@ 032235 commitdiff
2015-09-18 James Moger
Simplify RefModel dates
tree@ 4e9446 commitdiff
2015-09-18 James Moger
Use author date to be consistent with other tools (fixes #919)
tree@ a59232 commitdiff
2015-09-18 James Moger
Documentation (fixes #917)
tree@ 9bd0f2 commitdiff
2015-09-18 James Moger
Update to SSHD 1.0.0
tree@ d41034 commitdiff
2015-09-18 James Moger
Update to Pegdown 1.5.0
tree@ 269404 commitdiff
2015-09-18 James Moger
Revert "Merge pull request #915 from lucamilanesio/lucene-5.2.1"
tree@ 60110f commitdiff
2015-09-09 Luca Milanesio
Bump to Lucene 5.2.1
tree@ e618eb commitdiff
2015-08-10 James Moger
Merge pull request #296 from Enrico204/develop
tree@ 51aa4f commitdiff
2015-08-10 Enrico204
Added better logging for fail2ban
tree@ b7fcca commitdiff
2015-08-07 James Moger
Add traditional Chinese language choice
tree@ 25e1a6 commitdiff
2015-08-05 william
minor translation
tree@ b6c0e9 commitdiff
2015-08-05 william
trandition chinese translation it's for zh_TW(Taiwan)
tree@ bea36a commitdiff
2015-07-30 James Moger
Merge pull request #283 from mrjoel/mrjoel-fixuserfeedlink
tree@ f9f916 commitdiff
2015-06-26 Joel Johnson
prevent session fixation for external authentication
tree@ 62e025 commitdiff
2015-06-30 Joel Johnson
fix feed link from user's repository page
tree@ 71b07b commitdiff
2015-07-12 Plamen Totev
Fix tags not properly indexed in Lucene
tree@ d0bb38 commitdiff
2015-07-08 James Moger
Merge pull request #287 from mrjoel/mrjoel-sortprojectlist
tree@ 4dfbfd commitdiff
2015-07-04 James Moger
Merge pull request #284 from mrjoel/mrjoel-useshortrefs
tree@ fd651c commitdiff
2015-07-04 James Moger
Merge pull request #281 from mrjoel/mrjoel-ticketswithexternalurl
tree@ 7c4d07 commitdiff
2015-07-04 James Moger
Merge pull request #286 from mrjoel/mrjoel-projectlistcss
tree@ 81ab15 commitdiff
2015-07-02 Joel Johnson
provide spacing on the projects page listing
tree@ ee0b9f commitdiff
2015-07-02 Joel Johnson
sort projects displayed on projects page
tree@ 7fcfa3 commitdiff
2015-07-01 Joel Johnson
fix comment typo
tree@ d3e20b commitdiff
2015-06-29 Joel Johnson
allow advertising gitblit privileges for external URLs
tree@ 1590fd commitdiff
2015-07-01 Joel Johnson
prefer shortened refs for cleaner/shorter URLs
tree@ e4dd82 commitdiff
2015-06-30 James Moger
Merge pull request #282 from mrjoel/mrjoel-fixhttpurlperms
tree@ 124fd6 commitdiff
2015-06-30 James Moger
Merge pull request #277 from mrjoel/mrjoel-serverNPEfix
tree@ b5c733 commitdiff
2015-06-30 James Moger
Merge pull request #276 from mrjoel/mrjoel-typofixes
tree@ 009226 commitdiff
2015-06-30 Joel Johnson
fix permission capping for HTTP/HTTPS
tree@ 2db6b3 commitdiff
2015-06-26 Joel Johnson
use JEE 3.0 to allow cookie session tracking
tree@ 28980c commitdiff
2015-06-26 Joel Johnson
if failed to bind to port, don't use socket
tree@ 2f3618 commitdiff
2015-06-22 Joel Johnson
typo: instantiate log message
tree@ a3e480 commitdiff
2015-06-22 Joel Johnson
typo: site ticket documentation
tree@ 9804b4 commitdiff
2015-06-15 James Moger
Renamed ssh.Display(Host|Port) to ssh.Advertised(Host|Port)
tree@ b3aabb commitdiff
2015-06-04 Morten Bøgeskov
Added git.sshDisplay{Port|Host} to hide port forward.
tree@ 182312 commitdiff
2015-06-15 James Moger
Merged #258 "Create an avatar provider that defaults to Gravatar"
tree@ 35a925 commitdiff
2015-06-15 James Moger
Revised AvatarGenerator to be injectable
tree@ f790d5 commitdiff
2015-06-03 Fabrice Bacchella
First draft for a customized avatar image
tree@ b57b9e commitdiff
2015-06-15 James Moger
Merged #257 "Bump to JGit 4.0.0"
tree@ c0c5b2 commitdiff
2015-06-12 Joel Johnson
allow configuring of internal URLs offered
tree@ c20191 commitdiff
2015-06-12 Luca Milanesio
Bump to JGit 4.0.0
tree@ a1cee6 commitdiff
2015-05-27 James Moger
Merged #57 "My Tickets needs a repository filter"
tree@ f3b7e2 commitdiff
2015-05-27 James Moger
Merged #255 "Invalid kerberos patches, works now and with a test."
tree@ 0533ce commitdiff
2015-05-25 Fabrice Bacchella
Invalid kerberos patches, works now and with a test.
tree@ e97c01 commitdiff
2015-05-26 Fabrice Bacchella
Two slight improvement for custom UserService: - try userRealm as a file on...
tree@ 328692 commitdiff
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